Keep Working and You May Get a Reward [Chapter Three Part Six]

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I don't even want to know how long it took but eventually, I completed the task. To be honest, I feel like Bruno hasn't cleaned the stalls and was just waiting to get someone to do the labor for him...but I guess it's fine. At least I'm done with that task.

Stepping outside I walked over to the lake and scrubbed my hands clean. Shaking the water off my hands I walked over to Bruno who was speaking to Atticus by the back door.

"All done with the stable?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good." With that, he turned and we trailed behind him until we reached a roped off area with a huge fallen tree in the middle of it. Attached to it was a sturdy looking ax. With age, it began to show specks of rust on it but it still showed potential to cut anything that meets its path.

"Brawny boy," I stepped forward and was stopped by Bruno's hand. "Vaughn," He clicked his tongue and bent down so that we were eye level. "I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but my right pinky has more muscle than you." He turned towards Atticus as my jaw hung in disbelief and beckoned him to follow along deeper into the closed off area. Putting his foot on the trunk of the dismembered tree Bruno pulled out the ax and handed it to Atticus. "You're on wood chopping duty. Get as much done as possible. Start with the branches and then finish of the trunk of the tree. I fucking hate doing this."

"Yes, sir!" Atticus waited until after Bruno stepped out of the closed off area to start chopping away at the wood.

"Vaughn, you're on harvesting duty." He shook my hair encouragingly. "Don't worry, your job is just as important.

We walked over to the garden and he rolled up his sleeves. "Come here." I followed him and we both bent down on our knees looking at a green ball of leaves. "For plants like this you peel off the leaves, we can eat that, leave the small inner leaves in place so that they can grow again." He placed a cloth on the ground. "Place the leaves that you pick on the cloth."

With Bruno's guidance, I harvested that row of plants. Crouching beside him I got to get a good look at his amber eyes. They had interesting flecks of brown in them almost like how a fruit has tiny seeds scattered around in them. "Do you and Tita have any children?"

"Nope." He guided me to the next set of plants and instructed me on how to harvest them properly.

"How come?" I began to pick the vegetables.

"Peaches never wanted any so we never tried. It's not within my code of ethics to make a woman do something that she don't want."

That's so sweet yet sad. A bitter-sweet smile spread across my face. "I'm sorry to bring it up then. You just seem like you'd make a great father. You've been tolerant, teaching me how to do these tasks today."

Ears reddening, he opened his mouth but didn't say anything at first. "It's alright." He scratched his cheek. "My horses are my kids anyway. Shiloh may be prideful and Pete may be an attention hog but they're good to have around."

We continued to have some small chat while I went through the rows of vegetables. Before long we were finished and we walked towards Atticus who was hacking away at the wood.

"Atticus," Bruno called over. "We're done for the day."

Atticus made a downward swing to hold the ax in the wood. He turned towards us and I noticed that he had unbuttoned a couple buttons and rolled up his sleeves for the work. He wiped his forehead with his arm to prevent any droplets from stinging his eyes. "Are you sure? I can keep on going."

"Boy, I could hear you huffing and puffing all the way from the garden. You're as good as done for the day now get." Bruno flicked his wrist and Atticus came towards us. "Let's go see how far my wife is with making dinner."

We walked into the common area to see Tita chopping up some fruits and vegetables. "Bruno, pass me the bishkina that you harvested."

"Sure thing Peaches." He passed her the vegetable and after rubbing away the dirt using a wet cloth.

"So, I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"

"The bad." Bruno and Atticus said at the same time and looked at each other.

Once Tita felt that the bishkina was clean enough she began to chop it up not looking at the men before her. "It's going to take me at least another day until I finish fixing y'all's clothing."

"That's fine," Atticus nodded at my response. "What about the good news?"

"There's actually quite a bit of good." Tita pushed the chopped food into a huge bowl of other plants and began to mix by hand. "The extra day would be good for Atticus because it will give him more time to recuperate, we can also use an extra set of hands so Vaughn helping around will be good, and it also gives me more time to find out what happened to my maiden of honor."

"Maiden of honor?" I cocked my head sideways.

"Yes, your parents and another man officiated our wedding. I'd love to know what became of them since their departure." She gestured at the small table and we all took a seat as she set the food on the table.

"Only after you tell us how they helped you get married." I smiled as she sat down.

"Of course," She lifted up her fork. "So, this is what happened."


Happy New Year everyone! I, by a mistake, posted the webcomic a day early so I decided to post the actual story a day early too. #KeepItConsistent

Do you have a resolution for 2018? My goal is to complete the first draft of Stranger Spirits so I can begin editing and adding extra parts.


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