A Little Town Named Sancho [Chapter Six Part One]

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The next morning we rose with the sun and continued our journey south. Before the sun hit midpoint in the sky we reached a bustling little town by the name of Sancho. Alfred stayed behind by the carriage to tend the horses as Atticus and I walked to the marketplace. We had to walk a little slow since I was still using the walking stick I had whittled but it gave us an opportunity to really take in our surroundings.

There were were streamers and small flags decorated across the market area. The colors resembled different shades of fire. Although this town was maybe a little smaller than Aucilla, the population of its citizens seemed to condense in this area. I wouldn't blame them though; with a marketplace with such a myriad of items from fish to tools to toys one couldn't help but want to stay around and check everything out!

"Vaughn," Atticus brushed the back of his hand against my shoulder. I turned to see that he was standing really close to me. "Give me your hand."

"Excuse me?!" I blushed madly. He took my free hand and flipped it over dropping some coins onto the palm of my hand.

"Go buy a pack with this. That way you can carry some of our stuff while we travel to Port Lundy. I'm gonna wait here, okay?"

"Okay." Face flushed, I turned away and headed towards the nearest merchant.

"Good morning sir! Might I shows you some of world class jewels? They're imported from the far away lands of Jedunga! So rare! So beautiful! You can court any woman you please!" He hovered his hand over the merchandise and what he said seemed true. The various stones were a sight to behold.

"I'm sorry but I'm looking for a travel pack."

"We don't sell any here."

"Do you know where-" before I could finish my question the merchant was already hollering at another lad.

I continued to walk passed various vendors selling odd and interesting trinkets. Eventually I came across a merchant selling traveling packs. With enough coaxing I was able to purchase a pack with a few coins to spare! Chuckling I headed back to where Atticus and I had diverged.

I continued to stroll forward when I saw a crowd. I could hear worried murmurs from the crowd which caught my attention.

"Who's that young man in blue?"

"I don't know. Doesn't he know that Reggie isn't one to be trifled with?"

"Yeah, he and his band of ruffians are too strong!"

"Excuse me," I cut into their conversation. "What seems to be going on?"

The older woman raised a hand. "Some poor fool is about to be taught a lesson. Reggie, the leader of a local gang is about to square off with him. Don't believe me, see for yourself!" I stepped forward to see Atticus squaring off against a large brute while holding a little girl behind him.

"Atticus! What's going on?"

"Vaughn, no time to explain! Come get this girl!" I hobbled forward Atticus and the young girl. "Go on, he'll wait with you while I retrieve what was stolen from you."

"I'm counting on you!" The little girl ran towards me and we moved off to the side.

"Little girl, are you alright?"

The girl shot daggers with her emerald green eyes as she flipped her long black hair over her shoulder. "Excuse me Dawn but I am seven years old! I am NOT a little girl just simply A girl!" The little girl sure was a spitfire to say the least!

"Well, actually my name is Vaughn not Dawn. What's your name?"

The little girl absentmindedly waved her hand and she watch Atticus fight the man. "Sure Dawn, my name is Luna. I'm the only girl with that name in these parts, which makes me the best!" Though it also deems you the worst.

"Well, you're not exactly wrong!" I turned to focus my attention on Atticus's skirmish. He handled the other man in a very fluid manner. Dodging or effectively blocking the man's blows and coming back with precise strikes. While the crowd gasped and made noises as they watched the fight play out I couldn't help but hold my breath. All of the noises around me began to fade away and all I could hear was my heart thudding. I know that Atticus is excellent at hand-to-hand combat...but that doesn't wash away the fear that comes along with it.

Within a couple of minutes, he had the man pinned down to the ground with the man tapping the ground admitting defeat. Atticus, with his leg still pinning the older man looked back at me and gave me a slight smile. I could see that his hair was a little damp from exerting himself and his chest was moving from his slightly labored breathing.

The site cause a shiver to ripple through me causing me to I blush as I quickly moved my new pack in an attempt to cover my excitement. That's so foul of me...to feel this way outside the confines of home! The Gods must think that I'm a debauchee.

Atticus dug through the man's dusty pouch to pull out a pink pouch. Lifting it up high Luna ran towards him retrieving her stolen item. "Yay! Thank you!" Just as fast as she had gotten her money pouch she was already speeding away with it.


Hey everyone! I officially became a brother in my fraternity! Shout out to all of my newly initiated brothers! <3 Good luck with finals everyone!


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