To Learn a Little More About You [Chapter Three Part Eight]

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"That's insane!" I gasped after I ate my last bite of the food. "My mother took down three men!"

"Two technically, but props to her still." Atticus nodded in approval.

Bruno began to take the empty plates and walked towards the kitchen to clean them up. "She really was something." Tita giggled.

I made a slight frown. "But that doesn't even sound like my mother, to be honest. She'd never hurt a fly."

"Think of it like this," Tita leaned towards us. "Motherhood changes a woman. Sometimes not by much and other times it completely eclipses you. She probably adjusted herself to be the best mother that she could be for you and your brother."

I felt the now familiar tug in my chest and I pressed my fist against it. "Yeah." I muttered.

"Would you mind telling me a little bit about what became of Mina and Kurt?" I gazed at Tita and knew that I had to tell her all I could about my parents. Even though I felt this gnawing feeling of homesickness. Even though I knew my voice was going to crack. I had to tell her. I may not have seen my mother for a little while but they haven't seen her in years.

"Of course," I croaked and gave a shaky smile. "I'll tell you about the best parents in the world."

For a couple of hours, I told Tita and Bruno everything I could tell about my parents. I told them about how my parents fell in love traveling together and how they had us and then raised us back in our village. It was quite bittersweet to be talking about them in past tense. It almost made me feel like I'm casting them aside into the depths of my past. I'd smile as I told them some of the fun times when I was little, the funny jokes that my dad always told, but every time I told a story I felt a tightness in my chest. My heart felt heavier and heavier.

"Well Peaches, Vaughn, Atticus," Bruno yawned and stood up once I finished another anecdote of what once was. "We should all hit the hay so that tomorrow can be a productive day."

"Yes," Tita turned back towards me. "I want to tell you a little of the adventures that I had with your parents." She stood up. "Oh, and you still owe us an explanation for leaving home."

"Of course!" I nodded as I stood up. "I'll make sure to tell you tomorrow."

"Good night guys." With that Bruno and Tita left to go to their room leaving me and Atticus alone in the common room. We switched back into our undergarments and sat on our respective rugs.

"Atticus," I whispered and turned towards him. His gray colored eyes held flakes of shimmering orange and red from the chimney fire beside him. Shadows played across his face as the fire slow danced in a slow waltz.

"Yeah?" He whispered back at me. Legs crossed he leaned towards me.

Hugging my knees to my chest I gazed at him. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"You probably felt awkward listening to just about my family."

"It's fine, they're allowing us to lodge in their home. I also got to learn more about you. It's good to know who you're traveling with." Thank goodness for the dim lighting because he would have seen my flushed cheeks.

"Oh. Yeah. Umm," I scrambled to say something to fill the silence that followed the words that he spoke. "Can you tell me a little about your family?"

"What would you like to know?"

" it just you and your father? I only know about him, to be honest."

That tends to happen with my family being that my father was previously a chosen one." Atticus straightened up as he shook his head. "My family includes my father, mother, and two older brothers: Walter and Derrick."

"That's so fascinating!" I squeaked. "I never knew that. Granted I never really left my family's shop much."

"Yeah," He leaned back and turned his gaze towards the fire. "My mother is a rather quiet and content woman who sometimes volunteers to help educate the young." His expression began to darken as he continued to speak. "My brothers are a couple years older than me and they chose not to be hunters like my family lineage." He visibly began to tense up before me. "It is getting late, we should get some rest for tomorrow."

There was something there lurking beneath the surface but for now, it looks like it'd be best not to fester with the topic. "Okay, but one more thing."

His eyes locked onto mine. "Yeah?"

"Are you feeling better now, health-wise?"

"Yes," He loosened up slightly. "Thank you for your concern...and thanks again for taking care of me."

"No problem Atticus, good night."

"Good night."


Me: I should study and be proactive.

*Plays with my cat instead*

^^^^ My life.


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