Iida Tenya- Thief

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Requested by asuhakusonoki
     The Siren's voice was beautiful; she knew it. Her looks were some to be reconciled with. She loved the way that men would literally and metaphorically fall to her feet when she sang. The way they would obey her gave would give the villain such a thrill. Just from placing herself in the right corner of a bank or jewelry store, the guards would do anything she told them to. Even if that meant giving her the money in the bank's vaults or giving away their luxury car. And since she had been given a quirk that could be compared to a siren, she did her best to play the part. Of course, The Siren didn't kill her victims, even though some folklore said the creatures did. To the Siren, that line of work was for the lowest of the low. Too messy. Not to mention there were so many classier ways to make a name for oneself. So, instead she would simply knock them out, allowing herself a head start for running from the authorities. The Siren's thievery had become so notorious, even the greatest heroes had started to try and hunt her down and the greatest villains tried to contact her to do their dirty work.

     Sometimes, the villain would plan her heists, other times they were very improvised. Sometimes The Siren would be hired by other criminals, other times she would steal for herself. All in all, she enjoyed her work, and that's what it's about right? Loving your job? It had been a while since she last planned a theft for herself; she was craving the adrenaline rush of a robbery in progress. Next month, The Siren thought, next month you'll have one of the biggest hits in your life.
     "Sir!" Iida turned his head to one of his sidekicks who was approaching.
     "What is it?" Iida replied with an inquisitive tone.
     "Take a look at this," said his sidekick, handing over a file labeled "The Siren." Iida opened the file and saw info regarding all her burglaries, heists, name it and the information was in that file. Not only that, it had the locations of every theft mapped out, narrowing down the general location of where the villain liked to thieve. There was even a very fuzzy audio of her singing voice; it was hauntingly beautiful and sent chills down Iida's back. In the wrong hands, that voice could be dangerous. This was valuable information, info that Iida's hero agency somehow had not yet gathered. "How'd you get this?" Iida asked his sidekick.
     "I don't know sir," the young hero shrugged,"all we know is that it showed up this morning with the mail."
     "In that case I want you and some other sidekicks to hang around several of the spots on this map for the next week, but make sure to disperse yourselves a decent distance to cover a lot of ground," Iida explained pointing to different locations on the map. The sidekick nodded and jogged away to gather some more people to patrol with. Iida opened his mouth to start telling his sidekick to not run in the building, but the young hero seemed to sense it because they gave a wave behind their head and slowed down.
     Although (f/n) was scheming, that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy her other pleasures. For example, she loved going to this little bakery. They had some of the best cookies money could buy in the area. The cute bakery always made sure they were fresh out of the oven, but they were also perfectly gooey. (F/n)'s mouth watered as she approached the counter and ordered some Snickerdoodle and chocolate chip cookies (with some milk). "Oh hello (f/n)!" exclaimed the gray-haired woman behind the counter.
     "Hello!" She echoed back.
     "Just the usual?" The woman asked, the crow's feet at the corners of her welcoming brown eyes crinkling even more.
     "Of course," she confirmed, with an innocent twinkle of mischief in your eyes. (F/n) loved this women and could never even dream of using her  quirk on the woman. It wasn't that she took her in or anything, she just thought that someone that genuinely sweet shouldn't be harmed. The women shuffled around behind the counter and served (f/n) her cookies. After paying, she sat down at the table that she always sat at, stared out the window watching the world go by singing quietly to herself since it was just the her and the old lady.
Iida was on his way back to his apartment when he suddenly got hungry. He tried to think back to what he had eaten that day and his mind came up blank. Almost as if on cue, his stomach started growling. Scanning the area for something that sounded appealing, he saw a bakery that he always passed on his way home but still had never tried. Deciding on that choice, he looked both ways several times before crossing the street and entered the bakery.

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