Keeping it Casual [Chapter Nine Part One]

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The next couple of hours were long. I dared not leave Atticus' side throughout the night and I couldn't fall asleep. Every time my mind relaxed and faded to black my heart would begin to pound like a madman and I'd awaken. I was in a slightly dazed state when Wren knocked at the doorway snapping me back into a state of alert.

"Vaughn," She paused for a moment watching me. "We have work to do. Go to the washroom and tidy yourself up. You'll need to get the rest of the blood off you."

I looked at Atticus. His skin was shades of pink and light red from the boiling water. There were parts of his hands, arms, and feet from clawing out of the cauldron that was darker shades of red because of how hot the cauldron itself became. I knew that the injuries could have been worse; just the sight of him in pain was aching me but I knew that staying put was not a useful decision.

"Yeah," I nodded and rose up. My feet felt light as I reached the doorway following Wren's strong gaze towards the washroom. Within the washroom were a bucket of water, a simple tan cloth, and a bench. Once I disrobed I sat on the bench and laid the cloth on my lap and the bucket before me. Within the bucket, I could see the reflection of a murderer in the water. Grabbing the cloth I dunked it into the warm water distorting the image. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see the person I've become.

Taking the cloth out of the water watching my reflection recollect itself. After I wrung the cloth, I dragged it across my skin scraping off the dirt, debris, and blood. I continued to scrape against my skin until it was irritated. I probably took a long time but I did feel a little better exiting the washroom.

Walking back to my previous location I saw Wren leaning back against the wall waiting for me. "I just checked up on Atticus' condition. At his current state, he will need to stay on bedrest for a couple more days. After speaking to Fátima, Moira, and Keilani we agreed that it would be best if I accompanied you all to deliver the children to their parents." She brushed a stray hair off her shoulder. "As much as I trust you two, which isn't much, I don't believe that the two of you can securely get the kids home."

A small smile crept across my face. "You're worried about our safety!" I laughed lightly. It felt good to have a little moment of relief in the midst of all that happened.

"I don't." She scoffed as a faint smirk spread on her face. "Anyways, just because I'm a wanted felon doesn't mean I'm heartless. There's no way someone as puny as you can protect four people who are dependent on you. It only makes sense for me to tag along and guide you all to your destination."

My eyes crinkled from smiling. "Whatever you say."

Wren cleared her throat ending the subject. "Anyway, we'll be leaving soon to work on some tasks. Fátima will be taking care of Atticus while Moira and Keilani will take care of the kids."

We began to walk towards the kitchen to grab a quick cup of water and a snack for our departure. "So what are we going to do?" I took a moment to drink the water as she took a quick bite of bread.

"We're going to that doctor's home and investigate it while we loot it. There may be information regarding what happened last night." Choking on the water I was drinking I set the cup down and heaved trying to catch my breath. "If that was all of the associates there at the dunes, as you said, then we will have to acquire anything valuable from their unit before the authorities find out that they're all dead."

Averting my gaze from Wren I stared at my mug in hand. "I-I may not know where it is." Wren stopped eating the bread and stepped towards me leveling our eye contact.

"Then we ride on horseback until we find it. We will continue looking day in and out until we find their unit and gauge out its resources." She paused for a moment but her gaze did not leave mine. "You owe us."

"Fine," I took a quick sip of water to soothe my throat. "Any way I can help Atticus, and the boys, is fine by me." Standing up I mustered up some courage. "Let's go. The sooner we do this the sooner we'll be done."

"That's the spirit!" She smacked my shoulder causing me to spill some of the water onto the floor.

I met Wren out back in the alley and waited with the horse while she made some last preparations. She met me out back with an empty pack at hand. "Eat the food in their kitchen if you get hungry." My stomach clenched at the thought of potentially eating the food in a cannibal's kitchen.

We casually rode on horseback through the city. Sickeningly enough, nothing had changed. There was still the hustle and bustle of vendors along the streets, the children running around without a care in the world, couples clasping hands, even the smells of local eateries wafted in the air. It almost felt like the world was revolting from its reality. Pretending like last night someone I trusted didn't try to murder Atticus. That he had wanted me the same way as I want I like him?

"Here we are," Wren announced as she hoisted herself off the horse. Extending her arm towards me she assisted me with coming off the horse. After moving the horse to a nearby railing to prevent it from running off Wren and I moved towards the front door.

"How are we going to get in?"

"We're going to pick the lock of course." She took a step towards the front door and looked back at me. "Stand watch and let me know if anyone walks by us. If we get caught we will get into deep shit."

"Okay." Taking a quick glance at Wren I saw her pull out two handheld tools from her bag. And move them both into the lock. I turned facing the street once more. There oddly enough wasn't a single person in sight. Probably because we were a bit away from the center of the city where all of the action was at. Before I knew it, I heard a loud click and the door creaked inward.

"We're in."

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