I Want More [Chapter Five Part Eight]

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Everyone was shouting to the point that I could only hear arbitrary words and phrases. Overall, the entire conversation was a mess. There were three grown men surrounding myself and Atticus. I stepped forward to aid Atticus but he turned around giving me a fierce glare of rage. "Vaughn, don't you dare take a step closer. This is my fight."

The way he looked at me...I couldn't even speak. I only nodded stepping back towards the wall behind me. My hands touched the rough surface of the uneven masonry. "Be careful." I croaked and at that moment Atticus lunged forward connecting the first guy's nose with his fist.

"Fuck!" The first guy stumbled back holding his nose as blood shot out of it. The other two guys looked at Atticus stunned. "Well don't just stand there!" He gargled, spitting out blood. "Get him!"

The two lackeys came at Atticus with their fists high. The third guy was about to hit Atticus when he swiftly moved aside and redirected the fist so that the guy would continue rushing forwards past him.

The second guy roared as he rushed towards Atticus and just as his fist was about to touch Atticus's chest he evaded. Using the moment of the man's rush Atticus grabbed his wrist, twisting it, as he moved behind the man. He jerked the arm up brutally until an audible pop rang out. The man screamed in agony as he fell to his knees. Atticus still holding the guy's arm pushed his heel down on the man's back.

I saw the man give one final yelp as he fell to the ground eyes rolling back.

"Atticus!" I yelped as the other man swung back at him. He flipped open a switchblade and swiped at Atticus. I could tell that he didn't move out of the blood-circle in time. Blood was pouring down his cheek. He quickly disarmed the man and threw the knife away from us.

He then proceeded to have hand-to-hand combat with the second man. Occasionally the other man would get a good punch in but Atticus would not give our adversaries any more ground. Without any warning, Atticus roundhouse kicked the second man to the floor. The man was snuffed out like a candle.

Atticus spit some blood on the fallen man and turned to the only man still standing. "You're next."

"I-I think you made your point man!" The man stammered stepping back. "I-I think we're good!"

Atticus crackled his bloody knuckles. "And I think I haven't finished making my point." The next moment went by fast. Atticus only had to curve a punch on the man's left cheek to make him fall in defeat.

I took a step forward now that the fight was over and Atticus whipped around and began come towards me. "I told you not to move."

"I'm sorry," I gulped. As Atticus came towards me he still had that savage animal glint in his eyes. I looked towards the bodies strewn across the street. What happened? Am I next? My heart began to thump hard as Atticus surrounded me pressing my body against the wall. He trapped me putting one hand beside my head on the wall and the other beside my waist.

He slowly moved his head forward so he could whisper in my ear. His bottom lip pressed lightly against my ear. "You're mine and no one else's, Vaughn." He growled causing the hairs on my neck to rise and my breath to hitch.

Pulling back, he gazed into my almond brown eyes. He stayed in place just looking at me as my hand shakily caressed his cheek. The slash was already clotting I thought as I ran my thumb across Atticus's cheek taking off some excess blood.

"Vaughn," Atticus sighed. "Give us what we want." His expression softened along with his voice.

"I can do that." I wrapped my other hand around his neck and pulled him towards me. When our lips touched together it felt magnetic. Like our lips were made for one another. My lips were pressing hard against his as we kissed. There was a slight metallic taste to his lips but I ignored it focusing on Atticus. His tongue swiped my lower lip and I opened my mouth granting him access.

His kiss was too much for me. My knees began to grow weak when he shifted his leg between mine so I couldn't move. The last thing I remembered was that once he finally separated his lips from mine I let out one last breathless sentence. "I want more."

Hi everyone! I just want y'all to know that this is one of my favorite scenes! Also,today's my birthday but I'd like to make a birthday shoutout to Alex Wolfen, the illustrator of the series! Her birthday just passed and she is just one of the most amazing and talented people that I've met. Alex, you are the bomb.com! This story would not be where it is without your support. Love ya sweetie and I hope your birthday was awesome!

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