Ojiro Mashirao- Puppy

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Requested by Jenn_Jenn4you
You were walked into your shared apartment with Ojiro a little nervous, after all, taking the squirming puppy off the streets was a very spur of the moment thing. Carefully holding the dirty brown dog in one hand, you opened the front door with the other. "Hey Mashirao,"you announced into the apartment.
"Hi (f/n), I'm in the kitchen," his voice replied. You tip-tied into the kitchen like a child who was hiding something. Still holding the puppy in one arm, you placed your chin on Ojiro's shoulder and pecked him on the cheek. Stepping back, you said,"So... I may have accidentally brought a puppy home..."

Ojiro turned around and saw your beaming self and your puppy in all your glory. "How do you accidentally bring a puppy home?"
"Well...uh-I fed him some cheese from the sandwich I was eating and then Wilson here started following me," you explained.
Oh dear she already named it Ojiro thought. "And how do you know that Winston doesn't already have an owner?" Ojiro asked.
"Well, he doesn't have a collar does he? And I mean look at his fur, it's all dirty."
"Okay, okay," Ojiro admitted defeat,"well, since he's all dirty we should wash him."
Your eyes lit up when he said that,"So we can keep him??"
"Ya hear that Wilson! This is your new home!" You said happily hugging the puppy.
"But right after we give him a bath we need to get some let supplies, he can't live off of just cheese," Ojiro said responsibly with you nodding along.

     You started running the bath, hoping this would go better than expected. Wilson on the other hand was not having it, he was not going into that bath tub if it was the death of him. Maybe if you got in too? That way you could show Wilson that the water was good. You yelled to Ojiro to tell him to watch Wilson so you could put on some crummy clothes to get in the tub with. After you switched clothes, you stepped in the warm bathtub and said while moving your hand through the water,"Look Wilson! The water's nice! See?"Ojiro picked the puppy up and tried putting the dog in the bath with you. Miraculously, Wilson seemed to think the water wasn't that bad and joined you. "You cutie," you said as you nuzzled the wet dog. "Mashirao, you have to take a picture of this! And then you need to get in the tub too," you exclaimed. "Sighing," knowing there was no way out of this, Ojiro did what you said.

When Ojiro came back to the tub where he left you, he smiled to himself, although he was making a "fuss" he was still excited about the thought of keeping this puppy, it would be good practice for the future he thought to himself. Ojiro took his socks off and joined you. Wilson clambered over to him, happily wagging his tail and climbed on Ojiro chest to lick your boyfriend all over his face. You started laughing, which caused Ojiro to start laughing and playfully trying to get Wilson off of him. Water was everywhere but it didn't matter, because this memory lasted longer than water on the floor.
     The three of you all arrived at the pet store clean and excited. A worker came up to you and Ojiro with a smile on their face. "Hi! Welcome! Can I help you with anything today?" They asked.
     "Yes,"Ojiro responded,"we just got this fella and we don't have anything... It was kind of a spur of the moment thing..."Ojiro explained.
     "Well, little..."
     "Wilson-," you told the worker.
     "Little Wilson is gonna need some food, toys, bowls and maybe a dog bed or crate," the employee explained as the two of nodded your heads in understanding.
"Where can we find all that?" Ojiro asked.
The worker smiled and told you the aisles were everything was located.

The food aisle for the first stop on your puppy train. "Holy shit, Mashirao, there's so many bags of dog food!" You exclaimed in awe.
"Yeah, there is, but I think we can narrow the adult and old dog dog food out," Ojiro told you.
After walking down the rubbery smelling aisles, you decided to get Wilson a puppy food for dogs with sensitive stomachs, just in case. You also got Wilson some food and water bowls, several bones, and some tug of war ropes and a treat ball, paid and went home.
     "I'm gonna let Wilson out okay?" You told Ojiro, putting the puppy on his new leash.
     "Yeah alright, I'm gonna start making dinner," Ojiro replied. He looked back at you and the newest member of your family and smiled. It seemed the future he dreamed about with you was a step closer. When you stepped back inside, puppy in tow, Ojiro went over to you and placed his hands on your cheeks and gave you a chaste kiss. "I love you," he said, and lost his balance as Wilson tried to jump on his leg. Bending down and patting Wilson on the head,"I love you too Wilson."
Sorry this was a little shorter thank normal, but I hope you all liked it just the same! I've been really freaked out because my school is starting to put high key pressure on us to figure out what we're gonna do with our lives (which has been a blast) so sorry about the hold up.

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