Midoriya Izuku- Baking

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(F/n) was laying on the couch wrapped in Midoriya's arms, when she was hit with the sudden the urge to bake something. It didn't matter whether it was cookies, cake, or brownies, she just really wanted to make something. Maybe it was because she simply wanted to eat the batter or dough, or maybe she just actually wanted to eat the finished product. Either way when she moved to get out out of Midoriya's arms her barely awake boyfriend grabbed her wrist. "(F/n) don't leave meee," he mumbled as he moved to his arms to hug her thighs. "You're so warm..."he trailed off, now pressing his cheek against her leg. (F/n) looked down at her boyfriend with loving eyes and smiled,"You know what else is warm?"she asked reaching down to pet his hair. Midoriya shrugged. "Cookies." Defeated by this outstanding reasoning, Midoriya let go of (f/n) and mumbled,"I'll help out in a couple minutes." She chuckled and stepped towards the kitchen to dig out a recipe.

     "Whatcha doing?" Midoriya yawned placing his chin in his girlfriend's shoulder as his arms wrapping around her waist.
     "Trying to find a recipe," (f/n) stated.
     "Chocolate chip. Obviously."
     She turned around so she could see Midoriya's cute freckled face. "What would I do without you?" She teased, grinning.  Midoriya leaned down to kiss her on the forehead,"Probably be less decisive."
(F/n) hummed. "Why don't you get the eggs other wet ingredients and I'll get the dry ingredients," she suggested playing with hem of Izuku's t-shirt. He smiled a lop-sided grin and nodded.

(F/n) soon realized her mistake of saying that she would get the dry ingredients soon after. She's  short, the flour and sugar are in one of the top cupboards; not a good combo. Either way, her short person pride refused to give in to this obstacle and she started to climb on the counter to get her prize.

Right as she grabbed the items needed, she slipped on the smooth surface of the counter and started to fall. "(F/n)!" Midoriya yelled catching her in his strong, scarred arms. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" Midoriya fretted, holding onto her, checking her body for any cuts or bruises. (F/n) nodded. Her heart beating a little faster than normal. "Why didn't you just ask for help?"
"Cause I'm stubborn and I thought I could do it myself," she replied shrugging your shoulders. "But I'm fine now," (f/n) insisted to Midoriya, holding his shoulders,"so let's make our cookies."

The dough was finished, but nothing was being baked at the moment. Someone (definitely not you) forgot to preheat the oven so now (f/n) and Midoriya had to wait. Unfortunately, that meant more cookie dough was sitting on the counter in its silver bowl. It was like that chocolate chip cookie dough was staring right into (f/n) soul, begging to be eaten. Looking around so poked a finger in the bowl and licked the dough off her finger. Closing her eyes, (f/n) drifted off into a world similar to Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. It was like that scene when the children are frolicking over hills of ice cream, except for (f/n), the hills were cookie dough. "Hey the oven's almost rea-"Midoriya  stopped himself when he saw (f/n)  caught red-handed with her finger in her mouth. He started laughing, causing her face to blush. "H-hey!" She stuttered. Realizing there was only one way to shut her boyfriend up, she stuck her other finger in the bowl and stuck it in his mouth. Midoriya melted,"Oh my god that's so tasty."

Needless to say, after baking some of the cookie dough, the two "accidentally" didn't use all of it. There definitely could've been another batch made. Instead, the two of decided to risk the chance of getting sick instead.

Finally, the cookies were done. The delicate smell of chocolate and vanilla drifted through the air, making it seem like a sweet dream someone would have around Christmas time. (F/n) was reaching to snag a cookie when, Midoriya was faster and stole the one she was going for. Letting out a little huff, she picked another; not as perfect looking but it would have to do. Midoriya poured two tall glasses of milk while (f/n) set up a movie to watch under the blankets. Eating in a comfortable silence, she snuggled up to his side and sat there for the rest of the day.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! Sorry this one was shorter, I'll make it up at some point. Please send me more requests! I love writing them!

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