Sero Hanta- My Hero

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Requested by Nerd_for_life1000
Sero had just finished showering in his hotel room and was about to leave to go to his 10 year class reunion for his high school, U.A. He was excited to see his past classmates. Sero had kept in touch with a few people like Kaminari and Kirishima and they hung out pretty frequently, but he wondered how everyone was doing. He had heard of a few people gaining huge success, some had even moved to different countries. He threw on his shoes and started to make his way to his former high school.

The turn out was bigger than Sero had anticipated. He saw people that he genuinely forgot about, there was some blonde guy who looked familiar and he completely forgot about Mineta (somehow.) All the alumni were dressed well, nothing like tuxes, but they still looked nice. Sero scanned the room looking for someone to talk to and he found Kirishima and Bakugou talking amongst themselves. He made his way over to where they were standing and joined in on their conversation. "Oh hey Sero, how's my favorite top 10 hero?" Kirishima welcomed him,"we were just talking about how (f/n) is apparently coming."

Hanta's eyes widened. (F/n)? After school she got accepted into one of the best hero agencies in America. He couldn't believe she would travel all the way overseas to be at some dumb class reunion. "Look there she is now!"Kirishima exclaimed, pointing to the entrance.

And there you were in all your glory. "Fuck, she looks fantastic," Bakugou admitted. Bakugou admitted. Your hair was up in a simple, yet elegant bun (or if you have short hair it was curled.) You were wearing a white dress hitting right above the knee that complemented your figure but wasn't showing off anything you didn't want to be shown off. "Oi! (F/n)! Get over here!" Kirishima yelled across the room. Subconsciously, Sero wiped his hands down his shirt to get rid of any creases and ran a hand through his hair afterward.

      As you gracefully moved over to where the boys were standing, you gave them a smile that lit up the room. "You better fucking talk to her, or I will,"Bakugou leaned over and whispered into Sero's ear.
     "Well looks like a better talk to her then,"Sero whispered back. Hanta turned to talk to you and started with the simple questions like, how's the hero business going, how's America, if she's met any super famous people, what have you been doing for the last 10 years. You and Sero chatted for a while until to informed him that you needed a drink.

     You were putting your drink when you heard someone come up next to you. Glancing up you scowled at the sight of your ex-boyfriend, Neito Monoma. He threw his arm around your shoulder and gave a smug smile. "Hey babe, how ya doing? Come here often?" He asked in a condescending tone. Taking his arm off you like it was the cause of the plague, you attempted to walking away and say,"Not anymore."
Neito raised an eyebrow at you and chuckled to himself. Cornering you, Neito taunted,"So, what's it like being the number one hero in America?"
You gave him the sweetest smile you could muster up. "It's great, I live with my boyfriend, and he's super sweet to me and doesn't treat me like trash."
"Oh really?" Neito responded disbelievingly,"who might this guy be?" Scanning the room and quickly motion, you saw Sero and decided he would be the best option at the moment. You pointed in his general direction,"He's right over there."
"Let's go meet this lovely man," Monoma said.

You walked back over to where you left Sero with Monoma following close behind. "Follow my lead," you mouthed to Sero. He gave you a confused look, but he didn't have long to think about it because soon you kissed him, rubbed his arm, asking,"Hey hon, how ya doing?"
Without missing a beat, Sero started talking,"I'm doing great sweetie. Who's this fella?" (F/n) seemed to tense up at the question, and Sero regretted asking. "He's-uh- that ex I told you about..."you trailed off.

Now Sero understood, he wrapped an arm protectively around your waist,"Well if that's the case, what gives me the pleasure of meeting you? Were you intending on trying to get into my lovely girlfriend's pants? Or was it simply to to size me up and copy more than my quirk?" Sero said with a shape tongue.

Monoma looked angry, but then realized who he was dealing with. The top hero in America, and one of the top 10 heroes in Japan. Not to mention, the greatest hero seemed to be eyeing up the situation. Monoma knew when to back off and this was one of those situations. He placed his hands in is pockets and walked away grumbling to himself.

"Thank you so, so much," you said graciously when you knew Monoma was out of earshot.
"Don't mention it," Sero grinned.
"But you know..."you said,"we should do that again sometime."
"Which part?" Sero asked.
"The part where we kiss,"you told him, biting your bottom lip hopefully.
Sero gave you a half-lidded gaze and gently lifted your chin. He cautiously moved in, and met you halfway, his slightly chapped lips, meeting yours. "Wanna get some coffee tomorrow?" Sero asked.
"Of course."
Sorry this tool so long to do, I've been really busy with school and stuff. But it's here now so hope you enjoyed!

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