To Be Human [Chapter Four Part Two]

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"Good," She sat back down and continued to work. "Sorry for making things heavy for a moment there. I just felt a compelling need to say all of that or I'd regret not saying it."

"I understand." I stood up and went back to the tasks that we were originally working on.

An hour later Tita left the table and stepped outside for a couple of minutes to then return with Atticus at hand. "I believe I am finished." She handed us our respective outfits. Mine felt considerably lighter. "Try them on and let me know what you think!" She stepped out and we changed. Thankfully Rosita didn't change my poncho. I love the dear thing too much. Moving around in my outfit I really felt the difference. Now there wasn't any padding in my clothing. I walked a little bit around the room and felt the breeze. It was quite an extraordinary feeling.

"We'll definitely be able to travel faster with this lighter attire!" I turned to see Atticus testing his pants by kicking high. "Oddly enough our attire looks roughly the same." I didn't think so. Atticus's shirt looked more fitted to his body, to be honest.

"You both look great!" Tita stepped back into the room. "I don't suggest that you keep the jacket at the table. It doesn't get any colder than the weather you've seen around these parts; if anything it gets hotter."

"We'll definitely sell them so we can continue getting by. I nodded in agreement but I couldn't help but keep looking at Atticus. His shirt was still blue and gray dyed but unlike his regular jacket, this shirt didn't have any sleeves exposing his arms.

Since we still had more work to do we decided to switch back into our work outfits to not dirty our new clothing. The rest of the day was uneventful. I assisted Tita with preparing all the meals for the group and once again the night ended with me sitting beside Atticus beside the fireplace.

"Vaughn, I apologize for my behavior last night. I just-" I turned towards him to see half his face illuminated in the dim light. I also saw for a slight moment an expression that I've never seen from Atticus: vulnerability. I blinked and he was back to his normal, almost expressionless, appearance. "I still wasn't feeling well is all."

"It's fine Atticus, you're human after all." I gave him a small smile. "We should go to sleep early since we'll be waking up before dawn." Just like last night, we turned sideways facing away from each other but unlike last night I didn't fall asleep quickly.

My mind was still awake trying to process everything that's happened so far especially all that Tita and Bruno have told me. Although I don't know what awaits with whatever Ilcryst is I must find it. This may not be my fault but I need to take ownership. I can't whimper and cower in fear. Not only that but I also have Atticus who vowed that he'd protect me. I can get through this with his help.

I eventually fell asleep into a dreamless slumber to be awoken by Atticus. "Vaughn," He lightly shook my chest to wake me up.

"What?" I grumbled.

"It's time to go."

I bolted upright almost hitting Atticus. "I'm up. I'm up!" Taking Atticus' outstretched hand, I stood up and dusted myself off. We began to get ready for the journey. I would watch Atticus out of the corner of my eye. Was he completely better? He was really sick a couple of days ago.

I tidied up the general living space while Atticus grabbed our bags. It was almost odd putting my regular clothes back on. It all appeared to look the same but upon putting on the garments they felt so much lighter. Almost like I wasn't wearing anything. It looked the same but when you ran your hands along the fabric you could tell that a lot of the padding was taken out.

"Vaughn, what should I do? Should I wear my jacket or no?" Atticus kept indecisively putting on and taking off his jacket. I could hear the slight sound of fabric brushing up against his wide shoulders.

"You look better without it on." I blushed stammering. "I mean, you look more comfortable thus you look better!"

"No jacket it is." He shook his shoulders getting out of the jacket, folded it up, and put it in his bag.

We moved to the table and began to hydrate when Bruno and Tita come through the open archway hand-in-hand. "Ready to go you two?" Tita smiled warmly.

"Yes maam." Atticus nodded still drinking some water while I spoke.

"Vaughn, help me with the horses. Atticus, help Tita set up breakfast. We need to eat it fast and leave before the sun is over the horizon."

"Okay," I affirmed as I followed Bruno out of the cabin and headed towards the stable. Bruno was completely silent as I followed him into the stable. He abruptly stopped and leaned against a wall not staring at me. "Are you-"

"There are some things that are not adding up in your story." Bruno turned to look at me. "How long did you say you were traveling from the base of the mountain to when you were taken in by us?"

"We were traveling for roughly a week. What's so wrong about that?"

"Vaughn, it takes two weeks by foot to get to the Patricot mountains from here."

"I don't understand."

"I don't either," Bruno sighed and put a hand on his hip. "Is it true that some spirit is haunting you?"

"Yes. It's the reason I ran away." I began to twiddle my thumbs as my voice shook. "I don't know what its motive is but it-it knows me by name and muttered the word Ilcryst." I looked him in the eyes face flushed. "I would never intentionally hurt you or Tita but it is true that I do not know what it's capable of."

"I know you wouldn't. It's not in your nature to do so but it would have been great to have been informed earlier on." He rested his hand on my head.

"I'm so sorry. I just wasn't sure how to tell you both. I didn't want to give you any reason to think ill of me."

Bruno bellowed with laughter. "Ah Vaughn, you are a peculiar mix of your parents' personalities!" I smiled at his comment. Knowing that I held onto some aspect of my parents made it feel like they were close by. A familiar tug gripped my heartstrings when Bruno handed me a saddle. "Let's get these boys ready for the ride."


Hey everyone! We're about to move to a new location in the story! I'm super pumped. You're gonna meet all new characters If you like the story please let me know. I want to hear feedback from you all. Also, make sure to like and subscribe to my account to get updates!


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