The Rose Petals in Ivy Grove [Chapter Six Part Three]

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I was so excited over being able to participate in the Festival of Five that I had forgotten about how I was going to sleep in a brothel for the night. Stepping into the building I couldn't help but think about how my mother wouldn't approve of me being there.

Walking into the main hall, I took note of my dimly lit surroundings. There were heavy curtains covering the windows allowing no light to penetrate from outside causing the many candles in the area the only source of light. There were men with women dispersed throughout the vicinity. The women were in all different states of being disrobed. Some women were casually standing by the bar wearing full attire. Other women well...they were completely naked.

I shielded my peripheral vision already hearing a heavy lecture of respecting women from my mother. She would be so livid if she knew I was going to sleep here tonight. On the other hand, Jacob would probably be cheering me on. I can just imagine them now! I chuckled lightly and Atticus turned to me.

"Just imagining my family when I tell them about this." I cackled and Atticus smiled nodding.

"Welcome to Ivy Grove! Where love is always just around the corner!" The woman from earlier twirled allowing us to view the entire main hall.

"It-it's very nice!" I spoke with caution while Atticus mumbled something in agreement.

The woman snapped her fingers before Atticus' eyes causing me to look at her. "Sweetie, you may be a guest but let me get one thing clear: this place is as much of an establishment as any. All of my employees are here of free will. Yes, our bodies might be our assets but we use and treat them VERY well. If you're going to judge any of them or my clients; you will be kicked out into the streets." There was a pregnant pause between our party as the rest of the people in the room continued on with whatever they were doing. "Now, since you handled Reggie and his mindless imbeciles many of my ladies can sleep well tonight. In tribute towards this, I will give you one room free of charge and the other will be on discount. After that, if you want any more rooms or additional services it shall be on your own dime."

"Thank you, ma'am." I nodded. "We are humbled by your generosity."

The woman gave us a strong smile. "Now my younglings here's the key towards room seventeen where you will be residing for the night." She handed the key to Atticus. "Do not lose this!"

"We won't," Atticus replied. Atticus and I walked down the hall until we reached suite seventeen and let me tell you, suite seventeen was something else. The room consisted of a massive bed with red drapery and pink rose petals littering the sheets. With windows, like the parlor area, only candles gave way for light.

Thank the Gods it was too dim for Atticus to see my facial expression. I felt the heat on my cheeks as I casually shook off my pack to cover my front. There was no denying it. I-I had an attraction towards Atticus. Yes, I do admire him, I wish I were more like him; but no, there was no denying it. I wanted the scene in my dreams to manifest into reality.

I quickly darted my eyes towards Atticus to see that he was frowning. Did he not want to be in this brothel with me? Wow, if anyone had told me a year ago that I was gonna be sleeping in a brothel with Atticus I would have punched them. Is he disappointed in the fact that it's me with him here? Maybe he'd prefer one of the women from the parlor...

"This is a total waste of flowers. It would have been better if they had left them to grow in the garden." Atticus bent over to pick up all the petals. I couldn't help but look at his figure as he collected the natural debris. The way his toned legs stretched the cloth over his body. I quickly turned away from him to gaze upon the painting. I didn't even bother focusing on what it was but rather just nit-picked the color scheme.

"What are you looking at?" Atticus came towards me. His hand lightly brushing against my waist.

I need to get out here. "I-I'm looking at a p-painting!" I babbled about the color as Atticus analyzed the artwork.

"Vaughn," Atticus spoke in a hushed tone. "I think that's a painting of a woman's-"

"Guys!" Alfred popped his head into our suite. "Join us outside! We're going to help the locals put up decorations for the festival!"

"Yes!" I all but bolted out of the room and into the hallway. "So what do we need to do again?"

Alfred scratched his cheek. "We're just going to help out. Ask some of the local villagers if they need assistance and help them out."


I've got finals coming up soon so I'm posting a day early. Good luck and see you on the other side! -Ryan

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