Chapter 26

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*Silver Anniversary.

"Yannie, guest have already arrived downstairs and you're parents are looking for you. Aren't you yet ready?" Percy their house maid since she can remember and also like a mother to her entered her room frowning.

"Oh Percy I'll be down in a minute. Just give me some moment and I'll be done here." She said giving a one last touch of her make-up and peruse herself in her full length mirror.

"You really grown into a very beautiful young lady, sweetheart. I'm sure all the guys down there will fall in their knees right away when they see you descend the stairs." Percy praise her as she stared at her with satisfied smile in face.

Yannie burst out laughing by Percy's remarks. "Oh my G, Percy! You really are my loyal supporter. And yes, I love that statement. I wonder what would be my reaction when they literally fall on their knees at the mere sight of me." She said with a teasing smile.

Percy just shool her head smiling. "Still naughty, I see." She said with a laugh. "Com'on get movin there or your parents will pull up your ass down if you're not yet in there in a few minutes.

"Of course, Percy." She said as she take another one last glance at her self in the mirror.

She's wearing a long red back less gown that fitted every curve of her body with her hair braided upward with a few trindels left giving her a seductive look. She wears a red lipstick and and 4 inches stiletto.

She made her way to the base of the stair case, noting few of their relatives chatting happily downstairs. The celebration of her parents wedding anniversary were held in their garden, adorned by tables and chairs arranged creatively around with some of her mothers favourite flowers arranged beautifully and elegantly in every corner.

She starter to descend and as her heels hit the marbles of stairs, people downstairs turns their attention to her, surprised clearly written in their faces. Only few had known that she had finally arrived. She smiles at them as her parents smiles broaden more.

"Oh my! My beautiful niece! Why O never informed that you have arrived?!" My auntie Ellen exclaimed as she hugged me tightly. Soon greetings and hugs were followed as she laughs and thanked them for coming for her parents celebration.

She was basked away for a few minutes by their guests and her parents introduces her to some few friends of them she just met at the moment.

"Yannie, darling, do you have someone special already? You know, if I only knew you'll be here, I'll drag my son here. He'll surely like you! Mrs. Morris exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"Oh, Mrs. Morris, that's a shame, I wasn't able to meet him. But we'll never know we might bump each other one of these days right?" She replied wittily.

Before Mrs. Morris could reply her father interrupted them. "May I borrow my princess for a moment, Mildred for a dance?" My dad smiled at Mrs. Morris and guided me to the center where serves as a ballroom.

Her dad twirl her around where he earn a giggle from her. "I remember when you were still that small girl, you loved it every time I dance with you and you loved it even more when I twirl you around, my princess." Her dad smiles down at her as they sway.

"You're such a sweet, adorable yet naughty for such a young girl, sweetie. I and you're mother love you so much. You're the greatest gift we've ever received from God."

"Oh, dad. I don't want to cry here and ruin my make up. Can we spare this teary conversation for this occasion?" She teases her dad as she blinked her eues multiple times to avoid her tears from falling.

Her dad merely laughs as he shook his head. "Darling, even if you cry, you will always look so beautiful. Although, I'd rather love to see you laughing than crying." He said with a laugh.

"Dad, you're being dramatic now. You know that?" She said grinning.

Her dad just laugh. "Seriously, sweetie. Thank you for coming back home. Thank you for coming back to us." He said seriously.

"This is my home. I will always come back, dad. And I love you and mom so much I can't bear to be that far from you guys for that long."

Her dad smiled down at her when suddenly someone tap his shoulder. They looked up to find a gentleman from where she was introduced earlier as son of one of her parents friends.

"Marco!" Her dad grinned.

"May I have this dance with your beautiful daughter, Sir?" Marco asked as he smiles at her.

"Of course you may, gentleman." My dad handed me to Marco as he retreated and went towards their guests.

Marco guided het to dance as he stared down at Yannie.

"I've been thinking why in all those years that our parents have been friends I didn't have the chance to meet you, Yannie and least I didn't even know they have been hiding a beautiful lady in their home." Marco stared at her intently with a slight humor in his tone.

"What should I do? They want me locked up to shield me out from being the victims of players lurking around." I replied teasing.

And just like that he bark up laughing.

"Oh, I didn't know I'd enjoy coming here. I should thank my parents for hauling me up here." He said still laughing when the music ended prompting them to go back to their seats. Arms still hooked at Marco's when they left the dance floor, she excused herself and went straight to find the bathroom to freshen up.


Hi Vhijhe! Thank you for voting this book and giving this a chance despite the slow updates. 😊 Please know that I greatly appreciate your vote and it made me smile. Again, thank you and looking forward for more votes from you. Lol. 😊

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