Chapter 23

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*** 3 years after

"Bonsoir, Mademoisell!" Crisanto, the bar manager grinned at her as she made her way to the table where her friends gathered for a toast as their way of throwing party before her flight tomorrow on her way back to where her home is. She missed her family and everything she have left behind. 2 years had been good to her. She stayed at Scotland for 3 months and had a part time job while discovering the beauty of place it has to offered most especially the historical places she had the chance to wander and take glimpses of. After 3 months she moved to Ireland and drank the sight of tourist spots wandering alone but ofcourse eventually she had met other people along the way, some were just like her, travelling alone to find themselves and others were couples that she eventually became friends of. She have learned a lot from different stories they have shared and she feels free, happy and at peace travelling until she finally landed at Paris and decided to work at a fashion house where she got accepted as a marketing analyst and was somehow asked to be a model as well and she gladly accept for the sake of change despite her reluctance that she's not fit for that job but the fashion designer made it very clear that she have all the traits a model should posses. At first its just for fun to her and just a means of a change but she didn't expect that she will be that known and she was somehow surprised to see her featured I some of the fashion magazines and lead into billboards.

She nodded at Crisanto and patted him as she grinned back at him. They are the constant customer here so that explains why Crisanto knows us and even became our friend.

"There they are." Crisanto lead her to the group of her friends who's been busy laughing and bantering each other.

"Yannie! You're finally here!" Carolina shrieked when she sees her approaching that caused her other friends to whip their head to her.

She grinned back as they all embrace her. "Hey! Miss me that much?" I laugh at them.

"Oh, common Yannie. You're leaving us here. We will surely miss you!" Tiffany pouted as she linked her arms to mine.

"We'll I'm all yours for tonight! Let's bring the night on and have fun!!" I shouted as the music turned louder.

"Oh my goodness!you look hot tonight Yannie!" Zsazsa gushed. "Why don't we hit some guys here before you leave? You know, its great to leave some memories to make fun of." She winked as she sip her champagne.

I laugh at her. "You know I'm not good at that, Zsazsa!"

"That's why it would be good to do it now! Common! Let's have fun tonight."

"See that guy there over the bar stool? He's been looking at you since you arrived. And girl, he's hot!" Zsazsa nudged me discreetly.

I discreetly glance at the guy she's talking, well, he's attractive okay. But nothing as dangerously attractive as Nathan -- oh shit! Did I just think of him?? Hell! 3 years had passed and she never heard from him as she avoid any contacts from the people she left behind. Well, the guy has been featured in every magazine as the most sought billionaire bachelor and has been seen in every gatherings held for businessmen and hadn't been seen with any woman. He was tagged as a most sought elusive billionaire  which only heighten the interest of the media and all the women chasing after him. But to the dismay of all the ladies no one has ever caught the heart of the elusive billionaire.

"Yannie! Hey! You have zoned out there! Helloooo to earth!!!" Zsazsa shout at her either to make her come back to the earth or for her to hear her with the music so loud in the background.

I shook my head. Shit. This has to stop. Thinking about him. I shouldn't be thinking of him. I strode to the bar counter swaying my hips with sensuality and ordered a vodka pretending to be oblivious of the man sitting in the stool.

"Give me shot of vodka, please! I called the bartender with the smile lingering on my face.

I trump my fingers as I waited patiently for the vodka to be served. "Here it is mademoiselle." The bartender slid down the glass as he smiles at me with appreciation.

I gulped down the contents of the glass and was about to order another one when the guy beside me suddenly murmured near my ear.

"If I were your boyfriend I wouldn't ever allow you to wander here alone in this kind of place without me."

I rolled my eyes with the pathetic approach of the guy.

I swirled around to face him "Is this out of concern or are you fishing some thing if I'm taken?" I raised my brows to him as I lean in the counter.

The eyes that stared at him was full with amusement and desire as he gaze down at her face that is so closed to his.

"Well, an angel like you shouldn't be wandering in this place like this. And yes, I'm concern because this bar are full of blooded male who are like wolf ready to eat you at anytime they had the chance and someone like you are surely one of the possible target of those assholes and yes, I would want to know if you're not committed not that I cared if you're here looking for fun." He said staring down at her.

"Oh wow! I didn't know that someone who has a noble personality would be here flirting with me. Why, I should be thanking you you right now. I was landed here by your mercy." I smirked at him.

He laugh as he shook his head. "Would you mind if I take you for a dance mademoiselle?" He gestures his hand to her for a dance.

She accepted it with a giggle.

"I'm Darwin by the way." He said as he guided me to the middle of dance floor. "Yannie."' I answered to him and smiled. "Yannie..?" He ask hanging the next line for me to fill. Just "Yannie." I replied with a wink.

He groaned. "Alright, just Yannie. I think I would just have to enjoy what you can offer to me now."'he said chuckling as the glided their body to the floor. The songs turned into a wild music and it only made her night more wilder when the spirit of the alcohol made it's impact to her system.

"I'm sorry Darwin but I think I drank to much I feel so dizzy. I need to go back to our table. " I said as I stumble at him. He wrap his arms to her and guided her back to her friends.

"Darwin, please meet my friends, Zsazsa, Stiffany, Carolina, Braille and Noelle. Guys, this is Darwin." I introduced them as I slurred.

"Oh my, you're drunk, Yannie." Stiffany said with worry. "Okay guys we need to get home now.


How's the story been so far guys? Please bear my grammar guys ok. Will edit every chapter once I get the chance.

Enjoy reading!

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