Bakugou Katsuki- Burden

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Requested by bashfulkayla
Darkness. It was something that had surrounded (f/n) for quite sometime, but something she had never wanted to get used to. It wasn't always like this, she used to fight along side some of the top heroes in the game: Deku, Ground Zero, Shouto, until the accident that rendered her eyes useless.

     She remembered the searing pain from the gas the villain she was battling threw in the air, seeping into her (e/c) eyes. She remembered losing control of her quirk, causing the temperature to fluctuate, hot to cold, hot to cold, until eventually, it was only ice that surrounded herself. She remembered Bakugou's hot fiery explosions that dug her out of her ice and brought her back to the present. He stood by her during the worst time of her life and since then, supporting her as she tried to figure out her way in the world when she couldn't progress as a hero anymore.  And even though she had to give up her dreams, she still refused to be a burden to her friends and family.
      The TV's voices spoke in a hushed tone as (f/n) and Bakugou were curled up on the couch. "What time is it?" (F/n) said through a yawn.
     "Oh shoot. I should probably get ready for bed shouldn't I?" (F/n) said moving to stand. Placing her bare feet on the ground she started to make her way to the stairs, Bakugou quietly falling in place behind. One, two, three, four, (f/n) started counting each step, her tongue sticking out, brow creased. Her hand glided with the grain of the stair rail, as ended her journey with twelve. Getting to the bathroom was where it was still tricky.

     Gently, Bakugou placed his arm on (f/n)'s back as she brushed her fingertips along the wall, guiding her to the bathroom and then the sink. She fumbled to find the faucet, eventually turning on the cold water while Bakugou squeezed some toothpaste onto her brush. The two continued like this until their routine was over and (f/n) was climbing in bed. "I still have some stuff I need to do," Bakugou said as he kissed her goodnight. (F/n) hummed as she nestled further into the blankets," Don't be too long, you have to get up early."
     "Okay, goodnight."

It was hard to get to sleep without Bakugou that night-- there was just something about the empty space next to her that didn't feel right. (F/n) frowned as she sat up in bed, pulling the comforter off her as she moved to go back to Bakugou. Quietly, she once again brushed her fingertips against the wall, feeling the floor with her bare feet, proud of herself for getting to the stairs easily. As she sat at the first top step, ready to scoot herself downstairs, she heard Bakugou talking. Placing her head in her hands, she listened to the voice that she loved talk on the phone, the one that grabbed her attention more when she heard her name.
"Eijirou, I love (f/n) I really do, but damn, it's a pain in the ass sometimes to constantly take care of her. She's been getting better, but there's still so much that she can't do without help."
     "It's just--," he sighed,"hard, you know? I'm fucking exhausted, but I still have to do the dishes from the dinner that I made. Sometimes I just wish things went back to normal." (F/n)'s heart dropped, practically hearing him pinching his nose. Was that really how Bakugou felt about her? Had she become a burden to him? Had she become the thing she swore not to be?

     Without making any noise, (f/n) shakily tiptoed back to bed, pulling the covers back over herself, still wide awake. Thinking about it, there was so much Bakugou did for (f/n) that she never even realized until now. Sure, he helped her picking out her clothes and with getting ready for bed, but he also did so much around the house and for his job that she truly forgot about. Dishes, laundry, cooking, everything. Meanwhile, while (f/n) was coping with losing her eyesight, she was losing sight of how important Bakugou was. With her mind jumbled (f/n) fell into a restless sleep.
"(F/n)," Bakugou said, lightly shaking his girlfriend awake. She grumbled, opening her eyes.
     "I have to leave for work. There's some breakfast on the counter in the normal spot. I'll see you later."
    She yawned. "Goodbye, have a good day," sitting up so she could meet his lips. Bakugou kissed her quickly and soon went out the door. Leaving (f/n) alone in bed and alone with her thoughts.

About an hour later, (f/n) got hungry and slowly made her way downstairs to retrieve the breakfast that was on the stove right where Bakugou said it would be. She sat and ate in silence, her thoughts swirling with the events from last night. Maybe I could try and pick up the kitchen she thought after finishing her breakfast.

Getting up from her seat, she moved over to the sink and felt around for the faucet, turning it on, and running her hand under the warm water. After successfully rinsing out her dish she gave a small fist pump and reached back into the sink trying to find another dish. For such a simple task she was met with horrible pain.

    A knife that had been placed in the sink earlier had now found its way in (f/n)'s hand. She reeled back yelling, clutching her hand as blood dripped down her skin, the crimson splattering on the floor and staining her clothes. Hot tears fell down her cheeks as she tried to think of what to do, fumbling around the counters and the walls, trying to find a towel. Her hands shook as her fingers wrapped around the handle. Her stomach lurched with pain when she tried to pull it out-- the knife not budging. "Fuck," she whispered, groping around the walls for a towel, opting to wrap the fabric around her hand. She shivered at the chill starting to enter the  room, the tears that were once streaming down her face starting to steam the air around her. She needed to go somewhere. Anywhere but here. With unsteady legs, (f/n) made her way to the bathroom, leaving a trail of bloody droplets, locking the door behind her. She sat down in the tub, her hand still dripping, wishing that she wasn't alone.
Something was wrong. Bakugou knew in his core that something was wrong. He left work just to check the house, and the closer he got to his doorstep, the worse the feeling in his stomach got.

Unlocking the front door, he was greeted by a drastic drop in temperature. Snowflakes were frozen still in the dark room and Bakugou took a few steps forward, rubbing his arms. "(F/n)?" He said his breath accompanied by a cloud. The blonde continued walking around the house and stopped dead in his tracks when he came across the scene in the kitchen. The counters were covered with a thin layer of frost as the water still coming from the faucet that was now spraying out in all angles landed on the surface. Sticking out among the cold white frost was the red of blood.

"Shit..." Red eyes followed the deeper red trail of blood upstairs. Panic bubbled inside his chest. "(F/n)!" He yelled, running up the stairs, the trail leading him to the bathroom door covered in red handprints and ice. He turned the knob, only for it to get stuck, "(f/n)!" Bakugou pounded the door. He pressed his ear against the wood, hearing whimpers on the other side. "Damn it," he whispered. "(F/n) just hold on! I'm coming!" Kicking the door by next to the knob, the wood splintered and it flew open and Bakugou entered the bathroom.

"Holy shit..."
(F/n) pressed up against the tub, rocking back and forth. "Katsuki, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to help," she said starting to cry again. "I just wanted to help, but there was a knife in the sink, and I'm useless and a burden to you, I can't even do the stupid dishes and I'm sorry..."

Bakugou's eyes widened; had she heard part of his conversation last night? He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Scoot over dipshit," he said stepping into the tub. "Can I see your hand?" (F/n) nodded and extended her arm. The knife was still in it, so she wasn't losing blood but either way they should go to the hospital soon. "(F/n), before we call the ambulance, I'm really fucking sorry if I made you feel like a burden. That's a shitty thing for me to do and I'm sure an even shitter thing to feel. I really do love you."
(F/n) thought a couple moments before she responded. "Katsuki, you need to promise me that if I'm getting to be too much, you'll tell me okay? You need to talk to me about how I can be more of a help okay? Promise?"
"I promise (f/n)." He leaned over and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. "Now let's get you fixed up."
What's up gamers it's been a minute huh? Hope you're all doing well and that you enjoyed this little piece.

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