The First Night [Chapter Two Part One]

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I kept on walking until the sun kissed the horizon. There was no way I could continue at this point with nothing to illuminate my way. I'd just be roaming in darkness. I began to look around for a good spot to sleep.

In the end, I decided to climb up a tree and sleep on a thick branch. I smacked the trunk to make sure it wasn't hollow so it seemed like a good tree to sleep on. As I climbed up the tree I felt each branch to find a thick one that was in good health. Once I hoisted myself onto one that was far enough from the ground, to prevent myself from falling off, I pulled some rope out of my bag and tied myself to the tree forcing me to hug the tree.

From up in the trees I could faintly see light coming from the distance. Spendule...right now they're in the middle of celebrating the Purification Ceremony. I clasped my hands together and tightened my grip. Stop. Breathe. I'm doing this for them. I'm doing this to protect them. Right now is when I can't waver. There is nothing stopping this apparition from coming to me. I need to be strong and defeat it or find a way to repel it without the shamans.

Where shall I go? I cannot go north. Beyond the mountains is a canyon filled path that is so steep, to even bother traveling through it is an act of suicide.

South along the sea's border. My father's words snapped me back into attention. I'll go south along the coast. Not much could have changed within the past twenty years so I can definitely travel around there until I find my first lead. I let my head fall lightly against the course base of the tree. "For now, I'll need rest." I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes and began to focus solely on my breathing.

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a smoke-filled room. There was a considerable amount of smoke but I could faintly look around the room. I think I was standing on a rug but I couldn't see its design properly with all the smoke. I noticed that the smoke had no particular scent to it as I took a step forward to see the faded outline of a glass window. There was a myriad of colors spewing from the different colored pieces of glass that made it up.

Hear me.

An eruption of goosebumps coursed down my side. I turned around to see nothing in the smoke. Not even the faint outline.

"Who's there?" I shouted but all I heard was my voice echo.






The voice would crescendo each time it repeated my name. I covered my ears but it kept getting louder until the sound it was making was too loud for me to handle. I sunk to my knees and dropped to the ground.


Oooh! :-D We are moving along strong! I know this update is short but I didn't want to cut mid-scene. Put comments and follow me for updates!


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