Bakugou Katsuki- Be my Mistake

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Inspired by the 1975 song "Be My Mistake"
      Bakugou stared at the hotel room's ceiling fan, while the woman peacefully slept next to him, a ball of disgust churning in his stomach. How could he have done this? How could he have done this again? Letting out a sigh, he moved to sit at the edge of the bed. "Baby stay here," the woman buried under the blankets said, barely awake, trying to place her arm on his back only for him to stand up completely, put on his underwear and pour himself a drink.

       Taking a sip, he sat down in a chair across from the bed, running a hand down his face. God he missed (f/n) so much. He could still remember the light smell of her hair in the mornings and after she showered--when he would come home after a long day at work, it was like she knew exactly what he needed, drawing him a warm bath while she cooked dinner. Bakugou closed his eyes, opting for his weary body to sleep in the chair instead of next to the stranger curled up in be, wishing he could sleep with the girl that he loved.

Still, Bakugou only dreamt of her. Months had passed since they broke up, but his mind replayed the moment when he dropped her off at the airport to go back to (y/c) over and over again. Who knew how long she would stay there-- let alone the next time the two would see each other. If the reasons for breaking up were mutual why did it hurt so much?

Bakugou blinked awake, his body tired. He scowled at the glass still held gently by his fingertips, slipping on sweatpants and shoes, leaving the hotel room for a breath of fresh air. The constantly lit halls made time irrelevant as Bakugou trudged along to the revolving front door. How many more times would he go through this cycle of women? How many more sleepless nights would have to pass before he got over her?

Stepping outside, the moon was no where to be seen. Instead, cold droplets of rain fell onto the pavement and Bakugou's shoulders. He looked down, watching the droplets slide down his now scarred arms and chest and splash on the ground forming puddles. She was there when he got those scars. She was there to help put the butterfly bandages on his cheeks, and to soothe his aches and pains the next day. He wondered if she was doing the same to another man, that sick feeling returning to his stomach.

     Bakugou was caught out of his thoughts by his phone vibrating in his sweatpants pocket. He snatched it out of its home; who the hell would be calling at 4:30 a.m? He squinted for a moment, his eyes adjusting to the bright light on the screen, finally being able to pick up the words--no the name-- that he thought he'd never see again: (F/n) (l/n).

    The phone buzzed a few more times in Bakugou's hand until he picked it up. "What?" He sucked his teeth.
     "Katsuki..." Her voice sent shivers down his spine. He could hear sniffles on the other end of the phone. "I miss you so much," she said.
     "Fucking shit, what the hell am I supposed to do?"
     "Please just talk to me. It's been such a long day."
     "Well, the other day I wiped the floor with this new 'hot shot' villain. He was such a cocky asshole."

     (F/n) giggled, that sounded like Katsuki. Her Katsuki. The man her heart ached for. "Katsuki... I know that we said us breaking up was a good thing for us, but shit this sucks. I can hardly sleep without you 'Tsuki, my mind is a fucking mess and I thought that I'd like this job, since this was my dream, but everyone's a jerk and today my boss told me that I was a disappointment after such a high reputation and I realized tonight that this dream is a nightmare. You're my dream Katsuki. I can't imagine becoming number one hero without you. And I know it's been months and things might've changed, or you found another women. But... I-I don't know what else to say."

     Bakugou stood there and listened to (f/n) ramble, with a scowl growing on his face. "Fuck those people (f/n). I'm not seeing anyone, if you want to come back or whatever. But there is one thing," he said, leaving (f/n) silent. "You're not gonna become whole number one hero thing cause that'll be me. I'm already three steps ahead of ya."
     "Oh really? I'll take that challenge." (F/n)'s smile could practically be heard through the phone, leaving a moment of comfortable silence.

     "I love you Katsuki."
     "I love you too dipshit."
Hey gang what's up? It's been yet another minute, but ya know how things go. Here's a little Drabble to ride some of you off who requested things. Hope you enjoyed.

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