Kirshima Eijirou- Movie Bingeing

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     The smell of popcorn hung in the air as Kirishima walked into he and (f/n)'s apartment. "Hey Eiji, how's it goin'?" His girlfriend asked from her blanket cocoon with their dog, Hershey's, head in her lap.  Kirishima toed off his shoes, and leaned over the back of the couch to kiss you. "Pretty good,"he said,"let me change in some comfier clothes and I'll join you." Before he left he glanced at the coffee table to see a stack of movies that confirmed his suspicion, (f/n) was starting her movie binge.

     This was something that (f/n) did happened about every month, give or take a couple weeks, for her to recharge and Kirishima grew to love it. Normally, she started on a Friday night or Saturday morning and would continue until Sunday. The both of them had gotten into the habit of ordering delivery on the first night and would snuggle up on the couch under a big blanket (normally with Hershey's head on one of their laps) and watch whatever they wanted. New movies, old movies, or movies neither hadn't seen before, it didn't matter. Kirishima smiled to himself as he threw on a hoodie and sweatpants and lazily returned to the room where he left (f/n), god, he loved these days.

     He plopped down on the couch next to Hershey, knowing that until the sleeping chocolate lab got up, he couldn't cuddle with (f/n). "What have you watched?" Kirshima asked.
     "Um," (f/n)'s (e/c) eyes looked up trying to remember," Just Totoro so far, and obviously Forrest Gump right now," she gestured to the screen. He nodded, making a mental note that she would be crying because "Eijirou the ending always gets me!"
     "Okay so after this I'll order pizza, we'll go to the store and pick up candy and more popcorn and by the time we're done we can pick up the pizza too," Kirishima said, rubbing Hershey's butt. (F/n) nodded and reached for Kirishima's hand so she could play with his fingers while she finished the film.

     After the movie was over and (f/n) stopped crying (she knew that Kirishima always teared up too but never said anything) Kirshima ordered the pizza and the two put on their shoes. "Grocery store adventure?" She asked playfully, raising a fist at her boyfriend.
     "Grocery store adventure," he confirmed, bumping his knuckles against (f/n) giving her a sharp-toothed grin.
     "Let's roll."

     "Alright you know the drill," (f/n) started," I'll get the popcorn, you get the candy, meet at the front in a couple minutes."
     "Perfect see you in a few," Kirishima said before putting his hands in his sweatpant pockets and walked away. A few minutes passed and just like a well oiled machine,  Kirishima showed up to the meeting spot with an arm full of (f/n)'s favorite candy, some Starbursts, and his favorite, Reese's Cups. In the moment (f/n) also grabbed some new fuzzy socks that were on sale for herself. As they got into the line for the checkout Kirishima looked at his girlfriend funny. "What?"
     "Are you wearing one of my hoodies?"
     (F/n) turned and faced him, "Honestly Eijirou, when am I not wearing your hoodies?"
     "Yeah you're right," he said and moved with the line.

     Next up on the agenda was getting the pizza. As Kirishima and (f/n) walked to the pizza place, without missing a stride (f/n) stood on her tiptoes and landed a kiss on the  corner of Kirishima's mouth. His face became dusted with some red but he shouldn't have been surprised, these actions weren't anything new. "You're so cute Eiji," she teased him, watching her boyfriend's face get redder,"my boyfriend Kirishima Eijirou is soooo pretty." Oh lord her words were gonna break him.
     "Oh look we're here," Kirishima said quickly, internally feeling very relieved.

     The smell of pizza was a little overwhelming as they entered the small pizza place. (F/n) nudged Kirishima to get his attention,"Is it my turn to pay?"
     He shook his head (even though it was) and went up to the counter to pay for their pizza. There seemed to be some sort of miscommunication because the awkward teen behind the counter said the order didn't come through, meaning they had to sit there in the pizza place and wait. The two of them were a little annoyed, but there's only so much a person could do. In the end (f/n) and Kirishima ended up getting some free breadsticks for their patience and all was okay again. Afterword, with pizza boxes in hand Kirshima said,"Let's go and watch our movies (f/n)."
     Finally when the couple arrived home (f/n)  set everything down and told Kirishima she would let Hershey outside. Meanwhile, Kirishima set up the coffee table, pizza in the middle, candy on the table next to the couch, and wrapped himself in the Big Blanket. When (f/n) came back in, Kirishima moved back a little bit so she could sit in front of him. As she got situated, Kirishima wrapped the ends of the Big Blanket and his arms around (f/n)'s waist and rest his chin on top of her head. "What do you want to watch?" Kirishima asked, patting his foot on the couch to signal to Hershey it was okay to come up.
     "I think it's your turn to pick the first movie."
     "Hmm," he thought," how about Dirty Dancing?"
      (F/n) twisted to face him,"Really?"
     "Yeah I love that movie, Patrick Swayze's a real babe (f/n)."
     She laughed. "Dirty Dancing it is then."

     While Patrick Swayze played in the screen, (f/n) started to mess with Kirshima's hands again. It was an absentminded thing, to be honest half the time she didn't even realize she did it, but Kirishima did and he loved every single second. The movie got to the point where Johnny and Baby were practicing their iconic lift in some water. Kirishima leaned in and whispered sarcastically in your ear,"Do you think we could do that?"
     "Well, although you do have the muscles, unfortunately we don't have a river or lake nearby and I lack that kind of balance."

     The next movie was (f/n)'s choice and she chose one of her favorite's: Jurassic Park. Although she had seen it countless times, there was something magical about it that always brought (f/n) back to Alan Grant and the velociraptors. Kirishima probably loved watching (f/n) watch this movie about as much as she loved the movie itself. The way she would quote the characters to herself or perk up and gain this small child-like smile when the theme song played for the first time made Kirishima's heart flutter. "God I love you so much," he said, placing a kiss on the top of (f/n)'s head.
     "I love you too Eijirou," she said sweetly nestling, deeper into his chest,"And Jeff Goldblum. Especially when he plays Ian Malcolm." Chuckling, Kirishima held you tighter and stayed like this with her for the rest of the night while she ate his pizza crusts and him not so secretly eating her candy.
I hope this was okay! I'm working on like three requests right now, sorry it's not one of those, but writing this sweet boy just gets the writing juices flowing. Also doesn't Kirishima seem like a Reese's Cups guy?

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