Kirishima Eijirou-Woodworking

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Kirishima walked into the garage to see (f/n) putting some cherry finish on her latest project. Her tongue was sticking out in concentration; careful to make sure that there were no drops of finish rolling down the side of the chest that she was almost done making.

Kirishima was so proud of (f/n). He thought it was the coolest thing that his partner could build such beautiful pieces. Most times he would just pull up a chair watch her hands work,loving to see the sun shine on her (h/c) hair and the glint of love in her eyes. Other times he would offer to help, even though it wasn't his forte or his favorite thing in the world, (f/n) was, and if she loved woodworking, Kirishima would do his best to learn about it.

Hands in pockets, he leaned against the car in the garage, taking in the soft sounds of your playlist and let out a sigh of content. "Oh hey, didn't see you there," (f/n) said warmly looking up from her work. He grinned a lop-sided smile and asked,"You need any help?"
"Actually yeah, could you grab me one of the cleaning toothbrushes? I have to get the grooves of this and using my hands isn't working," she explained.
"Really?" Kirishima teased, playfulness shining in his eyes,"even with how small they are?" (F/n) just replied by sticking out her tongue like a child as her boyfriend goes inside to grab a toothbrush.

"Oh wait! Two more things please!" (F/n) yelled to gain Kirishima's attention. He pivoted and walked back to where he left her and raised his eyebrow,"Yes?"
(F/n) stood up on her tiptoes to give Kirishima a quick peck on the lips. "That was the first thing."
"And what's number two?" Kirishima asked.
"Can you itch my nose?" (F/n) asked, holding up her hands,"my gloves have a bunch of finish on them and I don't want it on my face." Kirishima chuckled,"Sure, anything for you (f/n)."

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