Aizawa Shouta- Attack

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Requested by RoianaMustang
     Today felt like when you jumped in a pool and it was that perfect temperature that made you feel completely weightless. A gentle breeze blew that barely rustled the full trees but was just noticeable enough to cool (f/n) from the sun's warm beams. She walked with a noticeable bounce in her step-- something that she started to do more often after she met Aizawa, her newfound friend. The thought of talking to him made (f/n)'s mood shift from a boring "okay" to a dreamy "lovely." Up ahead was the boy himself. Half-jogging up to Aizawa, (f/n) greeted him, throwing an arm around his shoulder, an action that would annoy Aizawa if it was anyone else, and continued walking with him. Aizawa didn't say much; (f/n) engaged in most of the talking, not that either of them minded; there was always this balance. A balance in which even though (f/n) spoke a lot, she never ignored what Aizawa had to say and never shut down his interests, where on the other hand, Aizawa would listen attentively and allowed (f/n) to ramble on all she needed. All in all, they both made each other feel important and that was a special feeling.

Eventually, the two got to class, they were greeted by Hizashi and Toshinori. While Aizawa did begrudgingly like them, they didn't quite give him the same feeling (f/n) did when he talked to them. Aizawa always shrugged the feelings of annoyance directed towards the two boys off, after all that's what you do with friends. He sat down in between (f/n) and Toshinori and in front of Hizashi, getting situated before his teacher started talking.

"Alright class," started Aizawa and (f/n)'s home room teacher as they clapped their hands together. "Today we're going to practice using our quirks against other unsuitable quirks. We thought it'd be best to exploit your weaknesses now, rather than later when you're professionals. There will be a time limit of 10 minutes, if nobody wins by that amount of time, there will be a draw," the teacher continued, his eyes grazing over the class, resting just for a spilt second on several students. Everyone nodded their heads and soon they set off for outside.

     The class shuffled to the outdoor arena and began warming up. (F/n) jogged next to Aizawa, his long legs proved to be a challenge for her as they created a naturally faster pace. Feet hit the track as they lapped it a couple times before stretching. Everyone got in lines of two people, with (f/n) in front of Aizawa.  When the class was going side-slides she accidentally tripped and fell to the ground,"You okay?" Aizawa asked extending a hand.
     "Yeah," (f/n) smiled up at him, accepting his offer, allowing the touch to linger just moment longer, before letting go.
     The fight was on! Or at least one of them was... Currently (f/n), Aizawa, and Hizashi were watching Toshinori fight against Todoroki. The two of them didn't really seem to have a terrible weakness, they were both incredibly strong, so it seemed they were just testing their limits. After an inconclusive matchup of 10 minutes, the teacher gave Toshinori and Todoroki some constructive criticism.

Next up was Aizawa and another student with a mutant type of quirk. Aizawa took the challenge, even though he couldn't erase this person's quirk, he had been working and working on his close combat. While Aizawa was sizing up his opponent, a large boom sent ash into the sky. He looked at his teacher apprehensively who was holding his hand in a hold on position. A louder boom was heard; this time, chunks of the wall surrounding the arena were up in the air and landed quickly onto the ground.

An atmosphere of anxiety encompassed all the students in the arena; this wasn't supposed to happen. Soon villains were storming across the track and onto the stage. (F/n)'s teacher was shouting instructions to his students on how they should leave immediately and don't fight these villains unless it couldn't be helped. "Please! Everyone! Make your way back to home room!" the teacher yelled as he started to fight a group of villains. One of them caught (f/n)'s eyes and their mouth curled into a wicked grin. Still looking at her as they fought against her teacher. With only one hero and many villains, the group was hard to contain. The villain eyeing (f/n) slipped away from the main fight and made their way towards her.

As (f/n) was running, her arm was snagged by another villain causing her to yell in surprise. Quickly, she snapped out of her shock and started to fight.

(F/n)'s quirk allowed her to body to create a hard, carbon-like material that covered her body: a quirk great for defense and offense. Not only that, but when her body was covered, the carbon could also absorb energy from blows, kicks, punched, etc. that could be used by (f/n) later. The more concentrated the area of material, the harder it became, but made her movements slower.

The villain was still gripping (f/n)'s arm tightly from behind her. In one swift motion, she pivoted. With her momentum, she hardened just her leg and kicked the villain in the side of their thigh. Their knees buckled. Both (f/n) and the villain tumbled down. Now they were wrestling on the ground. Rocks were digging in (f/n)'s back. She grit her teeth and rolled herself on top of the villain. He was pinned and rest his head down with a too content defeat. Footsteps were approaching too fas--"(F/n)!" A yell was heard from close by. She spun her head and only felt heat; there was no time for her to react. However, there was time for Aizawa to react. He erased the villains fire quirk, ran towards (f/n), and jump-kicked the fire villain in the back. The villain underneath (f/n) slithered out and ran away, what a low-life. She moved so she was sitting on the ground, watching chaos unfold in front of her.

Aizawa extended his hand to help (f/n) stand up for the second time today. "More heroes are on their way, we should get out of here," he explained. (F/n) heard what he said, but not really, his voice was in the background and she sat frozen on the ground. Aizawa kneeled down, "(F/n)," Aizawa spoke in a gentle but firm voice. No response.
     "Hey," he echoed, hovering over her,"Is it okay if I pick you up?" Finally, (f/n) looked up, then nodded. Carefully, Aizawa crouched down and let (f/n) climb onto his back. When her arms were around his neck, he started running.

      On the way to the main campus of the school, (f/n) felt her eyes start to well up. She kept wiping her eyes furiously with one hand, keeping the other securely around Aizawa; he paid no mind to the sniffles and damp shoulder. After a few more minutes, Aizawa stopped, setting her down, without letting go of her hand. (F/n) took one look at his warm eyes and tackled him into a tight hug. Her tears wet his uniform and although Aizawa was startled at first, he slowly, gently started to rub her back. "It's gonna be okay," he soothed.
     "I-I almost just--" she couldn't bare to say it out loud, instead (f/n) sobbed harder into Aizawa's shirt.
     "Shhh, you're gonna be okay," Aizawa continued, placing a hand on the back of (f/n)'s head and stroking her hair,"you don't have to say anything."
     She nodded continued to cry, clutching Aizawa's shirt like it was the only thing that kept her still alive. Then she realized... He was.
     "Aizawa Shouta,"(f/n) started, looking up at him. She felt his body tense up, probably from the fact she used his first name, and opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, she opted for action, she changed the grip on his shirt to pull him to her level. Closing her eyes, (f/n) pressed her lips against Aizawa's. At first he froze up, the hands holding (f/n) tensed, but gradually, he eased into the kiss, moving in sync with her. As they pulled apart Aizawa was left speechless. "Thank you for saving me," said (f/n) through half-lidded eyes.
"Anytime," Aizawa grinned, pulling her back against his body for another kiss.
While Aizawa and (f/n) were having their moment, Hizashi passed. Whistling away, his hands shoved in pant pockets he saw the two lovebirds. Eyes widened as he started to sprint in the other direction to Toshinori's dorm room.

"TosHINORI," Hizashi screeched as he kicked down his door.
Toshinori, obviously scared by the intrusion, threw the book he was reading a little in the air. "What??" He asked concerned something else horrible had occurred.
"It...finally...happened," panted Hizashi with his hands over his knees. Toshinori then dropped his book and sprang up from his bed,"YES!"
I hope you all liked this! Oof I have one more day of finals and then it's summer which is p exciting. I have one more request and then I will open them back up again!

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