Kaminari Denki- Amusement Park

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Requested by Kiiyumi-chan
You weren't fond of amusement parks. The heights of the rollercoasters scared you, the crowds gave you weird vibes, and you hated the lines. But, when Kaminari came up to you asked if you wanted to come with him to the amusement park, it was hard to say no. So, the two of you set the time and day- Saturday at 4:00- and parted ways, both eagerly awaiting the weekend to come.

Kaminari arrived at your dorm promptly at 4:00 to pick you up. He didn't want to waste a minute that he could potentially be spending with you. You heard a rap on your door and yelled a "just a second" before quickly answering it and invited Kaminari inside for a moment. "Sorry I need to get my shoes on and then I'll be good to go," you apologized.
"No worries," Kaminari shrugged," I guess you'll have to make it up to me though by spending an extra 40 seconds with me though," he teased with a glint in his yellow eyes.
"Deal," you extended your hand.
"Deal," Kaminari accepted and shook your hand, electricity sparking between each other, but not from his quirk.

With that, both of you set off to the amusement park. You entered the line to gain entrance to the park and talked about everything and anything. Eventually when both of you got up to the gate, you quickly paid with no trouble and walked inside the amusement park. Seeing all the high rollercoasters and hearing all the screams (from terror and pleasure) made you only a little, teeny-tiny bit anxious. But you looked at Kaminari's smile and the fear ebbed away, for the time being.

Kaminari and you played rock-paper-scissors to see who got to pick the first thing you both did. Unfortunately, Kaminari won. Tapping his foot in thought as he looked around the park, his eyes lit up as he located the first rollercoaster you two would ride. It didn't seem like that bad of a coaster and you hopped in the long line with Kaminari. You chatted about new bands that you discovered and you complimented him on how much his quirk had improved. As you were doing this, Kaminari was short circuiting inside as his stomach did flips over the praise.

     The line slowly ebbed along until, finally you and Kaminari got to the front and were able to board the ride. The sound of belts clicking and the bars to hold onto falling into place was causing some stress to build up. You felt your arm being nudged and looked up to see Kaminari grinning at you, "You know (f/n), if you get scared, you can hold my hand," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
     "Psssh, well good thing I'm not scared cause I'm don't want to get cooties from you," you pushed his arm back which caused a whole elbowing war to be waged. It was ended by the rollercoaster starting. The crowd was slightly jolted back by the sudden motion forward and was buzzing with anticipation from the approaching first hill. As the chain clicked and clicked, pulling the ride forward,  your stomach fluttered with a small dose of nervousness that quickly subsided. And then the roller coaster went down and all the nerves were replaced with pure joy. You glanced over at Kaminari who had his arms raised in excitement screaming his lungs out. You smiled, inhaled and joined him. The exhilarating ride didn't last long enough and with a wild look, you asked," Kaminari, can we go again?"

After a couple more times on that rollercoaster, you decided it was time to get some food and together you chose ice cream. You got your favorite flavor and Kaminari got Superman. While you were starting to pay for your ice cream, Kaminari shouldered past you in order to beat you to the register and pay for you. Afterward, you elbowed him, "Kaminari, I could've paid for myself," you huffed.
     "I mean you could've, but that'd mean you'd have to fist-fight me," he teased looking up at your eyes and then subconsciously peeking at your lips and back up.
     "Whatever you say," you said sticking out your tongue deciding not to argue over this," but next time I'm paying for both of us."
     "You got it," the yellow haired boy saluted, feeling his heart flutter as the words you said rattled through his mind. Next time.
     The day was going along swimmingly, up until while you and Kaminari were waiting in the line for one of the last rides for the day. The line was moving like a river that a beaver built a dam across, it was slow; there only seemed to be a trickle of movement. Tapping your foot to a song in your head, you heard someone shout,"Hey!" Assuming it wasn't directed towards you, you turned to Kaminari to complain about the line. While you were in the midst of a sentence, you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Hey sugar," a guy who looked to be about your age said," I have a fast pass that you can use to get on more than this ride."
     "Excuse me?" You asked.
     "I said," the mystery guy spoke trying to snake his arm around your shoulders,"I have a fast pas-"
     "No sweetie," you said, voice dripping in venom as you took his arm off your shoulders," I don't think you understand, I did hear you, it's just that I'm not interested, plus I'm here with someone else."
     The guy scoffed," Oh really who's that?"
     You looked back to a I'm-really-mad-but-I'm-hiding-it-well Kaminari and pointed back towards him. "I call bullshit,"the guy said,"prove it."
     "Okay," you shrugged, and pulled Kaminari over to you and placed a kiss on his cheek, something that you had done before, no big deal.
     "Sorry sweetcheeks, but I'm gonna need more that, kiss him on the lips," mystery guy spoke crossing his arms. You gave Kaminari and apprehensive look but he gave you the smallest nod and a reassuring smile that told you this was alright.

You tugged his body to yours and closed the space in between your lips. It was a bit messy, not like you expected it to be, it was better somehow. After the kiss you pivoted on your foot in a somewhat aggressive way to face the mystery guy. He had a very annoyed look that shot satisfaction through your body. "Sorry, this gal's taken," Kaminari said wrapping an arm around you shoulders and ruffling your hair. Before leaving you two be, the mystery guy took a moment to glare at you both before stomping away from you in a manner that was just barely noticeable. Looking up to Kaminari you high-fived him,"Thanks."
"It's not problemo (f/n)," he chuckled awkwardly, adding to the effect by pointing some finger guns at you.
"You know," you said slight lightly grazing your fingertips on his arms," that kiss wasn't that bad and I wouldn't mind doing it again... Thoughts?"
Kaminari grinned and pulled you close and placed his hands on your cheeks leaning forward hoping to meet you in the middle. His own cheek flushed a red when he felt your mouth against his soft lips. Not making to want a scene in public, you both pulled away soon. "We'll continue later," you said with a wink, proceeding to hold Kaminari's hand in line. Kaminari smiled. Later.
Oof I'm so hyped for season three. Hope you all enjoyed.

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