Bakugou Katsuki- Good Morning

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Requested by bessttie
It felt so nice to wake up naturally for once. Normally, both you and Bakugou had to wake up early to go to your respective hero agencies, but today Bakugou had the day off, and you got to go into work later. Your head was resting against Bakugou's bare chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around you. Even though he didn't like attention drawn to it, you always thought he was the best cuddler, he just made you feel so safe and secure.
You nuzzled more into Bakugou and allowed his warmth to seep into your body, causing you to fall back asleep.

     Bakugou was stirring awake and was greeted by you in a content, peaceful sleep. He looked at the clock, it was almost 10:45. You had to go into work in a few hours so he decided to wake you up. "Hey," he mumbled in a volume that could still be heard. About a minute passed and you weren't waking up. "Hey (f/n)," he shook your body a little bit; there was some movement from you, but you still weren't waking up. "Hey nerd," Bakugou said grabbing his pillow from behind his head and throwing it on your face. You groaned. "What you do you want for breakfast?" Bakugou asked.
"I don't know..."you trailed off rubbing the sleep out of your eyes,"just like some bacon and eggs would be nice."
"'Kay," Bakugou said starting to get out of bed.
"Wait Katsuki,"you said abruptly with tiredness still in your voice,"can you make me some toast?"
He yawned and stretched his arms over his head while you enjoyed the view. "Yeah I guess," he replied.
      "Thanks babe," you said.
       Bakugou grunted with acknowledgement and walked out of your bedroom.

After a couple more minutes of laying in bed, you decided it was about time for you to get up. You passed the mirror and glanced at your reflection. Looking at the reflected room behind you, you saw one of your favorite Bakugou t-shirts laying in his laundry basket. "Sick," you whispered to yourself and turned around to grab the shirt. Crossing your arms and grabbing the hem of the current shirt you were wearing (another from the Bakugou collection, but not the shirt) and took it off for the replacement to be put on. You loved the way it fit on you and it was so soft. Looking back at the reflection in the mirror, the shirt covered your shorts and had slightly drooped off on of your shoulders, but that's why you liked it. After changing you continued into the kitchen.

"What up dweeb," you teased as you moseyed into the kitchen and sat down at the counter.
"Making fucking breakfast,"Bakugou replied, his back to you.
     "Do you need any help?" you asked.
     "Well," Bakugou said, setting his spatula down and turning to face you,"I wouldn't mind my morning kiss."
     You smiled and got up to approach him. As you stopped in front of him and  you started to wrap your arms around his neck he draped his hands around on your hips and the space between each other's lips was closed. Slowly, the kiss got more passionate. Bakugou's hands slid down your hips to grab your ass. "Fuck (f/n), you look so damn hot right now," he grumbled with a smirk in between kisses.
"Well I don't mind the view either," you replied in a lower voice, closing the space between your lips once more.

One of Bakugou's hands moved up to cup your chin so he could tilt your face just right. He started to work his way across your mouth. From the corner of your lips to his favorite place, to nibble on right underneath your ear. Humming in satisfaction you moved your head to give him easier access to your neck. Bakugou started sucking and nipping at your neck, you knew you'd have to cover that up later. He detached himself to get another look at you. "Fuck (f/n)," he muttered, admiring the mess he's made of you before going back to attack your lips.

     Moving in sync Bakugou's soft mouth smashed against yours, his tongue licking your bottom lip, trying to gain access to more. You grinned, denying his entrance, causing Bakugou to nip at your lips instead. Eventually you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to once again visit a familiar territory. Your hands were in his hair now, tugging absentmindedly from pleasure. Bakugou was everywhere. You could feel the heat coming off his body as he pressed against you. You could taste the remanence of coffee on his lips. You could see only him. You could hear his breath close to your ear. You could smell his sham- wait was something burning?

     You pushed Bakugou back. "What the hell (f/-" Bakugou started before you cut him off," Breakfast is burning!"
     Bakugou whipped his head around to see the bacon smoking up the kitchen. The whole apartment seemed to have a hazy look from the smoke swirling around the air. "Holy shit go open the windows and doors," Bakugou told you. Quick as you could you unlocked the windows and door to get the smoke to clear and ran back to the kitchen where Bakugou was throwing the bacon away and putting soap and water in the pan. Both of you stared at the mess you made in silence. "Well I guess you could say the only thing more burnt than our breakfast is our desire for each other," you teased nudging Bakugou's arm.
     "Oh shut up," he said shoving his hands in his pockets while walking away.
     "Come on you know you loved that Katsuki!" You yelled.
Hope that was okay, I'm not very good at the whole "make-out sesh thing"

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