Memories of the Distant Past [Chapter One Part Seven]

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Moments later the town meeting was concluded and an avalanche of people surrounded us. I felt a little claustrophobic so I nudged my way through the crowd leaving Atticus behind. They were there for him after all.

Once I finally peeled away from the crowd, I saw Jacob giving me a weird look. "What was that all about?" He jerked his thumb Atticus' way.

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Atticus came out of nowhere together. You two never hang out."

"Oh!" I showed Jacob my canteen. "We both had to fill our canteens."

"Okay," He sighed and we walked in silence home. "Well, I was right."

"About what?" The town was buzzing with activity at this point getting ready for the purification ceremony. I always liked this day. Everyone seemed to look and feel just a bit brighter than usual. The bakers would begin early now to sell their discounted sweets. The butchers were beginning to put spices on their meat so that the meat can sit in them. Everyone now had a little more to do but it was all worth it.

"About Atticus, someone like him would get chosen." He kicked a pebble and it flew away from us.

"If you didn't try to get picked then don't complain." And with that, we walked again in silence. If Jacob was not going to try out, then he shouldn't whine about not getting chosen. My mind began to drift away from reality and fall into the waves of my distant past.

"Tell me again the story of how you met!" I banged my hands against the dinner table making all the utensils rattle.

Mother just chuckled. She gave me one of the most beautiful looks that I will probably ever see as she placed her hand on her hip. "Why do you wanna hear it again?"

Jacob gave me an annoyed look as he slumped in his chair. "Seriously. Why?" He groaned.

"Everyone knows that dinner time is the time of the day where we tell stories!" I gave a goofy grin. "It's the best story in the world of course!"

"What did I do to deserve such a sweet boy!" Mother smothered me with kisses and I hooted as she tickled me. Mother looked at father. "Do you want me to tell the beginning this time or you?"

"You always tell the beginning better than me." Father winked.

Mother gave me one last peck on the cheek. "Okay, but you need to start serving the food." Mother smiled and gave one to Jacob as well. "It all started when a new progressive elder Shikoba joined the ranks after Elder Yori retired. As you both know, our village is very isolated here in the Patricot Mountains. He convinced everyone that it would be a good idea to begin communicating with the people outside of our mountains." My mother reminisced. "Being the youngest shaman ever it was quite impressive that he was able to convince the other elders to begin this program."

"Only a handful of us villagers chose to volunteer." My father bragged as he poured our food into our bowls and continued the story from there. "Your mother and I were chosen to head south along the sea border. We met so many new people and experienced so many different cultures."

"Don't forget to talk about the festival of five suns!" My ten-year-old-self began to get restless in my seat. Jacob, on the other hand, was sitting still more or less listening to the story.

"That's the best part son!" Father grinned. "We came upon a small town that invited us to join them in their celebration. In the area, there is a natural phenomenon where it looks like there are five suns, and then in the evening five moons, in the sky. Your mother pulled me to dance by the campfire and we fell in love under the moonlight."

"I wanna fall in love under the moonlight." I smiled a cheeky grin.

"You will sweetheart." Mother smiled causing little crow's-feet to form at the corner of her eyes. I didn't mention it because she gets mad when I point them out.

Once my father sat down at his end of the table mother continued telling the tale. "While we journeyed southeast we eloped and had you both. Since traveling with babies is quite dangerous we traveled back home immediately. Once we got home we told the elder all about our travels...unfortunately, they found it as a failure and it was discontinued."

As usual, I'd visibly show how displeased I was about this part. "And they never told you why it wasn't good?"

"No, but we were so preoccupied with the two of you that we wouldn't have been able to continue anyway." Mother ruffled my hair. "Sometimes though it is better that things are kept private. The elders know what's best for us. Though if I'm gonna be honest it would have been really fun for us all to travel around and see places outside of these mountains." Mother sat in her seat. "Now eat up before your porridge gets cold!" Everyone nodded in agreement and began digging into their food.


Little Vaughn is such a cutie! <3

In other news, I lost power starting last Sunday but I got power back on Friday of this week! My family, friends, pets, and I are all safe and sound! Besides a bunch of expired food, there were no damages to my home. So now that I've got things relatively back together I shall continue posting updates!

Have fun, be safe!


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