Midoriya Izuku- All Might's Daughter

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Requested by -_Splendid_-
You were quite the enigma. From when you were a child roaming the streets, to now. Your quirk definitely helped maintain that reputation. It was called umbrakinesis and it allowed you to manipulate and control shadows and darkness. In fact, it was while you were using this quirk as a child, you found your adoptive father, Toshinori.

Toshinori was walking home with a brown bag of groceries in his hands. After he passed an alley, he could've sworn someone or something was following him. His intuition was proven right when he felt a person attempting to rummage through his pockets. Toshinori whipped around and grabbed the person's hand. As he looked at the person he realized it was, you, a small girl, who was way too young to be pickpocketing adults. Nervously, you wrapped yourself in, what Toshinori could only describe as a blanket. (He would later realize that this was a nervous habit of yours.) Toshinori told them to stay and reached into his grocery bag, his hand moving around until he scrounged up some carrots, bread, and oranges for the child. He held them out and you snatched them out of his hands and ran away. Letting your shadows cloak you.

Toshinori took it upon himself to try and befriend you, eventually earning your trust; ultimately wanting to ask if you wanted to move in with him. He couldn't let such a young child to live on the streets. When that time came you were ecstatic. You, of course, found out that Toshinori was All Might, but you didn't go around bragging about it, you just weren't that kind of person.

Now, you were a teenager currently attending UA. You immediately bonded with Tokoyami, since your quirks were similar. And when you became friends with Tokoyami, you somehow became friends with Midoriya. He was a very timid and sweet guy. Not to mention Toshinori allowed him to inherit his quirk. Over the course of the school year, the two of you became closer.

     Midoriya didn't know that the number one hero, All Might, was your father. At school you and Toshinori acknowledged each other, but not too much, after all, you didn't want your peers to think there was some nepotism going on. You intended to keep it that way for as long as possible, all until Midoriya asked to hangout after school. You agreed, and he said he'd pick you up at your house at 6:00, which you, again, agreed to. Soon after your conversation, you realized your mistake. Midoriya didn't know that the number one hero, All Might, was your father and Midoriya was coming to your house at 6:00.

     When the final bell rang you rushed to your dad's classroom. "Da--Toshi--heck--All Might," you stumbled over your words when you realized someone else was in the room," can I speak with you when you get a moment?" Toshinori nodded and explained that this student needed to finish a test. So you waited, and finally when the student left you started rambling on about the situation. How Midoriya was coming over but Midoriya couldn't see him or else he would flip, but that it's nothing personal, you loved Toshinori the same as always and were very proud to have him as your dad an- "(f/n) my girl," Toshinori cut you off, placing his hands on your shoulders,"it's okay if you want I can leave the house, I trust you and Midoriya to make the right decisions."
"Thank you," you said with a sigh of relief.
"I'll also leave some money on the counter so you can order some food if you stay at the house, just keep me updated," Toshinori explained. Making sure no one was around you stepped towards Toshinori, gave him a thankful hug, and with a grin said,"Be out of the house by 5:30."

Midoriya arrived at your house at 6:00 just like he promised. You could tell he was nervous, but it was cute. "So, um, what do you want to do?" You asked,"my dad left some money for food, do you want anything?" Midoriya seemed a little relieved that you spoke first, this was completely different than hanging out at school. "Maybe we could go ice skating? And then get some food after?"
     "That sounds perfect,"you smiled,"let me get more bundled up then."
     Both of you walked next to each other, both painfully aware of that small gap between your hands. Still, you walked to the ice rink talking as if nothing awkward was happening. Midoriya told you stories of his childhood, and you listened and hung on every word. Smiling at the way the puffball on his All Might hat was bouncing with each stride. Watching at the way his eyes lit up when he rambled on about his favorite heroes and the way his breath was visible in the dark, especially when you passed the bright street lights. Little did you know you were taking his breath away.

     Finally you got to the ice rink, and went get your skates. It was a completely different feeling walking around on the ice skates than regular shoes, hell, even roller skates. You weren't even on the ice and this was already difficult. Still you weren't going to just give up, you and Midoriya slide onto the slippery ice and clutched onto the walls for dear life. Not even the support of the wall was enough for you, and you started falling,"Crap!" You whispered-yelled to yourself, grabbing anything to try and steady yourself. Unfortunately that something was Midoriya, and the two of you came tumbling down. You sat on the ice staring at each other until you said,"I've been working on that dance move for a while." After that the two of you burst out laughing. You tried standing up and fell again, causing both of you to laugh even more. "Here, let me help you up," Midoriya said still giggling. He held out his rough, scarred hands and pulled you up from the cold ice. Hand in hand now, you two continued on shakily skating, getting better with each lap and getting brave enough to stray away from the white walls.

     The both of you continued on like this until your stomach growled. "Hungry?" Midoriya asked.
     Yeah, and a little cold." You nodded, suggesting a nearby cafe.
    "Well if you're cold, you can havemyhat,"Midoriya said face burning. You grinned at the offer but declined, until Midoriya keep insisting and you took it. Oh my god she looks adorable Midoriya thought.

     As you left the ice rink, you noticed, you and Midoriya were holding hands again, and it felt so right. You lightly pushed his shoulder and he looked down at you and smiled, thanking the cold for making his cheeks rosy and making his blush not as noticeable, while you were thanking the night for him not being able to see your the darkness surrounding you.

Soon, you arrived at the cafe. Midoriya held the door open for you and you walked in, feeling the warmth of the building revive you from the cold. "Here's some money, could you get me some hot chocolate and (favorite dessert)? I'll get us some seats,"you told Midoriya. He nodded and continued looking at the menu mumbling to himself about his options.

As you scanning the cafe, you noticed a particular blond haired, blue eyed, scrawny man sitting in a chair facing you. You looked back at Midoriya, making sure he wasn't facing you and huffed over to the man. "Toshinori what are you doing here?" You whisper-yelled at him.
"Ah (f/n), my favorite girl! You told me to get out of the house and I'm out of the house aren't I?"
Your face was tinted with pink and shadows started to surround you, something that also happened when you got embarrassed.
"So," you adopted father winked," how's the date going? Cool hat by the way."
"Thanks I know and actually it's going very well, but it'd be going better if you weren't here, you know I love you, and you know I'll give you the scoop when I get home but I- frick Midoriya's coming over here."

As Midoriya was walking over with hot chocolate cups in hands when he saw you talking to... All Might?? Did you know who he was? After all he was in his civilian outfit. Were you just making polite conversation? Midoriya kept acting normal until he heard you say "you know I love you" and the rest after. What? Did he hear you right? "Ahaha, that's a funny one guy whom, I've never met," you said nervously, shadows surrounding you more. Toshinori just put his head in his hands and shook his head at your awkwardness. You made eye contact with Toshinori, sighed in defeat and pulled out a chair for Midoriya across from Toshinori. You pinched the bridge of your nose,"Honestly there's no point in me trying to hide this from you anymore Midoriya, you were gonna find out sooner or later..."you started to explain,"Toshinori's my dad."
Midoriya stiffened. Your dad was All Might?? "I mean he's not biologically my dad, but he picked me up off the streets so he's my dad," you continued.
"That's right!" Toshinori added in,"you may be my heir to my power, but this little rugrat is my (f/n)," Toshinori said tousling your hair. Toshinori's eyes became dark for a moment,"And don't forgot that Midoriya."
"Yes sir!" Midoriya gulped.
I hope this is okay! It's been awhile since I've updated. Also thank all so so much for over 75k reads??? Like that's so wild for me to think that that many people think my writing is good! I didn't want to name a "mistress" for the reader in this because my boy All Might isn't the person to have a fling but I can't see him getting married that much either.

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