Kaminari Denki- Voice

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Requested by AnimeLord7569
      For all your life you lived in darkness. Contrary to popular belief, you could get around easily. It was kinda of like Toph from the Last Airbender, the bottom of your feet were tough and calloused, and you could almost "sense" people, objects, buildings, you name it. People mistook you as a helpless girl, but that wasn't the case- you had gotten into U.A. for God's sake. But alas, people just couldn't think of you the way you wanted them to. Except for Kaminari Denki.

      The two of you were almost inseparable. Ever since you were little, you would hang out together. He really helped you get around easily in the beginning and he gave you confidence to embrace your disability. Some of your fondest memories were when you two were younger and Denki would read books to you when you were scared or stressed.  When you were young, it was anything Dr. Seuss, as you grew it formed into Magic Tree House and Harry Potter and sometimes even comic books. Your head would rest on his shoulder and you would close your eyes, focusing on the his presence. His steady voice, changing when he did voices of the characters, the rhythm of his breathes, the homey scent of him.

     Even though you couldn't see Denki, you could still "see" him. You could see his smile when you heard his voice, light and playful. You could see his red, puffy eyes when you felt his tears, warm and wet against your shirt. You could see his anger when his voice became dry and strong, when you heard him huff from indignation. His voice was one of your favorite things in the world. You loved it. No, you loved him.

Not that it mattered, you were a blind girl, who hardly even knew what she looked like. Why would Kaminari fall for someone like you when there were plenty of other people who, as far as you knew, were significantly more attractive than you?
      You were waiting outside of  Denki's dorm building so the two of you could spar each other to practice for the festival. The air was cool with a small breeze blowing your (h/c) hair. You welcomed the sun's warmth on your skin. It was odd, even though the sports festival was just around the corner and you felt calm, atpeace. Today you were gonna give it your all in the sparring session, but time seemed to be ticking away. Tapping your foot you began to count seconds, which turned into minutes, one, two, three. Minutes came and went and you decided to walk to Denki's room to see what the hold up was.

     Confidently, you walked into the cool building. The A/C seemed colder than normal, but you thought nothing of it and began going up the stairs to the Denki's room. You ran your fingertips against the wall counting the amount of doors you hit until you reached the correct number and knocked on Kaminari's door.

      There was the noise of shuffling inside and then you heard the entrance of the room open. "Hey, is everything okay?" You asked,"I was waiting outside for a while."
     "Yeah...I've just been stressed out." Kaminari admitted as he sighed with defeat.
     "Oh no, is there anything I can do?" You pressed your hand on the doorframe.
     Kaminari shrugged at first, and then realized you obviously couldn't see that, and said,"Can you come in?"
     You looked in his general direction and gave him a sympathetic smile and said,"Of course."

Denki carefully took your hand, guiding you to sit down on his bed, telling you the appropriate time to step over something you could trip over. It was harder for you to "sense" when you weren't on actual ground. Once you got settled, you patted a spot next to you on the bed and said in a soothing voice,"Come here, tell me what's wrong." You felt the bed sink down a little further. Kaminari let out a shaky breath,"What if I can't do it?"
You gave him a puzzled look,"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what if I'm not good enough for the hero agencies at the sports festival? What if they think my limits are well... Too limited? What if no one chooses me for a internship? What if-"
You reached for both of Kaminari's hands and told him sternly,"Look at me Kaminari Denki, you will do great, fantastic even. I believe in you, and even if you don't do as well as you want to, use that to push yourself even more. You'll show those agencies what you're made of. I know it."
Suddenly, you felt arms pull you close and wetness on your shoulder. Not much needed to be said, the two of you sat there in silence accompanied by sniffles coming from your friend. You rubbed Kaminari's back in an attempt to soothe him when you came up with an idea.

"I am Sam, Sam I am." You began to speak in a quiet voice. You felt Denki's head lift off your shoulder and you heard him giggle, taking that as a positive signal, you continued, smiling yourself. "That Sam-I-Am! That Sam-I-Am! I do not like that Sam-I-Am!"
"Do you like green eggs and ham?" Kaminari said, his voice more steady.
"I do not like them Sam-I-Am. I do not like green eggs and ham." It went on like this for a while, but instead of your head on Denki's shoulder it was the other way around. "Hey (f/n), can I try something?" Kaminari asked. You nodded your head, jumping a minuscule amount when you hands on both of your cheeks. Kaminari's breath got closer, until finally, his lips meet yours gently. It took a moment to get over your initial shock, but you soon ran your hands through his hair. Taking a break for air, foreheads touching, Kaminari said those words you've been wanting to hear for a while,"I love you."
"I love you too."
Hope you all enjoyed! This one was certainly a challenge but I'm glad I did it. The quarter is almost over thank god but I think I did pretty well. More updates soon.

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