Midoriya Izuku- Confession

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       Requested by princessthefrog
      Today was the day. The big day, as her friends put it. Today, (f/n) was going to confess to Midoriya that she liked him. None of her friends were pushing her too hard to do this; it was a decision she made alone, and she was so proud of herself for mustered up the courage to tell Midoriya.

     The only people who knew of (f/n)'s plans were Kirishima and Iida. A strange combination of people to become best friends with, but none of them minded; it was always good to have a variation of personalities in a group. Plus, since those two were in different "cliques" (f/n) was pretty much friends with the whole class 1-A.
"So," Kirishima leaned over his desk to whisper in your ear,"when are you gonna do it?"
     "After school, I don't want all those people looking at me," she replied, looking around the room. Kirishima nodded in understanding,"You need to let me know immediately what he says. Sorry, hold on, I mean you need to tell me immediately when he says yes." (F/n) giggled and whispered a quiet "okay" before turning back around to focus on what was on the board.

     It turns out focusing when someone's about to do something as stressful as confessing their feelings to the person they like was a very, very hard task. Instead of learning about what to do in a hostage situation with certain circumstances, (f/n)'s mind had wandered off creating situations of its own.  

     Daydreams of Midoriya and her holding hands and eating ice cream through the park, or cozying up next to him on cold nights, or kicking his butt in Mario Kart had all occupied (f/n)'s brain until her thoughts took a turn for the worse. Soon her once fluffy feelings turned into dread as she thought of what would happen if Midoriya rejected her. Could she still be friends with him? What if he hated her because of her feelings? Would he laugh? Mixed emotions swirled through (f/n)'s mind, causing her to feel overwhelmed. She took a deep breath in. It'll be okay (y/n), you got this, you can do this! She gave herself the smallest nod of reassurance and let out a determined breath.

     After what seemed like eons, school had finally finished for the day. (F/n) gathered her things slowly and asked Midoriya to wait for her. "All right let's go," she said mustering up what courage she could. "....wait... Before we go I need to tell you something," (f/n) started, face getting red with blush and looked down at the floor. Taking in a shaky breath she looked at Midoriya, wanting to get lost in his deep green eyes. "I-I like you Midoriya," she admitted.

     Midoriya's eyes grew wide, transforming from small woods to a whole forest. He rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his weight nervously. "I wish I could say the same (f/n), but I like Uraraka...I'm so, so sorry." Midoriya apologized.
     "Oh," she said quietly,"Okay."
     "I still want to be friends," Midoriya added.
     "Yeah, yeah, you'll just need to give me some space, if you don't mind." Midoriya nodded solemnly in response and she walked out of the empty classroom.

      Now, (f/n) could let loose the inner whirlpool of emotions. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she rubbed them away furiously, causing the edges to become a raw red.  She grabbed her phone out of her pocket and dialed Kirishima's phone number. "Hey (f/n)! What's it like not being single anymore?" He asked playfully, unknowing of the previous events.
     "I wouldn't know," she said, adding a forced laugh, while her heart clenched.
     "Oh no," she heard Kirishima whisper," (f/n), I'll be over as soon as I can be. And don't worry about Ilda, I'll call him too."
     "Thanks," (f/n) choked,"But I kinda want to be be alone for a while."
     "Okay well if you need anything, let me or Iida know."
     She hummed in response so Kirishima knew she heard him and continued on home, wanting nothing more than to watch some rom-coms while eating ice cream.

     A couple days later, when (f/n) was standing with Iida, she saw Midoriya confess to Uraraka. What was left of her taped together heart felt broke into pieces again. Iida put a gentle hand on her shoulder, not saying anything and placed her hand on his, squeezing it just a little.

     After that the day dragged on. When the bell finally rang, (f/n) was the last to pack up her things. As she was walking out the front doors, Midoriya yelled to her, calling for her attention. (F/n) walked faster, trying to ignore him, but soon he was jogging to catch up with her. She stopped in her tracks. "What do you want?" She snapped, her tone sounding more harsh than she intended it to, but she didn't apologize, petty as it was.
      "I know I'm probably one of the last people you want to see, but I wanted to thank you," Midoriya said carefully.   Crossing her arms, (f/n) bit the inside of her cheek and asked,"And why's that?"
      "After you confessed to me, you gave me courage-" he started to say before Kirishima came out of what seemed like no where, grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him shouting very loudly,"(F/N)! I HAVE SOMETHING COOL TO SHOW YOU!" He continued to drag her along until they were both out of Midoriya's sight. After that, he let go of his friend and kept on walking with next to her until they arrived at her dorm.

     As (f/n) walked in, she was greeted by Iida. Both him and Kirishima moved over to engulf her in a tight hug. They didn't need to say anything, and quite frankly she didn't want them to. "We picked up your favorite ice cream and some of your favorite movies," Iida said. (F/n) nodded and looked at the table where the movies lay. In a haze, she scanned the titles and chose the one she wanted to watch. "I'm gonna put on some pj's, you guys don't have to leave, but could you turn around." Ilda scoffed at the idea of just turning around and left the room, dragging Kirishima along with him. (F/n) regained the smallest smile from her friend and was soon in a cozy change of pajamas with a blanket and opened the door to allow her friends back in.

     A few movies in, (f/n) was snuggled in between Iida and Kirishima. At some point, she ended up falling asleep on Iida's shoulder, who was trying to stay as still as possible at the moment. "I think we should put her in bed," Kirshima spoke quietly, looking down at (f/n)'s sleeping figure. Iida nodded,"I agree." Iida moved to pick to up (in the most respectful manner, obviously) and carried her to her bed. The movement just barely waking (f/n) up enough to mumble a "thank you" to both boys before they left. As they closed the door behind them Kirishima placed his hands on his hips and said,"I think we did good."
      "Well,"Iida said correcting him,"but yeah we did do well."
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's been a while since I've last updated. I wish I had a valid excuse, but I don't. In other news, I'm sooooo ready for the holidays. The festive has consumed me. I'm writing this listening to Christmas music, no joke.

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