Aizawa Shouta- Visit

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     The morning was a complete blur.  Shouta had forgotten to set his alarm and woke up in a rush (as much of a rush possible for him), causing (f/n) to wake up as well; even though she didn't need to until later. As soon as he got the basic essentials done (I.e. Brushing teeth/hair, changing and maybe lesson plans) he was quickly out the door.

      (F/n) turned to go back to bed when she saw a barely half-eaten apple and Shouta's lunch on the counter. I should probably bring him some food later she thought to herself. Then, she proceeded to crawl back into her warm bed and fall asleep for another hour or two.

     After a while, (f/n) woke back up. Rubbing your eyes and stretching her legs, she yawned and made the hard decision of getting out of bed. Humming to herself, she gazed out her windows to see sprinkles of rain splattering on the glass. "I guess I should bring Shouta his umbrella too," (f/n) thought out loud in between chewing your breakfast.

     The rain only got harder. As (f/n) were washing the dishes, she looked up the window again and saw so much rain it looked it was a Jurassic Park movie. Even with all the discouraging rain, (f/n) decided to take one for the team and bring Shouta some lunch and his umbrella. She put some a t-shirt, leggings and a raincoat on and left.

     Squinting, (F/n) shielded her face from the rain and trudged on. Even with her own umbrella, not much could be done to prevent her from getting soaked. The streets were started to flood. It was like (f/n) was watching a river form right before her eyes. A clap of thunder was head overhead. (F/n) cursed to herself and her luck, picking up her pace.
     Right in the middle of his sentence, Shouta heard a knock at the door. He let out an annoyed sigh and told Midoriya to answer it. Midoriya did as he was told and said hello to whoever was on the other side of the door. Shouta swore that voice he heard was (f/n)'s, but she never visited him, especially in this weather. But, lo and behold, as Midoriya opened the classroom door more, there she was, in all her glory, dripping rainwater onto the linoleum floor.

     "Hey, you forgot your lunch and I brought your umbrella cause ya know..."(f/n) trailed off gesturing to the window.
"Aizawa-sensei, who's she?" Kaminari asked with a puzzled look on his face.
"She's my wife,"Shouta said nonchalantly. The entire class burst into questions. There was no way that Aizawa-sensei had a life of his own outside of teaching. (F/n) saw her husband grumbling to himself about how his students should mind their own business and moved over to him. Gently, she placed her hand on his arm and told him that she didn't mind answering a few questions. "Really?" Shouta double-checked.
"Really," you repeated, hoping she wouldn't regret his decision.
     "Alright everyone be quiet," Shouta instructed,"(f/n)'s gonna answer some of your questions, but they better be respectful and good," he finished looking Mineta dead in the eye, daring him to ask something stupid.

The first question was from Uraraka. "How did the two of you meet?" She asked. Shouta looked down at his feet as the story was kind of embarrassing. "Good question," (f/n) chuckled.

She started to explain that they met each other at the grocery store. She, was shopping for some coffee and Shouta was looking for some eggs. It was a simple enough task, but she was short and her favorite coffee was on the top shelf. So, she did what any rational short person would do and stepped on the first shelf. It's not like she's never done this before, and she climbed the shelves with an expertise. With just that extra couple of inches, (f/n) stood on her tip toes and stretched to grab the delicious drink at her fingertips. When she stepped down, her crashed into something- well more like someone. It was poor Aizawa Shouta, (f/n) turned to see him sprawled out on the ground with surrounded by broken egg, the yellow yolks providing a large contrast against the white floor. As it turns out "bumping" someone and breaking their eggs can result in management finding out about the mess and kicking both parties out for the next couple of days. Feeling awful, (f/n) offered to pay for some new eggs and invited him over for some of her brand new coffee. And the rest is history.

Todoroki raised his hand, which surprised a lot of people and asked,"How long have you two been married?"
"About five years now?" She looked at Shouta as if trying to confirm, and he nodded in response. He told his students to ask a few more questions because (f/n) had to leave for work soon. Things like what her favorite color was, what quirk she had, who she worked for.

Then, Kaminari asked the next and final question,"Is Aizawa-sensei a good kisser?" The couple stiffened and gave each other an apprehensive look. Quickly (f/n) glanced at the clock and said,"Ohwouldyoulookatthetime, looks like I should be going. I'll see you at home dear." They gave each other an awkward side-hug and went on their merry way.
Hope you guys enjoyed! I realized that I have over 2k reader and over 100 votes?! Guys that's crazy. Thank you so much for reading these and I hope you will continue to do so!

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