Bakugou Katsuki- Nightmare

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    Requested by AliceBlaze, I kind of took what you wanted and ran with it, I hope you like it!

Warning: Cursing Ahead and Scary things implied.

Running. Legs were burning. Adrenaline pumping through her veins, making muscles push even harder. She looked back, to see nothing. All the sudden she fell to the ground. As she looked back up she saw it. She wasn't really sure what it was, but it was terrifying. The thing made a move at her and (f/n) screamed.

     (F/n) woke up in a cold sweat. Panting, she sat up, forgetting for a split second where she was. The thought of being alone was one the girl couldn't handle. She needed someone to be with her. Not even bothering to put on shoes, (f/n) set off to her destination. Her best friend's dorm.
     Bakugou woke up to light taps on his door. He muttered a curse as he tripped on the chair by his desk and opened his door.

"(F/n)?"Bakugou questioned, trying to rub he sleep or of his eyes. Her hair was messy, she were wearing a big, old sweatshirt that Bakugou was pretty sure was his, with some pajama pants and slippers and she looked absolutely exhausted.

Taking big steps towards Bakugou, (f/n) buried her face in his chest. "Shit (f/n), what happened?" He asked in a concerned voice. (He was also thankful that it was dark inside because he tips of his ears were starting to burn up). In response, she just shrugged, not wanting to talk about it.

The fire boy Bakugou Katsuki had a teeny, tiny crush on (f/n). The two met in middle school and originally hated each other at first. Both students of were polar opposites. Bakugou was hot-headed, (f/n) was calm. He was a little on the ruder side and were very polite, etc.,etc. But (f/n) was the one who calmed him down and Bakugou taught her it's okay to get mad and blow off some steam. She was the one who made him apologize when he said something that was rude. They made each other better people.

Bakugou and (f/n) were still standing in his doorway. He was holding friend tight in his arms and she looked up at him. "Can I stay with you tonight?" (F/n) asked.
"Shit, of course, you can (f/n)," Bakugou said in a surprisingly soothing voice. (F/n) hugged him tighter as a thank you and let go so she could move to his bed.

     As (f/n) climbed under Bakugou's covers, she immediately got cozy. It was so comforting to be so close to him. She took in his scent and Bakugou chuckled to himself, she just looked too cute. "Katsuki...." (F/n) drew out his name and extended her arms out, signaling for him to climb into the bed with her. He let out an "annoyed" sigh and moved to be under the covers too.
Darkness, darkness, darkness. That's all that could seen for miles. (F/n) could sense there were other objects around her, but they were just far enough and it was just dark enough where she couldn't see them. A flash of light exposed large bags hanging from trees. She knew what these were.

Bakugou was stirred awake by (f/n) crying in her sleep. He reached out and gently shook her back to the real world. When (f/n) bolted up and saw Balugou she dove into his arms.

Bakugou shushed and soothed his friend. Stroking (f/n)'s soft hair, letting her know she was safe, while holding her close. "You wanna talk about it?" Bakugou asked, with a tinge of worry in his voice. All she did was shake her head. He spoke a hushed "okay" and gave (f/n) a kiss on the forehead.

     Realizing what he did, both (f/n)'s and Bakugou's face flared up a bright red color. It's a normal thing in some friend groups to kiss each other on the cheek or forehead, but Bakugou always thought that kisses should remain in between family members and romantic relationships.

Letting out a sigh, Bakugou knew he had to come clean. "I-I like you (f/n)," he said pinching his nose,"like as more than a friend."
"I like you too Bakugou Katsuki," she replied, snuggling into his side even more.

This time when he leaned in for a kiss, (f/n)'s lips met his. Her hands ran through his soft, fluffy hair; his hands moving to cup your cheeks. When two pulled away from each other, they covered themselves more with Katsuki's blankets and fell back asleep.


(F/n) woke up that morning to the smell of bacon and pancakes. With a sigh, she got up out of bed and walked to where Bakugou was. She went up behind him and gave him a hug. "Thank you," she said. Bakugou turned around and gave (f/n) a peck on the forehead. "Not a damn problem."

When I started writing this I had no idea what I was doing. But I ended up liking it. If I could give you a definitive answer on who's next I would, but I don't. So, I guess it'll just be a surprise.

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