Bakugou Katsuki- Patched Up

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"So just how poisonous is caffeine? Asking for myself, this is my fifth cup of coffee today, I'm worried."
"(F/n) you're a surgeon you should definitely know this. How are your hands not shaking? What the hell."
(F/n) shrugged, frowning at her cup of coffee, and was about to say something before she was interrupted by her pager. Beep beep be-beep... Beep beep be-beep. She looked down, seeing the words "ER" pop up on the tiny screen. As she strode through trauma bay, the chief of surgery waved her over. "(L/n)! A bomb went off in the city! Grab some residents and interns, get going, and set up triage! There's an ambulance waiting to take you to the scene!" Nodding, she started to grab a few residents and repeated the same info she was just told. Before she got on the ambulance, the chief grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side.
     "Ground Zero and Red Riot were injured at the scene, but haven't been found." The chief's voice lowered," please, you're one of the best we've got, if you find either one of them, make sure to take care of them; don't let anyone else."
     (F/n) nodded, throwing a "HOSU HOSPITAL" paramedic jacket on and hopped into the back of the white ambulance, before it sped away.

     (F/n) thought it best to give her residents and interns a quick pep talk. "Listen! This may be your first time in the field! Remember that getting your patient to the hospital is the first priority! What you do doesn't have to be the prettiest thing in the world, just make sure that the person's alive and go onto the next!" She yelled over the noise of the sirens. Suddenly, the vehicle stopped. They were here.

Grabbing her supplies, (f/n) threw open the ambulance doors. She was met with hell on earth. "Jesus Christ..." (F/n) muttered under her breathe covering her nose. A hot wave of burnt flesh and fire entered the ambulance. There were injured people everywhere laying in rows waiting to be take to the hospital. Paramedics, victims, firefighters, victims, heroes. First responders scurried around trying to make sense of the chaos around them. She couldn't tell if the sky was grey because of the clouds or the ash in the air. "Okay everyone! Spilt up, search for survivors! I'm going to the main explosion site!"(F/n) shouted already running away, catching glimpses of triage tags on bodies she passed. Immediate. Immediate. Delayed. Minor. Deceased. Immediate. Christ, these outcomes were horrible.

     (F/n) had been rummaging through the rubble of a collapsed building, one that seemed to have taken the brunt of the main blast, for a while now. The radio on her shoulder buzzed in and out," sign of the pro-heroes yet... We've been able to take a lot more to nearby hospitals."
    "Great, I'll be on the lookout for them." (F/n) started to walk away until a groan stopped her in her tracks. Looking around, she didn't see anything. It must be my imagination, I'm getting all frazzled she thought and continued to move away.
     "...fuck..." a breathy voice said.
     (F/n) whipped her head back around. No; this wasn't her imagination. Someone was trapped underneath the rubble.
"Hello?!" (F/n) called,"whoever you are, if you can talk please say more so I can find where you are!"
     "Fucking...shit...." The person croaked out, getting louder as (f/n) approached. Then finally, she saw a hand.
"Don't worry sir, I'm gonna get thing off you," (f/n) said in the most calming voice she could muster.

(F/n) started digging out the person with her hands, throwing pieces of ceiling, glass, and brick behind her as she went. Sweat dripped down (f/n)'s back, she needed to get this person out from under the rubble. "Dammit... Come on!" She said through clenched teeth. Almost there! Finally, she was able to get the debris off the person and reveal the body underneath. She stepped back staring, and leaned into her shoulder, (f/n) cusping the radio,"I found Ground Zero."

     There he was. The Ground Zero, broken and bruised and bloody. "Hey, I'm (f/n), from the Hosu City General, can you walk?"
    "What the fuck... where's shitty-ha..." Ground Zero winced, he was getting paler.
What'd he just say? "We don't know we still haven't found him. In the meantime I need to take care of you okay?" (F/n) explained, putting on some gloves.
    There was no response. Shit. She checked his pulse, it was there but barely. Shit. Tilting the pro-heroes head and chin back, (f/n) counted his breaths, timing them for a minute. Over 30, that already earned him and immediate tag. Shit. There was blood everywhere. His ears were bleeding, most likely from the blast of the explosion, his right leg looked absolutely crushed and there was shrapnel in the left and his arms, and oh god a big chunk punctured his abdomen. Maybe his liver. Shit. Shit. Shit.

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