Bakugou Katsuki-Thunderstorm

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     One of (f/n)'s favorite things was when a storm was brewing in the middle of the day and the sky got dark at a time when it wasn't supposed to be dark. It made her want to curl up with her boyfriend under a warm blanket have one of those nights that you only see on a TV commercial. She want to hum in content while she started to fall asleep on the couch, with Bakugou's wrapped tightly around her, listening to the soothing sound of the rain pitter-pattering against their windows.

Unfortunately, that wasn't how things worked during thunderstorms in the (l/n)/Bakugou residence. The couple had a dog that was terrified of thunderstorms, the poor thing would start shaking, panting, and it hurt the two to see him this way.

     Currently, (f/n) was sprawled on the couch but Bakugou was in the chair across from her. A flash of lightning spread across the sky, accompanied by a low rumble in the distance. As soon as she saw their dog's ears perk up and acknowledge the thunder, she knew it was going to be a long night. "Shit,"Bakugou muttered under his breath, clearly seeing the same thing, but it's okay, it would be fine, maybe their dog got over his fear since the last storm.

     Nope. Ralph, Bakugou and (f/n)'s dog, stood up from the floor and got all in Bakugou's face, trying to climb up on a chair that definitely couldn't fit both Bakugou and him at that same time, panting heavily and getting some drool on the blonde in the process of being scared. Another flash of lightning brightened the sky for a moment and Bakugou rubbed his dog's ears, hoping that the comfort of that would tune out the thunder that always followed close by. It turned out, this was not one of those times.

     Ralph quickly left Bakugou and clambered up onto the couch to try and get some better comfort from (f/n). He flung pillows off, by hooking them with his paws and attempted to get as close to her as possible. Eventually leading to Ralph sitting on top of (f/n), his paws digging uncomfortably into her stomach. She tried her best to comfort him, tried telling him it was okay, that there was nothing to be afraid of, but when she talked directly to Ralph, he would just shake more, breaking her heart.

     The problem with Ralph, although both Bakugou and (f/n) loved him dearly, was that he was a very big dog. Like one-hundred pounds big. So when he fell asleep or got scared, he was pretty unmovable. So (f/n) was going to be trapped under her dog for a while.

     (F/n) heard her boyfriend snort with laughter. Bakugou got up to move closer to the two and sat on the floor, grabbing a blanket for himself and Ralph in the process. (They found out that wrapping a blanket around him helped with his dog stress sometimes.) After laying the blanket on top of Ralph, Bakugou down sat on the ground by (f/n)'s head. "It's a good thing you have me to keep you company (f/n), 'cause it looks like you're not moving for a while." He smirked leaning back so he could look at (f/n) while he teased her.
     "Oooh yeah...actually... I have all the company I need right here,"she retorted back, ruffling Ralph's fur.
"Ass," Bakugou tsked, turning away from her so he could face the TV.

(F/n) listened to the rain. It certainly wasn't pitter-pattering against the window now. It was more of a pelting at this point. A moment later, there was an extremely loud clap of thunder; the kind where the house would shake a little and seemed close enough where it caused a decent amount of concern for your own well-being. Not only did it cause Ralph to start panting even harder and attempt to somehow get closer to (f/n) if that was possible, it also made (f/n) jump a bit. She started petting Ralph with one hand,trying to soothe him, while using the other to play with Bakugou's fluffy hair, admitting to Bakugou that she wasn't going to move any time soon. "If that's the case, you wanna watch a movie?" Bakugou asked.
     "Hell yeah,"(f/n) said enthusiastically.

     About half way through the movie, Bakugou noticed (f/n) had stopped quietly trying to shush Ralph when he whimpered when the thunder boomed. He also noticed that she had stopped absentmindedly playing with his hair. He glanced back at (f/n) to see her and Ralph, in all their glory, sleeping. Her hair was in her face and there were the tiniest of snores coming from (f/n). Bakugou completely turned around to face his sleeping girlfriend. "Fucking shithead, falling asleep in the middle of a movie," he spoke to himself,"makin' me fall for you, what an ass."

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