For You I Want to be Something Else [Chapter Four Part Five]

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Atticus and I were walking through some woods. It was heavily forested but we could still tell that it was daytime. Although we couldn't see through the trees too much we were very much enamored by the lush greens that surrounded us.

I then gazed at Atticus to see that his belt was drooping to the side. "Atticus, your belt is loose." I squinted my eyes checking over him. Was there anything else on his person that isn't fastened properly?

He looked me in the eye and gave me a mischievous smirk. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well," I blushed. "You're supposed to look presentable to others. You are the chosen one after all. Dress like it."

"Fine," He abruptly stopped and began to take off his belt. Why was I watching? I turned away cheeks heating up.


"Yeah?" I turned around and Atticus hooked his belt around me and pulled me towards him. Stumbling towards him my hands were now pressed between myself and his firm chest.

"Atticus!" I tried to squirm out of his grip without avail. He was without a doubt stronger than I.

"I may have been chosen by the Gods to be their hero...but for you I want to be something else." He growled into my ear as he slid the belt down my body until it rested at the lowest point of my back. His lips grazed against my cheek as he pulled back. He stopped pulling back and gave me an intense gaze that I've never seen from him before. His gaze lowered to my lips and mine fell upon his. His lips were so full and looked so soft compared to his masculine physique. He parted his lips slightly and came closer to mine.

Suddenly my vision began to decline and I couldn't feel anything.

I opened my eyes to see that I was back in the inn. It was all a dream...a dream where Atticus was about to kiss me...and I think I wanted him to follow through with it. I lifted my head slightly and felt around to see that I was laying atop of Atticus. My head was resting on his chest and my hand was laying atop of his right pec.

"AH!" I backed off and fell off the bed. My shout along with the loud thump caused Atticus to wake up on high alert.

"Vaughn what happened?!" Atticus popped his head over the bed but I could still see his naked chest. My face was just there.

"I-I-I." My voice trailed off.

Atticus sighed. "It's not even morning time yet. Come back to bed, we've got a long day ahead of us." Atticus yawned and went back to his side of the bed.

"Okay." I whispered and crawled back into bed. What was that dream supposed to mean? Do I like Atticus? I-I mean he's a man and I'm a man. I've never seen something like that before. Maybe it's just a fluke. Everyone has bizarre dreams. It happens!

I rubbed my finger against my lower lip. I really wanted it though. I rested my head and gazed at Atticus's relaxed form. His breathing had already slowed down. I could see his back move softly with each inhale that he took.

Sometimes dreams are erratic currents that you are forced to follow while others are smooth rivers that you can navigate with ease...I'm just trying to figure out which would last nights be categorized as.


Hey everyone! I know last week's update was really late. Between midterms and my fraternity's retreat I had no time to post. To make up for that next week I will be pulling a "Stranger Spirits Spring Break!" From Friday 3/9 to Sunday 3/18 I'll be posting an update every day. On the two Sundays I'll post an extra episode! So yeah, get ready to start reading everyone! We're in for a wild ride!

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