Iida Tenya- Broken Bones

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Requested by FlashLox
Lately, (f/n) had been pushing herself harder and harder to becoming a better hero. Her class rank had fallen and she was determined to bring herself back to to the top. Not only had she been constantly pushing the boundaries of her quirk but also her the limits of her body and it was starting to take a toll. So when her boyfriend had asked her if she wanted to go on a run with him and then maybe to lunch afterward, she wasn't going to turn down such an amazing opportunity to really push herself.

     It wasn't easy to keep up with (f/n)'s boyfriend. The man literally had engines in his legs, and even when he wasn't using them, his regular jog speed was like (f/n)'s sprint. But she really liked the challenge of trying to catch him when they ran together, in the long run (no pun intended) it would make her the hero that's she's strived to be for so long.

     Iida suggested that the two of them should go on a lighter 10 mile run. He had worked very hard yesterday and he knew how much (f/n) needed a break from all the intense training sessions that she had been putting herself through, burning the candle at both ends.

    When the two were about a mile into the run a familiar ache had started flow in (f/n)'s foot, one that she had recently become friendly with. She tried pushing the pain to the side and ignoring it, but the more she thought about ignoring it the worse the pain got. Moving to the grass to run on a softer surface, (f/n) picked her pace up a little to catch up with Iida.

Running next to him, she looked up and opened her mouth to say something, but the only words that came out was a slew of curse word as her foot gave out"Ow! What the hell?!" She exclaimed falling on the ground, landing on her ass. Iida stopped in his tracks at the sound of (f/n)'s distress, rushing to her side. "What happened? Are you okay? Can you walk? Do you need a doctor?" Iida started spouting out.
     (F/n) stood up carefully and tested out her foot. "Ooo yikes, yeah nope that definitely hurts," she winced.
     "Okay well you need to sit back down," Iida instructed. Knowing that there was no arguing with Iida about these kind of things, (f/n) complied, slowly getting back on the ground, but in a much more controlled and graceful way this time.

     Once (f/n) was situated, Iida started thinking about what the best course of action was. "(F/n) what do you think it is?" He asked.
She shrugged looking down,"I don't know I think I've had a stress fracture in my foot for a bit..."
Iida's eyes widened. "What? Have you done anything about it?"
"No... I figured it would just heal on its own and I didn't want to be further behind in class..."
Iida knelt down in front of (f/n) and placed a hand on her shoulder,"(F/n) I love you, but you need to take breed care of yourself, going this far and causing yourself this much injury is going to put you behind a lot more than training at a normal pace. Your health comes first. How much does it hurt?"
     (F/n) considered for a moment. "Probably like a 4 or 5? I don't know I'm bad at these kinds of things." Iida adjusted his glasses and placed his finger on his chin. "Well then I'll just carry you to the doctor, conveniently, there's one only a couple blocks down the road.
     "I mean as long as it's okay with you. It's what any good hero would do."
     (F/n)'s stomach flipped. "Yeah sure, if you want to, I mean I'm pretty gross though..." she smiled sheepishly, looking down at her sweaty shirt.
"That doesn't matter!" Iida clapped his hands and bent down to pick his girlfriend up like a blushing bride,"This could just be practice for a rescue mission!" and started to carry her to the doctor's office.
     "Well," the doctor said to (f/n) as the door clicked closed behind him, "you have a stress fracture. You should be back in your feet in about 6 to 8 weeks. I recommend ordering a walking boot, coming back in here in about 3 weeks and the we'll see if you foot is ready for a brace. " (F/n) and Iida let out a sigh of relief, it definitely could've been worse. "Thank you," (f/n) said as she moved to hop off the examination table.
     "Wait (f/n)!" Iida said,"don't jump off the table, you can't put too much pressure on your foot."
"Oh yeah sorry," she said sheepishly, opting to slide off the edge of the exam table and so her good foot could get her weight on it instead.

Soon, the two managed to hobble to (f/n)'s dorm and Iida ushered his girlfriend into her room. "Is there anything I can get you before I go?" He asked (f/n).
She shook her head and smiled,"No I'll be just fine." As Iida turned to leave (f/n) called out his name,"Tenya, thank you for everything."
"Of course."
Hey guys I'm not dead! I've been super busy with school and stuff lately so I haven't had the time (or motivation tbh) to write but I managed to crank one out! Hope you all enjoyed!

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