Prelude to the Nightmare [Chapter Nine Part Four]

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My lower lip trembling, I ran away from the scene not wanting to cause any more trouble for the woman. Breathing jagged I sprinted far away back to what I felt was the direction of Wren's hideout.

A good amount of time had passed before I reached Wren's hideout. Finally coming to the back entrance I was about to knock on the door when it flung open. A hand flung out towards me, grabbing a fistful of my poncho, and pulled me in. Shutting the door behind her she slammed me against the wall. "Where were you? Why did it take you so long to come back? Do you know just walking around so casually could blow our cover?"

Lips quivering, I couldn't speak; it was as if my mind had shut down. "I-I-I-" Then it happened, I just started bawling. All of my emotions caught up with me. From feeling betrayed and violated by Alfred to feeling sorry for Amy and her mother who wouldn't believe the truth in a stranger's words. The frustration and helplessness that I felt from not being able to help Atticus. Putting him in harm's way. The fear of what this journey has been leading me towards. It all came swarming and went loose.

"What's going on?" Fátima rushed into the room.

"He just started breaking down." Wren shrugged putting one hand on her waist. "That's why I have to go."

"What happens to them is not our problem though! We have our own issues to handle! Just because he can't cope with everything doesn't mean you should go with them."

"So you want the fate of those three innocents to be in the hands of this emotional mess," Through tear covered eyes I could barely see her pointing at me. "and the cripple in the other room that's covered in burn marks and scars. That's hardly reasonable. We have contacts in Port Lundy, the transport will be swift."

"You don't have the right to make those kinds of decisions Wren!"

"Sampson's gone and when he left he appointed ME to be the leader of this group now!"

"Yes, YOU'RE the leader!" Fátima hissed. Turning towards me Wren yanked me up off the ground. Glaring her in the eyes, Fátima stomped by me exiting the room. "We'll discuss this in detail later with the others." Walking me back to my room she dropped me on the chair beside Atticus. "Sleep, dinner will be ready later. Stay here till then." Closing the door shut I sat in the empty room with Atticus.

In the candlelight, I could see that he wasn't faring too well. His head had beads of sweat and as I turned his hands over I also noted that they were blistering too. It was an expected but grotesque sight. Sniffling, I took the damp cloth that was on his forehead and wrung it in the water bucket beside his bed. I tenderly wiped his face clean with the cloth.

You want the fate of those three innocents to be in the hands of THIS emotional mess?

"It's true though," I said aloud to no one in particular. "How could I take care of them? How could I take care of Atticus in this state?" Dunking the cloth in the water bucket, I wrung a little water out and neatly placed it on his forehead. Pulling the seat closer I put my head down on the side of his bed.

I just need someone to be close to me right now. Closing my eyes I began to count backward and forward at the pace of my breath. Before long, I let go and allowed my unconsciousness to manifest.

Stranger SpiritsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora