Fergle Tree Roots [Chapter Five Part Three]

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Once Charlotte and Atticus were gone Dr. Albert proceeded to sit where Charlotte was. He scooted his chair closer to me and dipped his spoon into the soup.

"Vaughn, I need to check and make sure you are completely alright. As you may know, you sustained an injury to your head. Due to this, I will need to ask you a couple of inquiries." He slowly brought the spoon towards my face. "I will also need you to have some of this. The herbs we had rubbed onto you earlier have a slight side-effect of paralysis. It will take you a couple of days to fully regain mobility."

My heart stopped for a moment but with no other choice I opened my mouth and ingested the food. It tasted like dirt. "What's in this?"

"Fergle tree roots and mashed vegetables. I'm going to ask you a couple of questions just to make sure there aren't any issues with your memory." He cleared his throat and straightened his back as he gave me another spoonful. "What's your name."

"My name is Vaughn Tenderfoot." He rewarded my answer with another spoonful.

Serving me some more food her continued pressing on. "Who brought you here to this town?"

"Atticus did, he carried my unconscious body to town."

"Do you know how you came to be unconscious?"

"Yes, I was hit by a bandit."

"Who was that young lady just now?"

"Charlotte, she's your assistant Dr. Alfred."

"Good," He paused to give me some time to relax as he gave me the rest of my soup.

"Where are you and Atticus from, Vaughn?"

"We are from the Patricot Mountains. We are of a relatively large tribe known as the Quidel. We follow the guidance of the Gods."

"Very interesting, it is only fabled that people are from those parts but every year another person comes from there." Alfred nodded. "Why are you both so far away from home?"

"Atticus was chosen by the Gods to fulfill a holy task. People like Atticus are chosen annually...and I am personally on my way to Ilcryst."

"Well, you are definitely closer!"

"Thank the Gods." I smiled. "Why does it take so long to recover from the herbal roots?"

"Well," Alfred cleared his throat. "We crushed up an ointment for you from highly potent roots. Due to this, it generally takes longer. The best thing to do is just drink lots of fluids and rest but if you want to get moving at a riskier, quicker, rate there is something we can do for you."

"What would that be?"

"We would need to massage your muscles to move the toxins around your body. As you drink more water it will dilute the toxins as we move them around your body. Overexertion during this time is ill-advised."

"Atticus and I will have to review our options because we need to continue traveling."

"Of course," Dr. Alfred stood up to leave the room. "By the way, you can call me Alfy. I prefer my patients calling me that rather than Dr. Alfred."

"Oh! Umm, well thank you Alfy."

"You're welcome Vaughn, have a good rest." He exited the room, after staring at the ceiling for a minute or so I fell asleep.
Sorry for the short post! I'll be back tomorrow with more! -Ryan

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