Shinsou Hitoshi-Late Night Cereal Adventures

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Shinsou hadn't slept in a while and (f/n) was determined to get him to sleep tonight. Right now, the two were watching Netflix, (f/n)'s boyfriend's head in her lap as she absentmindedly played with his thick, soft hair. Shinsou's cat quietly mewed and hopped up on his lap which made (f/n) happy; anything to potentially get him sleepy gave her hope.

     It was almost one in the morning. (F/n) searched Shinsou's face for any tiredness that wasn't already there. After his cat left his lap she heard him say,"(f/n) I'm hungry." She hummed in agreement. Even though the two had a later dinner, she could use a snack. "I could go for some pizza," (f/n) says. Shinsou gives her a sympathetic smile,"(f/n), it's 1:15, no pizza place is gonna be open." She pouted her lip, thinking of what's in the house that could be eaten. "How about some cereal?" (F/n) inquired. Shinsou contemplated the idea for a moment, and soon nodded his head.

The two stood up and shuffled towards the kitchen. "I'll get the bowls," Shinsou mumbled. (F/n) let out a quiet "k" and moved to reach the cereal and get the milk. As she put the ingredients on the counter, she felt arms wrap around her waist. Shinsou buried his head in (f/n)'s neck, placing a sweet kiss on her shoulder and whispered,"Thanks for staying up with me (f/n)." In response, you turn around and peck him on the lips saying,"It's no problem at all."

Shinsou and (f/n) sat on the counter; his legs dangled off the edge, her's were criss-cross applesauce. The two bantered until it was about 2:00. He gave his girlfriend a lop-sided smile which was lazily returned. "Are you tired yet?" She asked. Shinsou knew that if he wasn't honest (f/n) would scold him about lying when she woke up alone in bed and found him awake. He shook his head. "How about some Bob Ross?" (F/n) suggested, a goofy grin that normally comes out when she was tired spread across her face.
"Yeah,"Shinsou said. "That'd be nice." With that, (f/n) poured some more cereal for herself, and decided to switch things up this time and have Blueberry Mini-Wheats.

Carefully, not wanting to spill any milk, (f/n) made her way back over to Shinsou's couch where she found him lounging, arm draped over the back, legs stretched out. When he saw her hovering over him, he outstretched his arms, and wrapped (f/n) up in them. "Honesty, I don't know how he does it babe," she spoke in awe at Bob Ross's artistic skills.
"I really like the way he paints his mountains," Shinsou commented.
"I like it when he paints his 'happy, little trees' and 'beats the devil' out of his brushes," (f/n) giggle, imitating Bob Ross's inflections. She felt Shinsou chuckle against her back and continued eating her Mini Wheats entranced by the painter's shading and use of Titanium White.

After watching a several episodes, (f/n) had long since finished her Mini Wheats and nuzzled further into Shinsou's chest, taking in his soothing smell. The girl giggled,"Hey Hitoshi, do you ever think..." She pouted with her nose scrunched and her brows furrowed in thought.
"Think what (f/n)?" He asked smiling to himself at how cute his love looked, but also a little frustrated at how late she stayed up for him. It was 3:32 and it was obvious how exhausted she was. "I-I don't know... I completely forgot what I was going to say." (F/n) mumbled.
Shinsou pecked her forehead,"It's okay (f/n) if you remember you can tell me later," he soothed. "You wanna go to bed?" He asked.
"Yeah I guess," she said looking up in his tired eyes," but can you give me a second?" (F/n) asked batting her eyelashes unnecessarily.
"Of course."

Slowly, (f/n) got up and trudged back towards the kitchen, picking a blanket up and wrapping it around herself in a way that formed somewhat of a babushka. (F/n) opened the fridge and squinted from the light. As she tiredly surveyed the contents, her eyes settled on some cheese and some milk. Looking around, making sure Shinsou wasn't near, (f/n) opened the bag and started nibbling on the cheese that was meant more for sandwiches than snacking. She leaned against the counter and finished the cheese and opened a cupboard that contained some glassware. Standing on her tiptoes, (f/n) reached up to grab a cup to pour some milk in and stared at the bag of cheese, opting to have one more slice. "(F/n)? What are you doing?" Shinsou asked smiling to himself with full knowledge of what was happening.
"Oh ya, know, just eatin' some cheese," she shrugged nonchalantly.
"Well, when you're done lets get to bed," Shinsou told you.
(F/n) nodded and gave him a sleepy smile before placing her empty glass in the kitchen sink for it to be washed tomorrow.

Shinsou herded his exhausted girlfriend towards the steps to make their way upstairs. They both did their respective before bed routine. After (f/n) finished brushing her teeth, she threw on one of Shinsou's shirts and some shorts. She walked over to Shinsou's bed where he was waiting and he lifted up the covers for her to climb in. He wrapped his arms around (f/n) as she rest her head on his chest. Shinsou gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and whispered, "I love you (f/n)
"I love you too Hitoshi," she mumbled. Within minutes (f/n) drifted to sleep and was letting out barely audible snores. Shinsou laid like this for a while and drew her closer to him. Finally he felt himself get drowsy and allowed (f/n)'s warmth to seep into him. About 15 minutes after she fell deep into sleep, Shinsou's cat joined the two on the bed and Shinsou soon followed suit.
Hey! I read the original one of this and I was like "wow that was awful!" And I really needed to fix it.... Don't worry I'm working on requests. :)

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