Bakugou Katsuki- Beach

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A cool breeze blew against (f/n)'s back as she rummaged through the backseat of her car, looking for the blue beach towel with purple dots and another crappy white one with dulled pink and yellow stripes from the years of use. Meanwhile Bakugou grabbed the cooler filled with fresh fruits and waters from the trunk resting it against his hip while he waited for (f/n) to finish what she was doing. Finally, she gathered all the items she wanted, placing the towels under her arm and gave a soft smile at the man in front of her. "Come on, let's go," she said.

     The beach was dark and empty as the two walked side by side, close, knuckles brushing against each other, but fingers not intertwining. They weren't dating yet, but neither had felt this strong of a connection with anyone else before. Damp sand clung to the bottoms of (f/n)'s feet as she walked along the shoreline. Every now and then a rush of cool water would splash over the arches of her feet and she would be overcome by a refreshed feeling, looking down and watching the ocean foam retreat back to its home. (F/n) kept up this ritual until she saw a sea star on edge of the sand. "Hold on Katsuki," she said. He stopped and admired her curves, watching as she bent down to throw the starfish back into the ocean. "Okay I'm ready."

Soon afterward Bakugou was the one who stopped walking, spotting a good area to sit down. "Is this good?" Bakugou asked. (F/n) smiled tucking a strand of hair set loose by the gentle sea breeze behind her ear. "Yeah it's perfect." Bakugou placed the cooler on the sand and took the cheap, dollar store towels from (f/n), rolling them out so the two could sit next to each other, feeling the warmth between them and in their hearts grow as the sticky, humid air grew cooler. As they sat together, (f/n) played with the sand, letting it slip through her fingers as she looked up at the stars hidden behind the clouds. The only sound that could be heard was the ambient noise of the waves, gently kissing the beach before they left, but always coming back as if to remind the land how much it was loved.

As a storm started to brew over the black sea, every now and then brief flashes of lighting would light up the sky, giving the future lovers glimpses of each other from the purply light. (F/n)'s hair moved with the salty breeze and she smiled; a simple grin with no other intentions behind it, just pure happiness. She didn't even realize she did it and neither did he, but as Bakugou looked at (f/n) all he felt were uncharacteristic butterflies. He let out a deep breath and looked back out at the dark sea.

They didn't want to break the silence between them. There was a sacred air on the beach that night. Instead their bodies did most of the talking. He moved his hand closer to her's. She moved her body closer to his until eventually (f/n) rest her head on Bakugou's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her waist protectively. It felt so right. It felt like second nature. There was nothing that could go wrong in this moment. Another strike of lightning flashed in the distance and scared the girl. She tensed up, and Bakugou rubbed her hip with his thumb.

     (F/n) didn't believe in soulmates and she knew Bakugou didn't either, but the more time she spent with him, the more she considered the possibility that maybe there was a hint of fate intermingled with their relationship. Never before had she met someone who made her feel so secure and so important it was a little scary to fall so hard for someone, nothing ever made so much sense. Sure, it was a little scary, but then again wasn't that always the case with love? So when she whispered his name and looked up at him, she knew that she wasn't taking a chance when she leaned in and kissed him. There was no hesitation in Bakugou's movements. He knew just as well as she did that he loved her. "Katsuki," she whispered looking into his eyes. He gazed back at her with an intense look; not his normal one, but a softer one with emotions out in the open. "Shut up, you don't have to say anything," Bakugou muttered.
"Well alright then, I love you too," (f/n) said through a grin, going back to rest her
Bakugou's ears burned as he kissed the top of her head, before turning his attention back to the water, enjoying the silence.
Hey guys it's been a minute hasn't it? To those of you who have requested things don't worry, they're being worked on! Now that it's almost summer I'll have a lot more free time to work on things. Hope you all enjoyed.

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