Family Meeting [Chapter Eight Part Eight]

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Taking one last look at Atticus I nodded as we stepped out into the hall. Without missing a beat, I followed Wren down the hall. Turning to our right, we walked into a small kitchen where Wren's friends were distributed all around the room. Fátima was leaning back against some light brown cupboards while Moira and Keilani were both seated at a small table sharing some fruit.

"It's time that we all get updated on what's going on Wren. You can't just keep running off whenever you feel like it." Fátima kicked herself off and paced towards us with her arms crossing her chest. "We're a team and you galavanting into the desserts at night is only putting us at a disadvantage."

"Look," Moira paused to finish her bite of the fruit. "As much as we need to iron that out. I'd much rather address that fact that we're now housing five boys in our unit. I know we had two extra rooms available because of Sampson leaving but we all didn't agree to this arrangement."

Wren appeared to be grinding her teeth as she listened to the input of her team when I piped up. "Wren brought myself and Atticus because we helped her escape from the authorities yesterday."

"I knew the Kilongdal heist was not a good idea!" Fátima growled when her friends hushed her allowing me to continue.

"The three boys are with us because they had been kidnapped." Seeing their alarmed looks, I shook my hands and sighed. "Let me just explain everything." I then began to proceed in explaining the whole Sincostan fiasco. No questions were asked until I ended the entire tale. As I told them everything they'd occasionally look at Wren. In the parts that she knew the information already she'd just. Other times when she wasn't aware of the details she'd just shrug.

After all was said and done, Fátima took the lead and led a unanimous vote to have us stay for the time being given everything that's happened. "Vaughn, go get some rest. You need to rest after everything that's happened."

Bowing slightly I thanked them. "Please excuse me." Turning, Wren and I started to leave the room when Fátima called out for Wren to stay in the room since they still needed to discuss the actions that she took.

Wren rolled her eyes letting out an exasperated sigh. "Good night Vaughn."

"Good night Wren." I bowed one more time and stepped out of the room and bound down the halls back to my temporary room. At the doorway to my room, I took a moment to watch Atticus from afar. His sculpted face looking serene in slumber. His lips were slightly parted and I desperately wanted to touch them.

My stomach took a gut-wrenching turn and a chill ran through my body. "There's something wrong with me." I whispered to the Gods. My breathing hitched as goosebumps across my arms. These feelings that I have. The affections that I have towards Atticus are erroneous. Alfred felt something similar towards me and he was this psychotic murderer. I'm like Alfred. There's something wrong with my mind!

My breathing hitched and I slumped down to the floor. "There's something wrong with my mind." That's why I had the dream about murdering Atticus. That's why I was able to murder Alfred in cold blood. I looked down at my shaking bloodstained hands. "I just committed one of the greatest sins." I buried my face in my hands. "I murdered another man. I ended his life. Only the Gods are allowed to do that."

I looked back at Atticus' sleeping form and trudged towards him. I sat down on the chair beside his bed and took his hand in my own. "Would you be willing to stay by my side Atticus?" I whispered to him though I knew he wasn't able to hear me now. "I'm a murderer, will you still help me?" I lowered my head to his hand and began to pray to the Gods.

Everything has changed, could I even face my family now that I've soiled their name with my actions? Would the Gods be able to forgive a sinner like me? I wanted to ask the Gods everything that was coming to mind but in this windowless room, with my comrade injured, the only prayers that came from my mouth were not of vision and clarity but of healing and recovery.


That's it for Chapter Eight!

Honestly, I have been LIVING for this chapter and I am so glad that it's out! This was a major arc in the story and I feel like it shows how dynamic Vaughn has been as a character. The final arc of book one will be fantastic, I promise!

I'd also like to note the love @AlexWolfen's amazing artwork of Vaughn! I clipped it to this post and I swear she literally ripped the essence of the scene out of my head! It's fantastic, I love it, so I had to share it!

With all of that in mind, I'm going to have to go on a quick hiatus. Senior year has been hectic for me as I've been juggling many responsibilities and at the rate that I'm writing it will not be enough for weekly updates that have quality scenes. I know it's abrupt, going on hiatus after such a major point in the story, but I feel that this would be better than if I crammed writing sessions in between everything trying to write enough for each update.

I don't want to give a date, because I'm not sure when the next one will be, but I will send an announcement update when I do have a date in mind.

If you ever have any questions or comments just write them in the comments section. Don't forget to star the updates and message me because I love hearing from y'all!

Until the next post!


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