The Woman of Many Faces Who Follows No Gods [Chapter Eight Part Six]

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Wren moved to Atticus' side to help me support him and guide us towards the wagon. As we ventured forward I noticed the bodies of Alfred's associates all piled up on a blood heap.

"Did you drag these bodies around?"

"Of course, we can't have the kids seeing a bunch of freshly killed cannibals."

"That's true." We continued to trudge forward to the wagon. Once we finally got to the wagon we saw three boys who looked the same looking at us wide eyed.

"Boys, they're with me. They helped me find you." The boys relaxed their posture as Wren climbed up into the wagon to help Atticus up. "Vaughn, you're gonna be on watch for everyone back here. Atticus, try to rest. Your body looks like shit."

"I'll try, but if this is the wagon that Vaughn and I have been traveling in then it's going to be a bumpy ride." Once we were sitting side by Atticus tapped my shoulder. "Can I lean on you?"

"Of course. Actually," I stopped speaking mid-sentence to take off my poncho and folded it onto my lap. "You won't rock around as much if you're laying on your side. Rest your head here." Atticus nodded his head and rested upon my lap. One of my hands fell to rest lightly on his shoulder while there other went to just stroke his hair. I know when I was sad or needed to calm down mother would have me put my head on her lap while she raked her fingers gingerly through my hair.

I felt Atticus relax in my arms and I took a moment to lean back against the wooden frame of the wagon and just breathe. "What's your name?" One of the boys asked me taking me out of my temporary trance.

"My name is Vaughn." I replied.

The boy picked up a cloth that was lying beside him. "Vaughn, you have blood on your face. It's making my brother uncomfortable." We both leaned forward and exchanged the cloth. Wiping my face I looked at the boy for validation and upon his nod of approval I dropped the cloth beside me. "My name is Toth." Toth waved to each of his brothers indicating who was who. "This is Lee and Isaac. To answer your next question, yes we are triplets."

"I mean, I wasn't going to ask but that's good to know." I laid back and tried to relax but couldn't. Too many thoughts were plaguing my mind. I decided that for now I could just push them aside and just watch over the kids.

Toth definitely was the caretaker of his group. He had Isaac laying on his lap just like how Atticus was on mine. Instead of stroking his brother's hair, Toth took Isaac's hand into his own and alternated between massaging it and squeezing it tight. Lee was perched towards the side of the wagon leaning against one of the wooden archways. Turned away from the group he was snoring loudly. Toth rolled his eyes and continued to soothe his other brother.

We all sat in silence for a while when we came to a stop. Moments passed with only the sound of people talking back and forth. Footsteps could be heard as Wren bounded towards our side of the wagon with two guards.

Her appearance had drastically changed. Her hair fell down in slight waves. She was wearing a shawl and a loose fitting pullover dress. "As I was saying, you can see the injuries on this man's legs and feet as a result from the Gertrude Bandits down south." She's unapologetically lying to the guard but I doubt they'd believe what had transpired the past few hours. "He needs medical attention and everyone knows that the best doctors around are here in Sincostan! We just need a couple of days and then we'll be on our way." If she weren't speaking I would not have known that that was Wren.

There was a moment when the guard was mulling over allowing us entry that I started to get nervous. "You're allowed to enter. Please wait a moment as we signal for the gates to rise."

"Thank you, may the Gods bless you both!" The men stepped away to make the signal and resume their original positions.

"I never really pegged you for being the religious type." I inquired.

Wren adjusted her shawl and began to quickly braid her hair. "Your assumption is correct. The Gods have only harmed me so I have no reason to follow them." She made a final adjustment and strode off before I could say anything back. Wren's definitely an unconventional woman. To be so bold as to not be a faithful follower of the Gods as well as to say so aloud without hesitation? She's definitely something.

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