Kaleidoscope Skies [Chapter Six Part Six]

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I woke up panting eyes shooting wide open. I rose out of bed groggily raking my hair back from my sweaty forehead.

"Did you have a weird dream too?" Atticus put my hand on my shoulder and I turned towards him. Even in the dim lighting of dozens of candles Atticus still looked effortlessly alluring. The red bed sheet carelessly cascaded off his body allowing me a moment to glimpse at his torso. His chest had a light amount of hair on it and he had well defined muscles from all of the physical labor that he's tasked with. His abdomen showed light signs of muscular tone. If he worked just a little bit harder the muscles would really be defined though I'd prefer them as they are.

Looking back up at his face I muttered that I did have an odd dream though it was only a little bit like the previous ones. Atticus hopped off of the bed and I sneaked some glances as he shrugged his clothing back on.

Atticus waited for me as I got dressed. I turned towards him and bursted out laughing. "What?" Atticus smiled.

I walked towards him chuckling. "Your hair is so disheveled." I picked at his hair so that it looked presentable. "There, as the hero of the Gods should look!"

"Thank you Vaughn," Atticus patted my shoulder as we stepped out of the suite. "I wonder what today will bring us." He mused as we walked along the halls of the brothel. Once we finally reached the front door he paused grazing one of his hands on the door. "Are you ready to see the Festival of Five?"

I took in a deep breath puffing out my chest. "No, but let's do this!" He opened the door and the brightness poured into the brothel. I shielded my eyes allowing my eyes to adjust.

What I saw...the sight before me...it was awe-inspiring. Rising in the sky were five suns. Their rays scattered across the sky like an artist flicking paint on a canvas. It was as if we were peering at the sky through a kaleidoscope. Clouds flickered across the sky in such a dazzling fashion that it almost made me dizzy. Before I knew it two tears ran down my cheeks.

"Vaughn, what's wrong?" Atticus placed his hand on my shoulder and I turned to him.

I wiped the tears away and smiled. "I honestly thought that I was going to be a merchant for the rest of my life. Raised to work the shop and I then I'd just die in the shop alone." My voice shook. "I never thought I'd get to see anything beyond our town's borders much less where my parents fell in love." I probably looked like an utter mess to anyone that looked our way. "I'm sorry!" I tried to laugh off the moment.

Atticus brought his hand up to my head ruffling my hair and my heart. "Well you're here. I want you to fully embrace it."

"Yes, I will." I wiped my face but my eyes were probably still a little bloodshot. "I'm all good now." We walked towards a long table that stretched across town. Food was on every plate and people were already beginning to take seats.

"Atticus, Vaughn! Join us!" Alfred threw up his hand near the head of the table. There was a large drum beside the head. I sat in between Atticus and Alfred adjusting myself to the seat when suddenly Murpheous began banging on the drum causing me to jump up in my seat. Alfred laughed as I began to hear more drums boom. I leaned back to see past Alfred when I noticed that going along the table were various men posted beside drums striking them in sync.

After a couple minutes of the men hitting their drums Murpheous slammed down on the drum one more time and not a single person striked again. The silence that followed created a ringing noise in my head.

"Everyone!" Murpheous boomed raising his hands up in the air. "Today we all come together as a family to thank the God Nicoli for his display of power and pity amongst us common folk." Murmurs of agreement occurred before he spoke again. "We make this feast and for the rest of the day we celebrate the God of our lands for he spared us. Feast my people, and remember that everything we see today and in the future is because of our gracious God!" Everyone cheered and began to feast on their food.

The villagers kept on talking to Atticus so I turned to speak to Alfred. He was digging into his food when I noticed he had somehow gotten some jelly on his shoulder.

"Alfred," I giggled placing my hand on his tricep. "You have some jelly on your shoulder!"

"Wait what?" He spoke with his mouth full further painting this image of a flustered man mid-meal. He tried to turn his head to see it but it was too close to his neck. Laughing at his hysterical expression I brought my hand towards his neck and quickly swiped the jelly off of his shirt.

"There you go." I flicked the jelly away from us and smiled at him.

Flustered at how he looked he thanked me with a quick nod and returned to his meal. I resumed eating my food as well. It was great to not have worry about anything and just relax. To have a warm meal and not have to prepare it. A moment of peace amongst everything that's been happening.


Hey y'all! My summer classes are a nightmare. <3 -Ryan

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