Todoroki Shouto- Rainy Days

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     It was the perfect gloomy Saturday. One with a dark overcast sky that promised a nice drizzle, one that was hard enough where one could hear the rain potter patter against the windows, but light enough where one didn't have to worry about a big storm.

     After such a long week, nothing sounded better to (f/n) than to stay curled up in the cocoon of blankets she made for herself in bed. Moving as little as possible, she attempted to reach to her nightstand to grab her phone, but to no avail. A barely audible sigh left (f/n)'s lips as she scooted over just that extra bit to grab her phone. Unplugging it with one hand, she burrowed even deeper into the pool of blankets, absentmindedly  rubbing her sock covered feet together in a slow rhythm. Laying on her side, the (h/c) girl checked the weather, it was supposed to be like this all day. Yesss she thought. The gray sky left (f/n)'s bedroom dark and she was lulled back to sleep by the quiet drumming of the rain on her windows.

     This second time (f/n) woke up, her stomach was mad at her, growling at girl for food. "Alright, alright," she mumbled to herself, as if trying to reach compromise with a toddler. Getting out of bed, she moseyed to her bedroom mirror, brushing up her hair and continued to her kitchen for some breakfast. (F/n) opened up the pantries, surveying the shelves, deciding just some eggs and toast would do just fine this morning  While she whisked a couple of eggs with a fork, (f/n)'s phone buzzed.
From: Todoroki ShoutOOOHH
You wanna do something today?

From: (f/n)
Yeah I'm making breakfast
you want me to make extra?

From: Todoroki ShoutOOHH
Yeah I'll be over soon

     (F/n) clicked her phone off and whistled while poured the eggs into a pan, adding a handful of cheddar cheese and sliced ham.  After a few minutes she scraped them onto a plate for herself, deciding to eat now considering cold eggs were the worst eggs. To finish things off (f/n) poured herself a small glass of milk and plopped down on the couch, turning on Netflix.

     About half and episode into "The Office" Todoroki knocked on your door and entered your home. "He-oh my god Shouto your all wet!" She exclaimed, gesturing to his clothes. When did it start raining that hard?
     "I'm fine," Todoroki said, trying to get you to stop worrying.
      "No you're not," she placed her hands on her hips,"you are going to take a nice, warm shower and then put some dry clothes on. So help me if you catch a cold," she scolded her boyfriend as she shooed him to the bathroom. "When you're done, your breakfast will be made."
     While (f/n) was cooking some more eggs and toast, she felt warm arms snake around her waist. "I feel a lot better,"Todoroki said.
     "Good," she replied, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck so she could kiss him properly. "Now, grab yourself a plate, your food is ready."

     Sitting there with Todoroki, watching him chew lazily, listening to the rain was so relaxing. (F/n) slipped on some tea she made, allowing its warmth to flow through her body and seep into her bones. As Todoroki mumbled another thank you, and looked up at his girlfriend. "(F/n), do you just wanna go back to bed?"
     "What kind of silly question is that? Let's go, when you're done obviously."
     Todoroki nodded and finished his breakfast, walking over to where (f/n) was sitting, and picked her up wth ease.
     "Shouto!" She gasped.
     "It's easier this way,"he shrugged. Gently he placed (f/n) down back in her bed and joined her under the covers.

      (F/n) moved close to Todoroki, resting her head on his shoulder and placing a hand in his chest. Leaning down, he placed a peck on her head and began to play with her hands. He had always loved your hands. He loved how soft they were. He loved how they fit perfect in his. He loved how warm they were. Todoroki picked (f/n)'s hand up and brought it to his lips. (F/n) giggled. "What's with you today?"
     He gave her a confused look,"What do you mean?"
     "You've just been really affectionate today, not that I'm complaining," she explained looking up into his eyes.
      "I don't know, but since you enjoy it, I might as well continue it." And with that he started to lazily kiss (f/n) even more. First her cheek, then her nose, her chin, her neck, shoulder, and finally, her lips. (F/n) hummed into the kiss, moving her hands to Todoroki's hair, her fingers tangling in his red locks. His tongue made its way into her mouth, both their lips moving in sync with each other. The two continued like this until they needed air. Hands now draped around Todoroki's neck, (f/n) looked into his eyes. "Your eyes are so pretty," she whispered. Todoroki's face was now shaded with a light pink. "I'm serious, I mean it's not everyday you get to meet someone with two absolutely gorgeous different colored eyes, let alone for that person to be your boyfriend," you continued. Now Todoroki's face was darker along with the clouds outside. (F/n) chuckled and snuggled back into his side, listening to the rain come down outside harder.

      The two laid like that for hours, relishing each other's presence. Glancing at the clock, (f/n) noticed it was almost three. Tapping on Todoroki's nose, she asked him if he wanted some pizza. A good food for a rainy day. He nodded and she went online to order.  As soon as you got a confirmation email that said the pizza would be there in about 45 minutes, (f/n) attempted to get out bed, only to be pulled back down by Todoroki. "Can you wait just a little longer?" He asked quietly.
She sighed as if the decision was tough,"I suppose."

      Soon, there was a knock on the door and (f/n) made a move to go and get it. Since the girl was still in her pajamas she grabbed a blanket and wrapped around her body. Opening the door she paid the delivery boy and shuffled her way over to the couch. "Shouto, come to the couch we're not eating in my bed!" She called to get his attention. He fell down in his spot next to her and the two of spent the rest of their night like that. Switching in between eating pizza, watching Netflix cuddling or maybe a mix of both. It was the perfect rainy day.
Hope you all enjoyed! I realized it's been a while since I've done one for Todoroki, so here it is. Also for the person who's requested Aizawa, he should be up soon (sorry for the wait) and as for the person who just recently requested Izuku, I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna wait a while to do that so I can get some space in between the last one I just did. Also also, I was thinking of doing a thanksgiving special kind of thing. Thoughts? What character should do i do for it?

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