Kirishima Eijirou-Spa Day

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     The past week had gone by in a flurry. Mission after mission; training session after training session. It was exhausting. But now, as (f/n) walked into her fiancé, Kirishima, and her apartment she finally could relax. With a sigh, (f/n) closed the front door behind her and leaned against it, closing her eyes for a moment, relishing in the silence. It was already 6:30 pm and she knew that Kirishima wouldn't be home for quite some time- which was why she came home prepared.

     Along with the normal duffle bag (f/n) carried with her to and from work, she had a plastic bag filled with bath bombs, some cheap (but still nice) face masks and some brand new bottles of nail polish (she couldn't decide what color she wanted so she got several.) Toeing off her shoes, (f/n) decided the first thing to had to do was change. She moseyed into the bedroom and took off her shirt, catching a whiff of the clothes she just had on. Maybe a bath wasn't the worst idea...

     Well, if (f/n) was going to take a bath, she might as well shave and exfoliate too. She moved to her kitchen and, with years of practice under her belt, (f/n) made her sugar scrub and started running the bath. When the tub was filled and warm enough, (f/n) turned off the water, let the bath bomb dissolve and stepped in. She moaned as she settled into the water, letting the warmth seep into her body, perfectly at peace. When she mustered up the motivation, (f/n) shaved, drained and refilled the tub and exfoliated, feeling refreshed as she dried herself off and threw on some pajamas.

As (f/n) trudged to the living room and fell down on the coach, she started to dial the pizza place's number, opting to paint her nails and such after she ate. Right as (f/n) was about to press the call button, Kirishima walked in. "Oooo boy! It sure it cold outside!" He exclaimed as a rush of cold air whooshed inside along with him.
(F/n) giggled and stood up to go and greet him. "Hey babe, great timing." She said, wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a lazy kiss on the lips. "I was just about to order some pizza, would you like some?"
He looked down at (f/n), his hands settling on her waist and grinned his sweet smile,"Of course I do."

     After ordering, (f/n) fell back down on the couch and turned on (f/s) on Netflix. She heard Kirishima whistling to himself as he changed clothes and watched him happily stride over to her, gliding his hand across her shoulders as he went around the couch to sit next to her. "How was your day?" (F/n) asked nestling into Kirishima's side as he draped his arm around her shoulders.
"It was pretty tiring. The agency had me catching up on my paperwork after we patrolled which was annoying but what can you do?" he shrugged.
She nodded in understanding, there was something about staring at monotonous papers that brought on a different type of tired."Yeah I'm tired too. I was gonna have a treat Yo'Self night... Like they do in Parks and Rec."
He hummed. "That sounds fun."
"Oh it is," (f/n) agreed with a glint in her eyes," but you know what would be more fun?"
"If you did it with me."
"(F/n), I love you, but I'm not really in the mood for that righ-"
"Eijirou get your head out of the gutters, I meant like have an at home spa day with me," she cut him off giggling.
"Oh...haha....whoops," he chuckled awkwardly.
So that's what the two did. Once they finished eating their pizza, (f/n) grabbed the face masks and nail polish from the counter. As she sat on the ground, (f/n) dumped out the contents of the bag on the floor in front of the T.V. and looked at the assortment of beauty products. There was something missing... she snapped her fingers and retrieved some toe separators from the bathroom. "Okay hun, you ready?" (F/n) yelled, not knowing where your fiancé was.
"Yeah just give me a sec," he said as he was walking back to where she was sitting.
     "Oh! While your up would you be a dear and grab some headbands or something to keep our hair out of our faces please?" She asked, batting her eyelashes.
      Kirishima smiled and nodded and grabbed the items, plopping down criss-cross applesauce on the floor facing his fiancée.
"So what's first?" Kirshima asked.
"I think we should start with our faces."

While (f/n) grabbed one of the face mask packets, she told Kirishima to pull his hair back with the headband. When he was ready, she dipped her fingers in the packet and began applying the mask to his face. "Ooo~ that's colder than I expected," Kirishima shivered.
(F/n) giggled. "It normally is," she said. When she finished, her flipped to the back of the packet. "It says we're supposed to leave this on for 20-25 minutes and it's one of those you can just peel off instead of washing off, so technically we don't have to get up," she told him. Kirishima nodded and put some of the face mask mixture on (f/n)'s face. "While we're waiting do you want to pick out your nail polish color?" (F/n) asked already getting up to retrieve the new and old colors of nail polish she had.
     "Sure," Kirishima responded, smiled. (F/n) winked and gave him a cheeky grin with two thumbs up, gathered the colors, and returned with her arms full, grabbing some old magazines on the way too.

     She sat back down and held out a magazine for Kirishima. "Alright, Monsieur," she quipped getting situated back on the floor, "what would you like? Hands? Toes? Hands and toes?" After a moment of silence, (f/n) noticed a slight hesitation. Knowing him for all these years (f/n) figured what was wrong. "Hey, Eijirou," she said in a gently. He looked up from the point he was focusing on. "If you don't want your nails painted, that's completely understandable," she comforted.
     "I mean... Isn't it weird?" Kirishima asked.
     "It's only weird if you think it is," she shrugged as she plucked a color she wanted from the choices and started to paint her toenails.
    Kirishima furrowed his brow in thought," know what? I will paint my nails, I have off tomorrow, and it's not like I can't take it off right?"
     (F/n) nodded, proud of your fiancé. "Absolutely, and if you want me to stop and take it off, let me know. Now, what color do you want?" You asked grinning up at Kirishima.
    He quirked his eyebrow and returned a lop-sided, sharp-toothed grin. ""Red."
      As the two were getting ready for bed, (f/n) snuck up behind Kirishima and snaked her arms around him. "You know, I think it's really hot how comfortable you are with your masculinity," she mumbled sleepily, voice holding no intentions, turning her head so her cheek rested on his back. (F/n) felt him tense up, clearly not anticipating the compliment. He patted his fiancée's arm, signaling he wanted to turn around and wrapped his arms around her, breathing in her scent and kissed the top of her head before accompanying her to bed.
The day after Kirishima got called in suddenly by the agency and didn't have time to take off the nail polish. There was a big fight that was broadcast all over. Not many people seemed to pay attention to Red Riot's hands, but still some did. One of them was a young boy who thought it wasn't allowed for boys to wear nail polish. Upon seeing his hero, the Red Riot, wearing a bold Crimson that matched his outfit, his eyes sparkled with joy as he ran into the kitchen, tugging on his mom's skirt insisting that he needed to write a letter to the famed hero.

A was a couple weeks after the incident, Kirishima had had a rough day and (f/n) wasn't gonna be home for a while. He decided to read and answer some of his fan mail. Unknowingly, he reached and opened the letter addressed to him from the young boy. Kirishima felt his eyes well up and a smile stretch across his face, he needed to respond, show you, have this put into his "bad day" drawer in his desk at work and maybe, just maybe, make more of an effort to have spa days with (f/n).
Hope you all enjoyed! How have y'all been? I'm currently trying to write for Bakugou and I don't know he's hard for me to write? I don't know I just want it to be write you know? Anyway a had this story saved for a while and decided to post it cause I've basically re-watched the whole series (and the new one which was very appreciated if you catch my drift) and it made my love for Bakugou and Kirishima grow even more.

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