It Was Not Done In Vain [Chapter Six Part Seven]

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Wondering if this is what my parents saw, I took a moment to just look around and take in everything. I turned to Atticus, was this feeling what my parents felt?

After the feast the town spent the rest of the day cleaning up and finalizing preparations. The suns were well on their descent into the horizon and it almost appeared like they were coming together as everyone migrated towards a clearing by the river and we all helped build a massive bonfire pit.

The same men from earlier brought their drums and formed a ring-like barrier around the fire. "My people!" Murpheous raised his hand to catch everyone's attention. He stepped forward passed the drummers into the unoccupied space. "I would like to personally thank Atticus and Vaughn for saving my daughter in her moment of need. Like the young woman who helped Nicoli they did not have any obligation; but from the goodness of their hearts, they helped someone in need. For this, I want to allow them the honor of being the first to perform the dance of fire!" Atticus gave me a fearful look as the villagers hooted and hollered.

"Fire dance?" Atticus gave me a worried look.

"Just dance around the fire; it's nothing grand, but it's a tradition of these townsfolk," Alfred whispered to us.

Before I could actually process everything I stepped forward face flushed. "I'll go first." The crowd roared as Luna walked towards me with a torch.

"As you dance around the fire pit you will throw the torch igniting the grand flame. The embers and ashes will rise to go to Nicoli, the God of these lands." She handed me the torch and raised her fist. Drums began to play all around us, the vibrations reverberating in my chest.

I gave one last look at Atticus and Alfred. "Wish me luck!" Before I could get a response from either of them I pushed myself off towards the pit. As I got closer to it I saw some of the wooden sculptures hidden with the regular firewood.

The townspeople began to clap their hands along with the drums and I was swept into the moment. I felt the connection between these people and the God that they worshipped similarly to how I used to feel celebrating the Winter Solstice with my family. I swayed before the pit raising the torch high above my head twirling around in a couple of circles.

With the beat of the drums leading the way, every thought in my head began to fade away until the only thing I was able to notice was the steady pounding of the drums. I heard them go along. I felt them in my pulse. I continued to pirouette and sway my way around the fire when I finally reached back to my starting point.

I threw the torch into the fire and ran towards Atticus. Once I got to him I grabbed him by both arms pulling him towards the fire. "Come on Atticus!"

Atticus' face turned a light shade of rose as he shook his head. "I don't dance."

I smirked, "Tonight you will!" With little resistance, I pulled Atticus forward grabbing his other arm for support when he almost tripped over.

"I told you I'm not good at this!" Atticus huffed trying to keep up with me.

"You're doing fine!" I glided away from him allowing my fingertips to graze upon his arms and hands before I brought them up to the sky. "Fellow villagers!" I raised my hand. "Join us in celebration!" The entire crowd roared and many people came forward to dance around the fire with us.

I took some time to dance a little with everyone. Atticus danced with Luna for a little bit before eventually moving over to where the drummers were. Joining them allowed one of the drummers an opportunity to take a break and dance with his pregnant wife.

The night moved along well. Similar to the daytime, there were five moons in the sky. An aura of pure energy created by the moonlight filled the calm night sky. The sky was mostly a dark blue with some stars freckled across the sky. The people continued to dance but by midnight Atticus, Alfred, and I decided that it was about time to head back to the brothel and get some sleep since we'd be traveling the following morning.

Atticus and I had finally settled into bed when he turned to his side to face me propping his head upon his hand.


I yawned looking at him. "Yeah?" I adjusted my part of the covers to make myself more comfortable.

"Last night I had an odd dream. I was standing on a pool of water. It felt wet and for some reason my body wouldn't fall through. The partly cloudy sky reflected perfectly in the water but as I walked about the floor began to ripple with my footsteps." I nodded but he could tell my attention was waning from drowsiness. "Okay, so there were these repeated flashes of light and I heard a voice telling me that I was on the right path."

"Really?!" I perked up getting a sudden rush of energy. "And you believe it's the Gods telling you this?"

"Of course, it's right before the Festival of Five and it told me specifically that going with you on this journey is what was intended."

Without thinking, I leaned over hugging him tightly. My hands grasping his exposed back. "I-I knew that something good was going to come up. I'm so glad that this...this was not in vain."

"Me too." Atticus's quiet whisper trailed goosebumps over my neck. After what felt like a couple moments, I slowly parted away from him. My hands softly trailing his body before they came back towards mine.

"We should go to bed then." I began to squirm back a little to give him some space.

"Yeah," He seemed a little dazed. "We'll make tomorrow a productive day."

"Good night Atticus." I rested my head on my pillow.

"Good night Vaughn." It took me a moment to calm down but within minutes I fell asleep.


Oh goodness, guys! Sorry for the late post, my bf was in town and I got distracted! That's a wrap on chapter six. Y'all are catching up! I swear I will try to stay ahead of the updates but it may prove to be a tough challenge! Hope y'all are having a great summer so far! -Ryan

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