The Closet [Chapter Nine Part Five]

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With a scream, my eyes darted open. "VAUGHN!" The loud shrill brought a shiver down my spine. I don't want to see him! I thought in a frenzy as I darted through the facility. All of the windows were bordered but I knew where the back entrance of the home was. Wren and I were just here earlier today. I need to get out.

Running into the kitchen I yanked at the back door but it wouldn't budge. "Did you think I'd just let you leave me, Vaughn?" I turned around to face Alfred as he stepped into the doorway. "I have you now. You're going to be mine." With his hands behind his back, he smiled as he inched towards me. It was cruel to see such a smile on a man like him.

"You're dead!" I was barely able to say aloud. "I was there. I saw you draw your last breath!" My breathing escalated as I surveyed the room around me. The kitchen was empty. Everything was wiped off the counters and the dining table.

Alfred chuckled, "And yet here we are." Bringing his hands forward I saw the glint in his carving knife. He gazed at the knife gingerly running his finger along the smooth end, caressing it. "Here we are, all alone with no one to disturb us." Alfred lunged towards me with the knife. Dodging the lunge I grabbed the nearest chair slamming it against his head. "Ahh!" He yelped as I ran out of the kitchen.

I ran along the hall noticing that every painting was of Amy. Different parts of her body. Different expressions on her face. Each showing how she met her end. Seeing that the front door was bolted shut with plywood I dashed upstairs.

"Come on Vaughn!" Alfred screamed. "No point in running around when there's no way out!" Dashing up the stairs I tried to get into different rooms but each room was locked. Slipping into a room I locked the door behind me and looked around my surroundings. We were in the study from the other night. The dark green couch with brown accents sat in the middle of that was almost completely covered by bookshelves. Scanning the room I found a closet to hide in. Stepping backward, I drew the door closed leaving a crack open so I could peer outside. "Vaughn." The doorknob rustled but wouldn't let the door budge. I covered my mouth with both hands so I wouldn't make a sound. "Vaughn, sweetie. Open the door." The old Alfred spoke softly as he knocked lightly on the door. Tears were welling up in my eyes as I helplessly shook in the closet. "I know you're in this room. Every other one was locked." He explained to me.

I didn't dare to say anything. A disgusting smell began to permeate my surroundings but I had to ignore it. I couldn't let him know. Suddenly the knocks stopped. The static sound of silence filled the room. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe he moved on?

BOOM BOOM BOOM. "LET ME FUCKING IN!" Alfred screamed to the top of his lungs as he banged on the wooden door with all of his force. "LET ME IN!" He continued to pound on the door for what seemed like an eternity when he abruptly stopped. The sound of him banging on the door was replaced by his howling laughter. "You think you're so smart Vaughn?" I heard a rummaging sound along with the familiar click of a lock opening up.

"Did you think I wouldn't have the key?" He lowered his tone knowing that it was only I in the room. "You like prancing around and teasing me, Vaughn? Playing hard to get now are you." He chuckled as he softly swung the door closed and locked it. "Where can you possibly be Vaughn?" The monster taunted me as he sauntered over to the couch on the other side of the room. Gripping my face tighter in an attempt to stay quiet tears began to race down my cheeks but a weak whimper still came out.

"Aww Vaughn," He swung around carelessly and smiled right at me. "You were supposed to keep playing the game with me but you gave your spot away!" Blood began to trickle down from his forehead as he laughed. "You're so disgusting though. Have you not noticed the stench?" My eyes began to widen in fear. "You're standing in my favorite hiding spot for snacks." Turning around I saw what he meant. Hanging all around me were limbs held up by pieces of rope. I continued to look around when I saw her. Amy's head and torso were held up by a strand of rope wrapped around her neck. Her face was frozen in an expression of fear as she was betrayed by the one she loved the most.

Alfred ripped open the closet door, mouth oozing with blood, screaming at the top of his lungs. With an upswing of his blade, I dropped to the ground convulsing on the ground. With the thunderous sound of my heartbeat ringing in my ears, my vision began to fade as all I heard was my name being chanted.

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