Can I Tell You a Secret? [Chapter Five Part Six]

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"I'm such a fool, aren't I?"

"I mean, you did try to walk even though you're partially paralyzed. It's not the smarted move.?"

I exhaled softly. "I wouldn't have survived by now. When the Elders told me that they were stopping the spirit that's haunting me. They told me that it could possess me."

"You promised that we wouldn't speak of that anymore."

"Shikoba threatened me to leave." Tears began to well up on my eyes blurring my vision. "He told me I'd get possessed and would more than likely hurt my family. The Elders were willing to let me get taken advantage of by it. They were willing to let me be controlled and take responsibility for the repercussions. They guilt tripped me to leave the village. They KNEW I was more than likely going to die alone and they abandoned me." The tears were falling now.

"Look at me Atticus!" I cried. "I'm getting these scary dreams of this random study! I had a recent one too. There was someone there. They were coming after me!" I dug my hands into his shoulders. "I'm going up against whatever THAT is! I'm just a shopkeeper, Atticus!" I pressed my forehead against his chest watching the tears careen towards the floor.


"No Atticus!" I looked him in the eyes through the tears. "You just had to clothe me! I can't even walk out of this room on my own!"

"No. You listen to me." Atticus clipped my chin in his hand to prevent me from looking away. His guise was piercing through me. "YOU are a fighter. You chose to protect the ones you love and face this beast alone so they could be safe. You aided me when I was down. You survived this ambush. You WILL face whatever is causing these dreams and you shall prevail."

"I will?" I croaked.

"Yes," His expression softened. "I know because I will be there to see it happen." He offered me the most amiable lopsided smile that I'd probably ever see that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Will there ever be a day that I won't be crying in front of you?"

"I highly doubt that." He chuckled as I gently knocked my right hand on his chest. I looked up and cracked a laugh as he wiped the trail of tears off my cheeks.

"Knock. Knock." Alfred knocked on the door. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"No," Atticus swiftly moved to my side and guided me towards the door. "We just finished getting ready.

"Good timing then!" Alfred clapped his hands together. "Atticus, help Vaughn into the carriage. Once he's situated I'll need you to get the last few boxes in there as well.

"Yes, doctor." Atticus began to move me along to the carriage and helped me into it. The carriage was already filled with a bunch of boxes along with Atticus' possessions. "I'll be right back Vaughn, let me know if you need anything." Atticus tapped the back of the wagon and strode away to complete the last couple of chores before we go.

Dr. Alfred lingered around keeping an eye on me. He swayed from foot to foot as he softly whistles waiting for Atticus to return. "Dr. Alfred."

"At least call me Alfred Vaughn." He chuckled. "You're making me feel older than I am."

"I apologize Alfred." I idly stretched and touched my toes. "Tell me a little about yourself. I don't really know you that well and now that we're traveling together I'm just curious as to whom I'm traveling with."

"What would you like to know?" He smiled and leaned against the back entrance of the carriage.

"Well," I scratched my head. "What convention are you going to in Sincostan?"

His expression fell from his casual smile momentarily as he pushed himself away from the vehicle. "A few colleagues and I are not only physicians but also connoisseurs of fine and rare foods." His eyes twinkled as he rubbed his tummy. "I had received word a little before you two came in town that a colleague of mine has found some interesting rare foods from just north of Lundy Port."

"That's very interesting Alfred! This trip must be really exciting for you then!" I smiled. "I would love to eat rare food with friends!"

"Yes," He nodded. "Can I tell you a secret?" His eyes showing a unique glint to them.

"Sure!" I giggled and leaned closer to him. "What is it."

"I think I may have gotten my own treat in Sincostan. It's why I need to get there extra early, to secure it for the others." He leaned closer to me. "The look on their faces will be priceless. Of course, I'll need a little help from my friends to move the meat but I think we'll be able to make it work."

"Is this the last thing that you needed?" Atticus asked as he brought a ridiculously large cauldron. "I thought you wanted another box brought down."

"I'm sorry, lad. I meant container but that's exactly what I needed." He stepped away from me and gestured at Atticus to bring it up. "What you can do is put some boxes and such in there to save you both some room."

"Sounds like a plan," Atticus grunted as hauled the cauldron into the storage area.

"Give me a moment, I believe I'll need to borrow a second horse to pull us along for this trip." Alfred exited and Atticus climbed up to sit next to me. With all of the boxes and that huge cauldron, there really wasn't enough room for us to sit comfortably.

"Vaughn, make sure you don't lay with your feet up. Dr. Alfred wanted me to warn you about that since we'll be traveling in this for a while."

"Okay." I laid back against the wall of the wagon. Here we are again, with this streak of luck we'll be able to travel south faster. I closed my eyes and basked in the moment. This may be fleeting, horrible things may come, but at least for now things are getting better. We're moving closer to our goal.
Final day of Stranger Spirits Spring Break! -Ryan

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