Why No One Likes You [Chapter One Part Four]

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An hour later we were at town center listening to Shikoba explain the Winter Solstice Ceremony in detail. He began by detailing how our ancestors fled our homeland because Mintu the God of Wisdom and Goodwill demanded of it. Nayeli the Goddess of the Great Winds and Lightning led us to our mountains. Katiuska the Goddess of Pathways and Change told us to stay there and be protected from dark spirits.

The Gods then decided that since we were such obedient followers, every year until the end of time we will be given an opportunity to achieve greatness. A mark on the face of history. A leader will rise amongst our villagers to carry out a deed of the Gods. The deed can either be complete in our mountains or outside in the tainted world around us. All we will know is if we're chosen the Gods will communicate with us on what they want us to do on their terms.

"If no one has any other questions then that will conclude our meeting. Everyone is dismissed." At that point, everyone began to move around. I waited for everyone else to leave the town center so I can walk home in peace and quiet."

"Vaughn." I snapped out of my daze to see the five elders standing before me."

"Good eve-" I gave a slight bow.

"Come with us." Shikoba cut me off. Without saying anything else the elders walked away and I had no other choice than to catch up and follow them. Once we were in an isolated area they all spread out in a "U" formation around me.

Whenever I get nervous I began to feel a little light headed. A cool night breeze brushed passed me giving me goosebumps as the dizzying feeling began to increase.

"Will you be participating in the Winter Solstice Ceremony?" His piercing green eyes analyzed my every movement. I scratched my neck feeling anxious. Why is he asking ME of all people this?

"I-I don't think so." If looks could kill, then call me dead.

After a slight pause, Shikoba spoke through gritted teeth. "Of course, you wouldn't."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I clenched my fist. They were really rubbing me the wrong way.

Shikoba recovered his composure. "With all the trouble that you cause, you'd think that you would try to repay yourself to your community."

That's enough! My eyebrows furrowed. "What are you even talking about?" I raked my hands through my hair exasperatedly. "I go to service every week. I always greet you with kindness and respect yet you are all still rude to me!" This time I looked at the rest of the elders. Shikoba was not the only one who antagonized me. In their silence, they chose to alienate me as well. "What could I have possibly done to you all to make you not like me?"

Shikoba looked at the other elders and they nodded in approval. "You have brought an unknown specter to our village. It clings to you in a similar fashion to a symbiotic parasite. We pull it away from you but it just keeps coming back."

That was not an answer that I was expecting. "H-how can this be?" My head began to feel a little more doozy. "I've never-"

"If you leave the village then we can guarantee everyone else's safety." He paused and took a step towards me while I took a step away from him. "If you choose to not participate in the Winter Solstice Ceremony and choose to stay in our village then we will find another way to dispose of the issue that does not assure YOUR safety."

Without replying I fled from them. I didn't want to hear any more. How dare they blatantly threaten me over something I cannot control?! I stopped and shivered for a moment alone in the middle of town. Is it watching me now? Why does it want me? Does it want to possess me or kill me? Why is this even happening?!

I looked around to see two men, one older and the other youthful, speaking to each other beside a building. The younger man was Atticus and the older man was probably his father since they looked so similar. Atticus looked just like his father except where Atticus's hair was all black his father had salt and pepper black hair and a weathered body. You could see that the man has fought a lot of battles. Although I couldn't see his face because he was turned away from me I knew he had a stern look that his son also inherited.

"His father is probably giving him a pep talk," I muttered to myself. "I guess we can all use one right about now." With a final huff, I ran home. The wind that pushed against me felt like thin needles cutting through me. I just want to be in my room away from the rest of the world.


I hope you all liked this update! At this point, we are now opening up to the full plot and the story will begin to move faster!

I know it's still early in the game but what do you all think is gonna happen? Lemme know in the comments!

Have a stellar day/evening!


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