Hands That Graze [Chapter Five Part Five]

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Charlotte eventually left, thank the Gods, and Atticus came by a while later. We played catch up and I got to listen to him speak idle talk of his day and the tasks that he had to do around town.

"Knock knock!" Dr. Alfred came into the room and stood at the foot of the bed casually. "I have good news for the two of you." He turned towards Atticus. "Atticus, you told me earlier today that you and Vaughn were moving south towards Port Lundy, right?"

"Well, I just received word from my colleagues from Sincostan and they will be hosting a meeting within the next two weeks depending on how fast word got to me. Thus, I will be heading south as well. If you would like, you can ride in my horse-drawn wagon with me. The wagon will contain some items that I need for the get-together but there should be enough room for you two to rest. If you'll accept then we can leave first thing tomorrow morning."

Atticus crossed his arms in front of his chest and puffed. "Shouldn't Vaughn get some more rest first? It's only been a couple of days."

"He should be fine by tomorrow as long as he rests in the wagon during the daytime."

"I think we should go with him Atticus," He broke his gaze away from the doctor and faced me. "It will save us time and being with the doctor will be good too." He looked at me for a moment. "We need to get to Ilcryst as soon as possible."

"We do." He turned back towards the doctor. "And this won't be an inconvenience to you Alfred?"

"Of course not!" He smiled and waved Atticus off. "If anything, it'd relieve me of worry. Port Lundy is a couple of days travel from Sincostan but you'll get there faster than walking from here. I want you both to travel safely and these parts are known for having bandits."

"Fine," Atticus nodded. "Is there anything we need to do to prepare for this trip?"

"Quite a few things in fact. If you'll follow me we can complete preparations so we can leave town by dawn."

"Sounds like a plan. Vaughn, you'll be better soon. For now, just get some rest." Atticus spoke to me as Dr. Alfred led him out of the room.

"Good night Vaughn!" Dr. Alfred shouted as he left the room.

"Good night!" I called out to them but they were already gone.

The night swiftly moved along. I didn't have a dream or at the very least I didn't remember it once I opened my eyes. I unsteadily lifted myself up. I manually moved my legs to the side of the bed. I eventually pushed myself off the bed. I inched towards the chair nearby knees wobbling. I almost reached the chair when my legs gave out and I collapsed onto the floor taking the chair down with me.

"Fuck that hurt," I grumbled as I struggled to push myself off the floor.

The door slammed open and Atticus came rushing to my side. "VAUGHN! WHAT HAPPENED?" He asked worriedly as he crouched and lifted me up so I was on my knees.

"I just wanted to check and see if I could walk." I looked down avoiding eye contact with him. My eyes shifted momentarily to how his hand was rested on my waist.

Atticus let out a loud sigh catching back my attention. "You know you're a handful?"

"Well," I chuckled. "I'm two handfuls now."

Atticus let out a rich laugh. "Oh Gods, please don't change Vaughn." He helped me up to my feet. I wrapped my arm around his broad shoulder for support as he picked up the chair. He leaned down towards the chair softly setting me there as he got my clothing from underneath the bed.

"Let me help you get dressed." He said as he pulled his spare shirt over my head. When was I wearing his shirt?

I defensively covered my chest feeling incredibly self-conscious. "Excuse me? I can clothe myself you know!"

He snorted. "I doubt that. You weren't able to get passed the chair." He pried my hands away from my chest and lifted them up so he could put my shirt on me.

I looked down to see that I was also wearing Atticus' undergarments. "Why am I wearing your undergarments?"

"You needed to wear clean clothing Vaughn," Atticus answered in a matter of fact tone.

"Well, that makes sense." I gulped and nodded. "Did-umm-did you put them on me?"

"Of course not!" Atticus stammered. "I gave the clothing to Dr. Alfred and he handled you.

"That makes sense as well since he was taking care of me." I grew quiet as Atticus helped me into my poncho.

Atticus laid my pants in front of his feet. "I'm going to help you back onto your feet. Place each foot on the foot hole of your pants and put your arms around my shoulders. I won't let you fall."

"Okay," Atticus guided me towards him by pulling me by the elbows. My hands grazed upon his arms as they trailed up towards his broad shoulders. His body was so firm to the touch even though he was wearing clothing. He began to lower himself as he went down to pick up my pants and lift them up my waist. My hands shifted to his head so I could continue to support myself. I felt how soft his hair was as my hands weaved a crown in his hair.

He brought my pants up and momentarily had his hands on my waist. Goosebumps formed where his index finger involuntarily pushed up my shirt grazing my skin.


Here's the second post of the day! ToT I know, I'm such a chicken block but I didn't want to make this scene too long so I split it in two! -Ryan

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