Just Another Day [Chapter One Part Two]

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"Vaughn! Help me move these crates!" I snapped out of my dazed state and went to assist my brother. The first floor of our home was also our shop. My family, as far as I know, has always handled shop here. My hands grazed over the wooden tables lightly tracing random objects of interest. Some have only been in the shop for a few days, others for a few years. As I headed over to Jacob the front door opened and I began to back-track towards the customer.

"I can't help you, Jacob! A customer just came in!" I moved towards the front of our store. I came to a halt once I realized who had come into the shop.

Standing at the doorway walking towards me was another youth that was my age. What always strikes me first whenever I see him is his prominent gray eyes. Their color resembling the blades that he'd use to kill his pray when he traveled with the other hunters. Many would say that he could easily become the next spearhead of the hunters. Being gifted in knowledge and skills of fighting and tactic. Leading his pack to gather food for the rest of us and protect us from any invaders. Not that anyone has tried to take our mountains for a while but it's good to have someone looking out for us.

"How can I assist you Atticus?" I focused on his disheveled hair rather than his piercing eyes. Probably from all of his training he tends to not be able to turn off the attentiveness of his gaze. They always made me feel like a deer about to meet its doom.

"I need three canteen straps. Mitra and Elliot's broke as well so I offered to get theirs as well."

"Oh, really now." I cracked a smile as I rummaged through a cupboard. "How come they didn't come with you then?"

"It would be a waste of their time running errands. They're my superiors."

"I mean, only by two years." I looked back at him in a friendly manner to see that they weren't being reciprocated.

"Hello Atticus," My brother came over and hooked his arm around my neck leaning on me. "You excited for the Winter Solstice Ceremony?" No response was uttered back other than a quick hello. "Come on, you aren't brimming with excitement?" What's Jacob getting at? "We all know that you're going to get chosen." I gave him an alarmed look.

"Jacob, don't be rude." I unhooked myself and stepped towards Atticus. "Not to say that it isn't an honor to be chosen. I apologize for my older brother's behavior. He didn't-"

"It's fine." His gray eyes seemed duller as they gazed at me. "If you'll both excuse me I need to deliver the straps." I handed him the leather straps and he walked out without another word.

I turned to Jacob and smacked him on his shoulder. "What was that for?" He yelped as I rolled my eyes.

A couple of hours later Jacob and I were walking around town during our break. "Regardless of how you feel towards him, he was a customer! Father would have skinned you if he saw how you displayed our business." I nagged at Jacob as we trudged along the main road of our little village.

"I can't believe we're still talking about this." He shrugged off his behavior and gazed at a group of hunters. "We all know it's true anyway." He hooked his hands behind his head in a carefree manner.

"That's not true, though." I looked at him. Although we were twins we didn't look the same. I had messy wavy dark brown hair while he had light brown hair like our mother. He also has interesting hazel, almost cat-like yellow eyes while mine were just the same shade as my hair. "Having similar qualities to previously selected heroes doesn't mean he will be chosen."

"He's a shoo-in and you know it. Other than him being the most promising hunter of our generation he's also a legacy. Don't forget that his father was selected too."

Among the group of hunters that across the road from us was Mitra and her partner Elliot; they both had the straps that Atticus had purchased earlier. I wonder where Atticus is now? Probably completing some other task. "This morning you told me that we all have a choice on whether we choose to participate in the Winter Solstice Ceremony or not. Maybe he won't participate and just lead a normal life. It's not too bad."

"Are you thinking of joining in on the ceremony then?" Jacob looked at me.

"Well, no." I looked down at the ground where I passed my boot along the snow sludge. "I'd just like to know what form my spirit takes into." I cracked a smile. I know I'll never be chosen. I've never touched a weapon in my life. I've always been a pacifist who tries to follow the path of least resistance. I'm simply miscellaneous in the grand scheme of things. Atticus would be a perfect fit for the role. He has what a hero needs, a fighting chance.

If I were chosen I would be among the many heroes who failed to return home because they died along the way. It's a pessimistic outlook but it's the truth. I'm just not cut out for that kind of job.

From my peripheral vision, I saw a group walking our way. They all wore heavy green cloaks. Four of the five elders had experienced a solid lifetime while the fifth was a few decades younger.

He had black hair and eyes the color of pine leaves. Shikoba was the youngest apprentice to ever succeed their mentor. Although he was just shy of four decades he became an elder when he was around my age. Apparently, when he was our age he participated in the Winter Solstice Ceremony and the Gods aligned him to become an elder. If you wanted to become one in our community you would need to be an apprentice to one of the elders and with time, usually decades, they will allow only one of their apprentices to take their place.

This was not the case for Shikoba. During his time as an apprentice, he dominated and excelled in every subject: divination, spell-casting, even interpretation of the ancient text! He was literally made for his role. His mentor retired early from his position because he was so confident about his pupil. Amongst the other elders, he was more talented and he swiftly became the leader amongst them.

So since they were coming our way I, of course, nudged Jacob to pay our respects. "Good afternoon!" We both knelt a little. I looked up to see that they had stopped in their tracks.

The looked at both of us and only Shikoba spoke. "Good afternoon Jacob." They then looked at me with disdain. "Vaughn." As if on cue, they all continued to walk off.

"What did you do to piss them off so much?" Jacob asked once the elders were out of earshot.

"I wish I knew." I sighed. "Let's go back to the shop. Our break's over."

Hi everyone! I just want to let y'all know that my updates will be by scene and not by chapter. I am currently at about 6 chapters (84 pages) but I want the updates to last longer than 6 weeks.
This story is also being posted in Tapas and Webtoons as a Webcomic.
You can follow this story on social media under "Arrow.Webcomics" or "Arrow_Webcomics".
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