Forget-Me-Nots on the Windowsill [Chapter Seven Part Five]

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With a jingle at the front door we entered the bakery. The sweet smell of bread was enough to soothe my senses as we walked over to the counter. An older woman, whose hair was graying, stood behind the counter adjusting her frizzy mess of hair. She patted her apron and greeted us with a smile. "Hello boys, how can I help you today?"

"Hi," I spoke up. "This is our first time in town. What would you recommend for a person passing by?"

"Hmm, let's see." She scratched her cheek and looked around. I could see her that her hand was powdered with flour to help with beating the dough throughout the day. She had strings of hair fall down to her face that she casually blew away. "I'd recommend our red bean rolls. They're a local delicacy and they're not too sweet. We also have a batch in the oven that's almost done!"

"Is that what's making this lovely scent for your store?" Atticus asked.

"Yes!" Although they're not the sweetest buns they give off such a great aroma!" She gave out a light breath. "Take a seat right by the window!" The woman gestured towards the front.

Atticus and I walked together and sat at the table by the entrance. Idly gazing out, I saw a couple of kids laughing wholeheartedly and playing tag by the fountain.

I casually wondered what it would have been like to have had friends to play tag with as a kid. Back in Spendule, Jacob was the one who had friends. Whenever Jacob offered for me to join in get togethers the other kids would abruptly cancel or just not show up. With time I gave up and just told Jacob to stop trying. He'd always get mad at me when I told him to stop but eventually he did.

"Do you like the flowers young man?" The powdered lady asked. Looking down towards the table I noticed that I was idly touching the set of blue and yellow flowers by the window. "My daughter would always do that as well when she was in deep thought. These flowers are called forget-me-nots. They're known for many things like faithfulness and enduring love."

I slowly retracted my hand and scratched my nose hoping my cheeks would cool down. "That's so sweet." Atticus chimed in. He looked me for a moment and then I looked back down at the dark up wood table.

"My daughter is travelling with the man that she loves. I just hope that they return safely." She clasped her hands together. "I decided to grow these flowers by the window so that when she returns she'll be greeted by her favorite flowers." She let out a small laugh clapping her hands together sending some flour particles in the air. "Now enough about my personal life! Let me grab you both a cup of water. The pastries should be ready any minute now!"

"It's really endearing of that woman to do that for her daughter." Atticus turned his gaze towards the flowers and brushed his thumb along one of the petals. Twilight seeped through the window and painted dark tones all over Atticus. Shadows cast across his face as he probably thought of his mother.

"Atticus?" I knew I had to break his thoughts before he got too consumed in them.

He withdrew his gaze and slowly turned to me. "Yes, Vaughn?"

"I think your mother is getting ready for your return." I smiled at him as the woman set the cups down on our table. "I bet that she's gathering a bunch of pine cones so you both can make a bunch of wishes!" I cackled resting my hands around the cup of water.

Atticus' hand on my arm grabbed my attention. "Thank you Vaughn." Atticus withdrew his arm as I nodded and picked up the cup of water to drink it.  

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