Everyone- Thanksgiving

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Everything here is platonic
     The third Thursday of November was an underrated day. Yes, one could eat a lot on Christmas and Easter and other holidays, but Thanksgiving was a day dedicated to eating and sleeping. So considering you were an American hero, and you couldn't go home this year because of conferences or something stupid like that, you decided to host your own Thanksgiving. You invited your old friends from Class 1-A, fearful they would turn you down, but they all gladly accepted, every person most excited than the first.

      It was well-known that you were a good cook; to the extent that on several occasions, in high school, Kaminari asked you to make dinner for him and his dates (which he later took credit for.) You enlisted everyone's help, Midoriya would be in charge of appetizers, Uraraka, green beans and cranberry sauce (an essential that no one actually ate;) Bakugou, the mashed potatoes and stuffing, and you, you were in charge of the turkey, gravy, and pies. The others: Kirishima, Denki, Iida, etc., would help with the clean up later. Thankfully, one of your closest friends, Bakugou, gave you his blessing to use his house for your cooking, since you didn't own one in Japan. (You were also staying at his house so it made the most sense, you weren't gonna pay for a hotel unless you had to.)

      You woke up earlier (10:30) than usual that morning and treaded down Bakugou's stairs, to start making the pies since they take longer to make. The three choices of pies were pumpkin, apple, and pecan; only one of each. You knew the pie crust recipe like the back of your hand. Soon, you were finished mixing the dry and wet ingredients together and putting the dough in the fridge to chill for 15 minutes. As you were just about to start peeling the Granny-Smith Apples, you heard footsteps coming down the stair. "Oi shithead, I told you to wake me up when you were starting to bake shit," Bakugou said, his voice still a little raspy from the lack of use.
     "Katsuki, you and I both know I still wasn't gonna do that," you replied, crossing your arms.
     "Whatever, I'm still fucking helping."

     Bakugou shoved his hands inside the pockets to his pajama pants. He smiled at how comfy you looked. You were wearing a pair of simple, black leggings, which made your legs look fantastic, a simple dark gray sweatshirt, and flour that provided unintentional contrast against your clothes. Placing your hands on your hips, you thought about what Bakugou could do to help you.  Tapping your chin, you snapped your fingers, he could measure out the ingredients that the apples needed to go in. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the kitchen. "Okay I'll get all the stuff out," you started to tell him.
     "Wait what am I going to be doing?" Bakugou asked.
     "Oh-I guess I should tell you that. The apples for the apple pie need to be put in cinnamon and sugar and the likes of that, so you're gonna measure those ingredients out and just put them in..."you trailed off opening a cupboard,"... this bowl." Bakugou nodded in understanding and set off to work, measuring the sugar, cinnamon, flour, etc. Meanwhile, you were peeling the apples and cutting them up. As you were finishing the last Granny-Smith, the knife to cut the apples into cubes, you were using slipped and you cut yourself. "Shit," you whispered to yourself. This caught your friend's attention and when he saw your blood he just sighed and said,"(f/n), how are you so clumsy when your not working, and so damn graceful on the job? Wash that and I'll get some band-aids."

     You started running cold water and placed your finger under the faucet, feeling your hands become somewhat numb. "Alright, let's take a look at that," Bakugou said, placing the items he got from the bathroom on the counter and gently grabbing your hand.He tsked left your hand in the air and grabbed the disinfectant from its place on the counter and a cotton pad. Tipping the cold disinfectant onto the pad he cleaned off the cut and placed a princess band-aid on your finger. This made you giggle. "Really?" You teased, raising an eyebrow.
     "They were on sale," he shrugged.

     After that incident you continued making the pies and finished baking them. Now it was more or less a waiting game for everyone else to get to Bakugou's home. The two of you lounged on the couch and just talked. It was good to catch up with your friend and hearing about all the great things he's done recently made you really excited to see the rest of your friends. You got up from the couch, stretched, and looked at the clock. Everyone should be here in a couple hours, I should probably shower you thought. Excusing yourself from the room, that's just what you did.
     Finally, everyone was filtering in. You started put the turkey in its roaster about an hour ago and everyone was doing their part. Iida, Tsuyu, Todoroki, and Uraraka had ended up setting the table for you which was a pleasant surprise. Bakugou's kitchen was hustling and bustling, people asking you questions about what to do. It really made you happy to see how Midoriya stepped up and took off the stress of dealing with everyone's problems., he helped cut veggies, peel potatoes and even try and keep the kitchen clean. Even with all the chaos, it was still fun.

     Soon enough, dinner was served and your whole group of friends were sitting down. Kirishima stood up raising his glass."(f/n)! Before we dig into this delicious looking food, I wanted to thank you. It's not everyday-hell it's not every year we have something as special as the meal you prepared for us. Cheers to our first Thanksgiving and hopefully one of (f/n)'s favorite Thanksgivings!" he finished, winking at you. Glasses clinked together, shining in the warm lighting. Forks and knifes were heard scraping against plates. "Oohhh this is so goodddd," Kaminari moaned, accompanied by numerous nodded and moans of agreement. You giggled at your friend and said thank you. Not to toot your own horn, the turkey was perfectly moist. Kirishima was-for lack of a better term- obsessed with the stuffing, when he tried complimenting you on it, you stopped him and said,"Actually, Katsuki made that."
     Kirishima slammed his hands on the table, making the silverware rattle getting up out of his chair."KATSUKI YOU MADE THE STUFFING?" Kirishima said, utterly shocked.
Bakugou was about to open his mouth and probably say something about how he didn't really make it before you told him to take the compliment and everyone started laughing.

     After everyone had their fair share of turkey, potatoes, and more. Kaminari, Iida, and Kirishima were cleaning up in the kitchen. "Damn (f/n), is clean up always this bad?" Kaminari asked.
     "Basically," you shrugged, starting to make coffee for those who wanted it, leaving Kaminari in shock and a little bit of admiration. Within a few minutes you were serving your delicious pies. Midoriya had a slice of every. Single. One. You had to admit, you were impressed. Uraraka giggled with glee,"(f/n) these pies are even better!!"
     "Thank you so much, these are great!" Iida exclaimed loudly, bowing down several times. You said another thank you and felt the after Thanksgiving need for sleep hit you. After cooking all day and getting all that tryptophan, you were exhausted. Since everything was clean, you finally got to sit down and fell onto the couch next to Bakugou, setting your feet onto Todoroki's lap and resting your head on Bakugou's shoulder, who wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep, lulled by the murmur of the conversations being held.

     45 minutes later everyone was getting ready to leave, deciding not to wake you up because you definitely deserved a peaceful sleep. Although Todoroki managed to slip away, Bakugou stayed right where he was, waving goodbyes to everyone. Once they all left, Bakugou quietly spoke to no one really and said,"Alright shithead, let's get you in a proper bed," you he carried you to his room, opting to sleep on the floor.
I hope you all enjoyed. Thanksgiving was pretty good, sorry if some of you aren't from the US. Also I didn't proofread this.

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