A Prayer Whispered in the Dark [Chapter Two Part Seven]

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We spoke for a little while but as the moon climbed the sky Atticus had decided to go to sleep early. I couldn't really fall asleep so I sat by the fire. The scent of the wood burning reminded me of home. It's almost been a week. I hope my family's alright. Mother's probably been crying and blaming herself for everything, father's probably comforting her, and Jacob would be confused and angry. I wish I could have told them something. I began to poorly draw my family in the dirt with my poking stick.

A tear rolled down my cheek and damaged Jacob's face. "I'm so sorry." My voice crackled. I looked up at the sky as tears continued to roll down my cheeks. Stars freckled across the sky but for some reason, it felt like fewer stars were revealing themselves tonight. It seemed as if even pieces of the sky were giving up on me.

I grabbed a fistful of dirt and threw it on the fire to suffocate it. Once I finished smothering the fire I looked around to see only the outlines of what was right next to me. It was so dark. I put my hand forward and could barely see my hand. I pulled my hood up and fluffed it on my head. It usually made me feel better if I ever felt troubled. When I was a little kid I made up a bunch of random acts that would make me feel better without fail but now that I've come to such a drastic situation they're not effective. It makes me question whether I'm just getting older or if my little acts were never good for actual stressful situations.

I clasped my hands together and began to pray in the dark. "Dearest Goddess Katiuska of Pathways, it is I, Vaughn Tenderfoot," I whispered. "I know I usually don't pray. To be honest it's because I feel like others need more help than I...but tonight I ask for your assistance. I need you to show me the way. I don't know where to go. What to do." I gripped my hands tighter. "If you can, please guide me through this new road that I have found myself on. I need to find the answers. There is so much I don't know. Mintu, God of Knowledge and goodwill, please help my family through this time. Let them know that I'm sorry and that I never meant to abandon them but I had to. The elders were threatening me and I didn't want anyone to get hurt." I loosened my grip slightly. "Last but certainly not least Goddess Nayeli of the Great Winds, please let the winds assist us in our travels. I know I dragged Atticus along with me...please help us to make myself less of an inconvenience for him. Thank you for listening to me. With the flow of nature, I follow your beck and call."

I unclasped my hands and sighed as I got ready to sleep. A few minutes later, I fell back onto my quilt and stared up at the ceiling of my tent starting to clear my mind. It made me feel a little better to hear Atticus beside me. He wasn't snoring but he was breathing louder than usual. Slowly my mind drifted to a dreamless state of unconsciousness.


Wish me luck on my test tomorrow! >< Also, if you celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, have a happy Thanksgiving!


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