Todoroki Shouto- I'll Take Care of You

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This was requested by AliceBlaze. I hope it was good enough! I'm not used to writing shy characters.... But like seriously, Shouto would be the most doting boyfriend ever.


     "Ughhhhh," (f/n) groaned, turning over in bed. She had been sick for the past weekend and missed school today. Whether it was coughing, sneezing or throwing up, she felt utterly horrible.

     As (f/n) was wallowing in her own self pity, she heard the doorbell ring. She wasn't expecting anyone, not even her boyfriend Shouto. He was already pretty doting, but when (f/n) got sick he gave her so much attention and she got all flustered. She were already shy enough.

    Wrapping a blanket around her shoulders, (f/n) shuffled to answer the door, poking her head around the doorframe. There she saw, her pretty boyfriend standing outside with some flowers and snacks. "I didn't see you at school and you kept saying no to dates, so I thought something was wrong." Todoroki explained with his eyes glued to the ground. (F/n)'s face flushed and took a step back. "Come in," she spoke quietly.

Todoroki walked into (f/n)'s home and set his items down, surveying the room and noticing a large stack of tissues on one of the end tables. (F/n) noticed this, tip-toed over to him and buried her head in his chest. "(F/n),"he spoke calmly, petting her hair while doing so,"If you don't want me here let me know." This caused (f/n) to grip his shirt and mutter a "stay" into him. Todoroki gently grabbed (f/n)'s chin and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead,"Okay."

     Todoroki insisted on his girlfriend going back to bed while he made some tea for both of them. Humming a quiet tune to himself, he placed some honey into (f/n)'s cup to help soothe her throat and moved to bring both mugs upstairs.

As he turned the corner to (f/n)'s room, she rushed past him to the bathroom so she could throw up. Todoroki got to the nearest table to place the mugs of tea down and quickly went to where she was hunched over the toilet and held her hair back.

(F/n) started crying. Todoroki froze worried that he did something wrong and then he heard her say,"I just don't want you to see me like this."
"Hey, hey, hey," Todoroki soothed, stroking (f/n)'s hair,"it's gonna be okay, I love you no matter what and I'll take care of you. I don't care if your at you worst or at your best. Nothing's gonna change how I feel about you." She blushed and gave him a tight hug. "I love you too,"she said quietly.
"Come on, let's get ya cleaned up."

     Todoroki helped (f/n) off the ground and started running a bath. She gave him a quizzical look and realized it was for herself. "When you're almost done let me know," Todoroki explained. (F/n) sniffled and nodded her head, waiting for him to get out of the bathroom so she could undress.

     "Shouto! I'm done!" (F/n) shouted as loud as her hoarse voice allowed her to. At the sound of his girlfriend's voice, Todoroki brought her her towel. He opened the bathroom door and covered his eyes with one hand and held out the towel with the other. As (f/n) wrapped it around herself, she let out a hum of satisfaction. "Oh my goodness it's so warm," she sighed dreamily.
     "I put your towel in the dryer while you were taking your bath," Todoroki shrugged nonchalantly. Upon hearing this (f/n) let out a quiet gasp and blushed. "You're so sweet," she whispered, it was hard for her to give out direct compliments as they just served to make her embarrassed; so it meant a lot when she said things like that. Todoroki gave a small grin and walked out with his hands still over his eyes.

     Near the end of the day, Todoroki went out to pick up some dinner for the two of them. When he returned he saw (f/n) sound asleep, tired from all the coughing and being sick. He shuffled over to where she was laying and lightly shook her awake. As she stirred, (f/n) gave Todoroki a sleepy, lop-sided grin. "Thank you for everything," she mumbled trying to burrow herself back into her blanket cocoon. Todoroki leaned down to peck (f/n) on the forehead before sitting next to her, placing her feet on his lap. Maybe dinner could wait a little while longer...


That's it! Thank you for reading! I don't really know who I'm gonna do next but I have another request in the works so that might be it.

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